A couple other comments from last night that others may be interested in:
-- The scene where Tian is introducing himself to the kids is really wonderful. The kids are great little actors, and the cinematography (use of light, close-ups on faces, etc) was great, too.
-- The music in Ep 2 is so variable!!!! Several of the scenes are full of cringey GMM low-budget noise. Examples: the "eating spicy food" scene and the "Phu walks Tian home" scene. Really dislike that stuff. On the other hand, the background music changes abruptly when Phu is helping Tian hang the mosquito net.....the piano version of the theme song is lovely. And the piano+orchestra that plays in the background in the scene when Tian reflects on what he wants in his life is truly wonderful! That music absolutely MAKES that scene.
-- The line where Tian says he prefers to eat uncooked noodles struck me as truly bizarre. I mean, no one eats dried instant noodles from the package, do they? Other commentators last night said it could be a mistranslation -- that what he was likely to have said was "I prefer to eat less-cooked noodles," and that at least would be logical.