Hi All!

Here's our discussion thread for the 3rd episode, which kpoptrash will set up for joint viewing via Synctube. I believe that people can chat live during the viewing on Synctube but please do share observations and comments in this thread, as well, so that as many people as possible can participate. Thanks again to everyone in joining in on this rewatch: it's been great fun!


A quick heads up for the rewatch of the third episode on synctube:

Here you can find the link on how to start the subtitles on your phone or tablet on synctube: How to activate subtitles and change your username on Synctube - YouTube 

On computer using a browser though you are able to activate the subtitles the same way as on Youtube.
As the episode is split into four youtube videos you may have to activate the subtitles again on each video. After trying it out last week: Once you activate the subtitles on the first video the following videos will show them automatically. - If not, please just activate them again each video.

The video also shows how you can change your user name for the chat. Please use the same user name as the one you use here on MyDramaList so people can recognize the usernames they may have seen here before.

Also if you can, please use a computer/laptop for the rewatch on synctube. That way you can see the video on the left side of the display and the chat is on the right next to the video. This is the most convenient way. This may also work on a bigger tablet but when using the phone it can be a bit inconvenient and also too small, but it also works on the phone as you can see on the instruction video.

I will share the synctube link on Friday, around 8 pm Bankok time, so everyone has enough time to enter and change their username. I will start the episode at 08:30 pm Bankok time. Between 08:00 an 8:30 I will drop some of the OSTs of the series in the watch playlist so we have some nice music while waiting for the episode to start.

Have a great week and see you on Friday! :)

Hey, will be possible to join at 9 pm? I still be at work at 8:30, so I won't be able to join at that time.

 Dainora Petrauskaite:

Hey, will be possible to join at 9 pm? I still be at work at 8:30, so I won't be able to join at that time.

Yes you can join anytime but unfortunately you’ll miss 30 minutes of the episode then. 


Yes you can join anytime but unfortunately you’ll miss 30 minutes of the episode then. 

I know, but there's nothing I can do about it T.T Can't leave work earlier.

 Dainora Petrauskaite:

I know, but there's nothing I can do about it T.T Can't leave work earlier.

Dainora........I thought last week I would have the same problem, so I just rewatched the episode the day before, so it was fresh in my mind.   (In the end, I was able to participate in the whole synctube rewatch, but it was no problem watching again, and enjoying the various comments.......)


Dainora........I thought last week I would have the same problem, so I just rewatched the episode the day before, so it was fresh in my mind.   (In the end, I was able to participate in the whole synctube rewatch, but it was no problem watching again, and enjoying the various comments.......)

I rewatch ATOATS basically everyday, even for a little bit, it gives me good energy and helps me go through a day, I don't know, maybe it's stupid lol I don't have people around me to discuss about it, so I would love join the discussion and rewatch

 Dainora Petrauskaite:

I rewatch ATOATS basically everyday, even for a little bit, it gives me good energy and helps me go through a day, I don't know, maybe it's stupid lol I don't have people around me to discuss about it, so I would love join the discussion and rewatch

Same lol, i thought i was the only one. I rewatch it too almost everyday, still i really had fun watching and discussing it at the same time during the rewatch, it was a different viewing experience. I definitely enjoyed it it gives you a different perspective of other viewers so it was really fun. After rewatching it for the nth time, the feeling it gave me when i first watched it was still there and you see/observe other details you may have overseen before. See you all later ;)

Hey~ Hey~ It’s Friday again! Time for our rewatch party

Click down below to enter the rewatch for episode 3 on Synctube.

Before that don’t forget to check out how the subtitles work on the phone/small tablets and how to change your username, if you didn’t already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5GkdopVuGE&ab_channel=Sina 
On computer the subtitles just work the same way as on YouTube. 

If you can, please use a laptop/computer or a bigger tablet for the rewatch as it is the most convenient way to watch and chat at the same time. Phone does work, too though.

If you enter the Synctube room and it says “no video” you may have to use a different browser or disable Browser extensions like Ad Blocker.


- Please set your username as the one you use here on MyDramaList
- Don’t spam the chat and be nice to each other, please
- If you write something that could potentially be a spoiler please write “SPOILER” in front of your sentence

And last but not least – have fun. :)

Click here to enter >>>> https://sync-tube.de/rooms/EEE_UTTlw <<<<

Well the consensus of the rewatch party was that Ep 3 is one of the best.   Really special interactions Phu-Tian,  Tul-Tian, Nam-Tian, and Tian-villagers.      Beautiful night scenes when Tian is accepted into the village.   Amusing give-and-take between Phu and Tian as they needle each other.    Acting in this episode was top-class.  (In an opening scene, Tian is being told he has to get a heart transplant, and Mix does a wonderful job of looking totally lost.  And then later he is truly believable as the silly drunk trying to get Phu to smile.)   This is truly an episode for Mix fans.

Also the music (as ever) was excellent.   At one point there is a female vocalist singing of what makes belonging, and what makes home.   The lyrics are translated in the subtitles, which is excellent because they are super-meaningful and add greatly to the impact of the scene.

Personally, I am finding this production to be much more impressive on rewatch.  

I had great fun again today - please join again next week. :)

My thoughts on the episode 3:

- My heart ached a lot when Tian found out he needs a heart transplant. I myself would react the same as him. Feeling lost and shocked and horrible. I'm glad his family was with him at this point to comfort him.
- Again and as always: the bickering between Phu and Tian is making me smirk a lot.
- Phu saying the lines "If the word "teacher" puts too much pressure on you, you can just be a big brother to them" was really great advice imo. I thought here "Wow, that sometimes overly mean dude can also say something nice" haha
- My favorite scene of this episode (next to the blanket scene) is the one where Tian visits all the kids and tries to gain back their trust. This whole scene plus the music is just beautiful and cute.
- The staring between Phu and Tian becomes more intense now in episode 3, I get butterflies everytime.
- While the blanket scene was on there is this guitar song playing and we were wondering what the name of the song is, does anyone know? Couldn't find it in the playlist of ATOTS OSTs. But yeah that scene of them sharing the blanket is the cutest! All the flirting..
- Tian washing his shirt was hilarious, I remember my mom nagging a lot about me buying expensive stuff that has poor quality lol
- When Tian was dressing up for the get-together and they showed flashbacks of him dressing up at home was really nice. The transitions between those scenes were amazing.
- The way of torches Tian walked through was beautiful, it kinda has a romantic feeling to it. The whole village welcoming Tian with a party warmed my heart.
- And lastly drunk Tian and Phu scenes at the end were also lovely. Tian teaching Phu how to smile and then the Bonus scene of him saying he is a Pomeranian is so funny and cute. He really reminds me of a Pom haha

This episode was great as always. Can't wait for the next one. :)

Hi guys, another fun night rewatching with you guys. Here are my thoughts on Episode 3:

- I agree, the scene where he was diagnosed was so raw and so realistic. I would have reacted the same, lost, dazed and speechless. It was really good.

- I really like their little interaction, it shows how some small action from one really makes an impact on the other and makes them fall in love bit by bit. Chief with the snail scene and Tian with the swallowing pills scene, you see how slowly they view each other differently just by these short scenes.

- Tians character was really strong and inspiring, from the way he tried to get the villagers approval sincerely to not being swayed by the way he was coldly treated by them (the whole sequence was so good and the music as well). So Tian being accepted by the villagers by the end of the episode was so heartwarming, seeing him being accepted and appreciated was so satisfying. 

- The whole mosquito net scene was one of my fave scene from this episode, so wholesome and cute. Just 2 people talking and getting to know each other more, just that small touch was enough to make me all giddy. They're both, as they said, still threading the waters here and its so cute.

- Tian munching on that food like a puppy, no comments needed.

- The parallel of Tian wearing Longtae's shirt and wearing an expensive sweater was so good, you can see the difference of wearing the expensive shirt and still being unhappy to wearing a borrowed shirt and being happy and contented. 

- "Urban people want to see moonlight. Hill people want to see city lights. The grass is always greener on the other side" - so true, one of the best line in this episode.

- The serenading scene gave me a strong case of Last Song Syndrome, i love that song he sang and the incorporation of WIND and how they continued that with the future songs was really good. 

- This is also the first episode they used Earth's OST song and they timed it perfectly with the scene, i especially liked that they used an acapella/vocals only version so you can really appreciate Earth's voice and the lyrics.

Overall, i felt that the show was improving episode by episode. I love this and i have a lot of favorite scenes from this episode, i'm really looking forward to watching the future episodes with you guys. 

See you again next week.

I enjoyed the re-watch much more than the first time because I realize I actually missed a lot.

First of all, I had so much fun interacting with y⁸ou guys from all over the world. Thank you kpoptrash for setting this up for us, I love our little sound trip before the start of the episode and our excited reactions to each scenes. You guys are amazing!

dllmzca, we've missed you! Maybe you can you join us for Episode 4 which I'm def looking forward to next week.

Episode 3 is a stand out. Lots of memorable and moving scenes.
I'm pretty sure sentiments are similar but I'm writing my views at the risk of sounding redundant

-The opening with Dr. Kit discussing Tian's diagnosis which perfectly captured his expression as if his world is falling apart. It hurt to watch how devastated he was in the succeeding crying scene. Mix was owning it like a seasoned actor.
-Tian's earnest determination to win over not just the kids but the villagers. It must have taken a huge amount of humility for this former rich boy to approach them one by one. He maybe a brat  with a sheltered upbringing but he's not out of touch with reality and knew how important it was to level with them which punctuates how good of a person he is.
-Chief Phupha and Tian tango flirting the entire episode is worth a thousand screams. Here we see the chief started to look at him differently from his initial assessment that he's a brat.
Men can learn several tricks from the Phupha book of flirting because his moves are slick and smooth like butter. Every time their eyes meet, they seem to mesmerize each other and the connection is instant.  I didn't want that mosquito net scene to end it was so good. I also melted when Chief Phupha serenaded Tian. Love is in the air and it's almost tangible.
-So many memorable lines in this episode.
"If the word teacher puts pressure on you, you can be a brother to them"
"I'm not your wife"
"Where we feel safe and happy, we are home" which harks back to Torfun's feelings about Pha Pun Dao
"I couldn't find someone I'm fond yet but almost." Chief being passive aggressive and being fearless about what he feels.

-The heartwarming welcome ceremony. Tian had no expectations he'd be accepted with open arms so when it happened, it truly tugged a lot of heartstrings
-The musical score of this series is world class, perfectly timed to help you transition from one emotion to another not to mention it truly fits the overall theme of the series. I love the instrumentals. "Eyes Can't Lie" is a personal favorite while "Your Cheeks Are Rosier Than Anyone Else" always invokes a feeling of melancholy and longing every time I listen. I do hope we find the instrumental during the sleep over scene, Dainora. I'd love to know what it is too and hopefully will be added to the playlist.
-And the biggest surprise of all for me is the after credit sequence I missed the first time which was the bantering between the giant black dog and the pom. My heart has stopped beating by the time it ended.

Cancelling my plans to watch Tonhon Chonlatee. Thank you guys for warning me esp Brave!

- This is also the first episode they used Earth's OST song and they timed it perfectly with the scene, i especially liked that they used an acapella/vocals only version so you can really appreciate Earth's voice and the lyrics.

Wah!   I totally missed that Earth was doing some singing.   Which scene is that (what is happening in the scene), so I can go back and find it?


Wah!   I totally missed that Earth was doing some singing.   Which scene is that (what is happening in the scene), so I can go back and find it?

The last scene/extra scene where Phupha was walking/helping Tian home cos he was drunk ? when they locked eyes and then the song titled “Eyes can’t lie” started playing, it was perfect. The lyrics and his voice was really emphasized here. I just like that the song started with no instrument, so good ♥️