That was Earth singing?    I had no idea.   He sings it in a rather high-pitched, almost falsetto voice that doesn't sound anything like his speaking voice.

But anyway, I do agree that the song/lyrics at that point were perfect!!


That was Earth singing?    I had no idea.   He sings it in a rather high-pitched, almost falsetto voice that doesn't sound anything like his speaking voice.

But anyway, I do agree that the song/lyrics at that point were perfect!!

Yes, i believe so (do correct me if im wrong though) because after this episode they released Earth’s OST music video. Here’s the link : 


I really love this episode.  The acting is just perfect from everyone involved, especially the children.  Even Skarda’s gangsters are played really well.

I just wanted to say the script is just excellent.  Most screenplays are never as good as the novel, mostly because the writers/directors are more vested in the bottom line than the characters or plotlines.  90 percent of the time the novel is way better than the screenplay in my opinion, but that is not at all the case with ATOTS.  P’Aof is doing a fantastic job here. 

 I like the scene where there are no kids in the school and Tian has to go out and win them over in order to teach them.  This is such a good point of development for Tian, where he makes his journey to being a better person.  I also thought it was interesting to think how schools in developed countries have a relatively tough enforcement mechanism to get kids to attend schools.  Here, the teacher has to go out and get the kids interested in school and his personal teaching style.  I actually think there is some merit in that system.  ATOTS always makes you judge the villagers and their way of life in a sympathetic light.  The shaman in the other scene is not just a kook, but has real spiritual powers (note his accurate palm reading of Tian) and Nam even says he just has a different way of dealing with medicine/healing.

The scene with Tian and Skarda’s gangsters was very well done.  Tian was doing a lot of good things for being a spoiled rich brat, like going out to visit the kids to get them back to school, and helping the villagers with the cheating produce merchants.  It would be harder for him than most of us to see that his good actions had such bad consequences.  You really have to feel sympathetic for him because he’s going to have to struggle even harder to take the right path when the villagers get angry with him.  Phupha does it right here.  He yells at Tian, but later consoles him.  From the beginning it is actually Phupha who is Tian’s main support, that makes him grow and makes sure he doesn’t stray too far. 

I like how P’Aof makes use of the formal introduction of Tian to the village.  In the novel, it’s just a thing that adds color to the novel by highlighting the customs of the Akha people, but here it is used as much for a way to forgive Tian for the possible damage he did to the village.  This is where P’Aof helps bring out Khama as the wise village elder who is also a very compassionate person.  Khama is seen as the heart of the village and I think that is just such a wonderful dynamic moving forward. 

As many have mentioned in previous posts, the music throughout this episode is just really great.  I always think of this show as a music drama - the most musical of all BL’s.  It’s never overdone either.  It is just so fitting everywhere it’s used – really a nearly perfect job here. 

Here's the latest installment.  I'm trying to keep up with the current episodes.  Have a nice week, everyone!

Chapter 9

Tian goes to the market with Phupha on his motorbike.  Phupha lurches forward to scare Tian.  Tian squeezes Phupha tightly in retaliation and makes him grimace.  Both reflect on how bad the other would be for a future spouse.  They soon get to the marketplace where they are greeted by Dr. Wasan (Nam).  Tian notices that Dr. Nam and Phupha seem intimate and he gets a little jealous.  After squabbling for a while over what food to buy, they finally agree to all go to Tian’s place for dinner.  Phupha orders Tian to cook for them.  Wasan drives them back to Tian’s place and in the car drive over he tells Tian about a phone call Phupha got the day he arrived.  Wasan asks if he knew Phupha from before.  Tian thinks the call that Phupha received that day might have been from Tian’s father.  Phupha helps Tian prepare dinner but most of it ends up being burnt are very salty.  Every once in a while Tian suspects and gets jealous of a possible relationship between Wasan and Phupha.  After Phupha and Wasan leave for the night, Tian finds that Phupha has left him a new mosquito net.  He is unnaturally flushed with emotions after finding it.

The next day at school Tian asks the children to call him Phii (brother) instead of teacher.  He’s doing it more because he feels embarrassed being called a teacher – he feels he’s totally incompetent as a teacher.  Tian teaches them how to do simple math and as an incentive says he will give them a reward if they finish the lesson.  The children are very enthusiastic and hearing how they were getting a reward they start cheering.  The guards notice the noise and after spying on Tian for a while now start thinking he might actually make it for the whole 3 months (they all had side bets previously trying to guess how quickly he would leave).

End of Chapter 9

Chapter 10

The children are happy with Tian’s teaching.  He also passes out many rewards over the following days. 

Tian notices that Aiy hasn’t been around for a few days.  Mizu tells him that he’s helping in the fields since his father injured his back.  Tian reflects on how easy he had it as a child with plenty of food and toys.  Tian decides to teach the kids outdoors that day and teaches them various words as he goes through the village.  As they approach Mizu’s home Mizu points to where her parents are currently talking to the produce merchant.  Tian watches them weigh the tea and notices that they always underweigh the tea leaves on purpose.  Tian asks the man recording the numbers to show Tian his register.  The man angrily refuses saying Tian is not a seller and he has no right to look at the book.  The merchant threatens to call a law officer, but Tian demonstrates how when he puts a bag on the scale it is 1 kilo heavier than what the merchant is putting in the books.  Sakda hearing the commotion runs over.  Tian is busy counting the total number of bags and figures out that Sakda is underpaying the villagers by 2000 bahts.  Sakda threatens to sue Tian for libel, but Tian says he can take out his phone and take pictures of all the individual bags on the weight scale.  Mizu’s father looks embarrassed but his children translate for him and he realizes he is being cheated.  Tian demands that Sakda pay the additional 2000 bahts but Sakda, instead, has his men stomp on all the bags until they are worthless.  The villagers seeing their harvest being destroyed swarm to intervene and Tian, getting very angry, punches one of Sakda’s men which starts a general melee.  Soon, Phupha arrives on the scene and shoots a warning shot in the air.  Phupha looks at Tian with a look of death but Tian doesn’t back down.  He defends himself and says he had to do that since no one else would help the villagers, especially the authorities.  Phupha admonishes him and tells him that if he hadn’t arrived Tian would have been gravely injured, and that there were ways of dealing with the merchants without violence.  Phupha has two soldiers escort Tian back to his hut.  Phupha comes over later with some medicine.  Phupha pretends that he has to stay with Tian but he really doesn’t have to as he talked to Sakda [whom he knows well].  Tian reveals that he took Sakda’s money during the fight and tells Phupha to give it to the villagers.  Tian also wants to give Phupha some of his money to make up for the damage he caused the villagers, but Phupha told him the villagers are actually happy and asked that Phupha thank Tian for helping them with the crooks. Phupha applies the medication on Tian and at one point their noses touch and they stare transfixed in to each other’s eyes.   They quickly pull away awkwardly.  Later at night Phupha gets tired and wants to sleep but Tian wants to talk.  Phupha pretends to fall asleep.  Tian holds on to him while trying to wake him up and falls asleep still holding on to him. 

The next morning Tian realizes he has no clean clothes left.  Phupha offers him his but Tian wonders if he can wear army clothes.  Phupha says military wives wear them all the time to which Tian says, “I’m not your wife!”  Tian eventually puts the shirt on and has breakfast with Phupha. 

End of Chapter 10


Well the consensus of the rewatch party was that Ep 3 is one of the best.   Really special interactions Phu-Tian,  Tul-Tian, Nam-Tian, and Tian-villagers.      Beautiful night scenes when Tian is accepted into the village.   Amusing give-and-take between Phu and Tian as they needle each other.    Acting in this episode was top-class.  (In an opening scene, Tian is being told he has to get a heart transplant, and Mix does a wonderful job of looking totally lost.  And then later he is truly believable as the silly drunk trying to get Phu to smile.)   This is truly an episode for Mix fans.

Also the music (as ever) was excellent.   At one point there is a female vocalist singing of what makes belonging, and what makes home.   The lyrics are translated in the subtitles, which is excellent because they are super-meaningful and add greatly to the impact of the scene.

Personally, I am finding this production to be much more impressive on rewatch.  

I found that to be the case, myself.

Hi everyone! Sorry I missed all the fun, I've been sick the last few days and am just getting back on track, now. Glad to read how many people enjoyed watching, together! =)

Phu saying the lines "If the word "teacher" puts too much pressure on you, you can just be a big brother to them" was really great advice imo. I thought here "Wow, that sometimes overly mean dude can also say something nice" haha
- My favorite scene of this episode (next to the blanket scene) is the one where Tian visits all the kids and tries to gain back their trust. This whole scene plus the music is just beautiful and cute.

What I love about how Phupha was lead to saying that was the way he observed Tian getting Kalae to take the pills if he needed them, the day before...

The blanket scene and the montage of Tian regaining the trust of the villagers are primo! This episode, in general, was what cemented my love for this series!


That was Earth singing?    I had no idea.   He sings it in a rather high-pitched, almost falsetto voice that doesn't sound anything like his speaking voice.

But anyway, I do agree that the song/lyrics at that point were perfect!!

Earth also recorded a version of the series theme song, and here's that link:

-The heartwarming welcome ceremony. Tian had no expectations he'd be accepted with open arms so when it happened, it truly tugged a lot of heartstrings

Earth has said in interviews that he found that scene very emotional to shoot. For a guy who loves to tease as much as he does in real life, he also seems to be moved quite deeply!

I just wanted to say the script is just excellent. Most screenplays are never as good as the novel, mostly because the writers/directors are more vested in the bottom line than the characters or plotlines. 90 percent of the time the novel is way better than the screenplay in my opinion, but that is not at all the case with ATOTS. P’Aof is doing a fantastic job here.

I agree absolutely! =)

Hope you’re feeling ok now dllmzca! I also caught a cold last week, it’s annoying. I wonder where I got that from with all the mask wearing and disinfection. 

Get well soon! Maybe you’ll be able to join this week :) 


Hope you’re feeling ok now dllmzca! I also caught a cold last week, it’s annoying. I wonder where I got that from with all the mask wearing and disinfection. 

Get well soon! Maybe you’ll be able to join this week :) 

Thanks very much, kpoptrash! My illness is the flare up of a chronic condition but I'm feeling better. I hope your cold won't hang on for too long!


Thanks very much, kpoptrash! My illness is the flare up of a chronic condition but I'm feeling better. I hope your cold won't hang on for too long!

Nice to hear you’re feeling better now, we missed you last rewatch :) hopefully you’ll be able to join us this friday.


Earth has said in interviews that he found that scene very emotional to shoot. For a guy who loves to tease as much as he does in real life, he also seems to be moved quite deeply!

True, he easily gets emotional. From the behind the scenes there was a lot of part where he’s not supposed to cry but he gets teary eyed easily so he has to let it our first. There’s a part there where they’re trying to get Mix to cry/feel the emotion but Earth cried first.

So glad you’re back! :)

Thanks, KZRocks! I hope to make it this week, as well. I keep missing out on the fun! 

Earth seems to be a big softy, no matter how much he tries to cover it up: lol!


Earth has said in interviews that he found that scene very emotional to shoot. For a guy who loves to tease as much as he does in real life, he also seems to be moved quite deeply!

dllmzca, you're back!!! I hope you are so doing much better now. we've missed you!

BTW, have you seen the latest release that features EarthMix? The story is a part of a new MV that will be released on the 29th. Here, the two of them played two high school students and the content is so good. You're right! Earth seems to be a sentimental kind of guy and gets easily carried away which endears him more to me.

Here's the link in case you haven't.

Ep 3 was also the one that sealed the deal for me with 1000 Stars.


Hope you’re feeling ok now dllmzca! I also caught a cold last week, it’s annoying. I wonder where I got that from with all the mask wearing and disinfection. 

Get well soon! Maybe you’ll be able to join this week :) 

I hope you got rid of the cold already kpoptrash! nowadays, I get paranoid when I feel sick with the pandemic and everything so I take a lot of vitamins. Let's all continue to take care of ourselves.