noein 21. retarded girl crying. glad it wasnt for too long. and man. woman so stupid sometimes. what on earth are u saying take the experiment elsewhere? do u think your husband is retarded?
Gundam Wing ep 13. Didn't remember the circus girl was so annoying...
noein 24. the ending is really unsatisfactory. almost as if they didnt bother. now stumpd between a 6 and a 7.
twinklelie wrote: Gundam Wing ep 13.
Didn't remember the circus girl was so annoying...

gundam wing 1. the art is a little old. but its bearable
wing 2 story line seems interesting, despite being somewhat overused in later gundams
wing 10. it hasnt been as impressive as seed. i like there to be a little more technology. but this was written a long time ago so some of the "technology" is quite common place nowadays