is there something similar to a dream of splendor?

Means dramas like showing women empowerment ?

well i can't say exactly similar to this series yet from what i have watched

The Sword and the Brocade (2021)The Story of Ming Lan (2018)

are the contenders

1.  the sword and the brocade lean more toward the business side but just mildly.

2. both shows try to showcase women's empowerment, yet are more concerned with the marriage/relationship side of the story.

New life begins. It’s more comedic than this though. 

you can always check the recommandations section. It’s always a good start. 

I'm currently watching destined and I'm getting really similar vibes from it, I wouldn't say it's about women empowerment but it definitely talks about similar themes and just gives really similar vibes.

It’s already listed in the recommendations but to underline it: “Who rules the world“ 

In my opinion, the relationship is very similar, if you haven’t watched it, please give it a try, it’s awesome <3