Fujihara Tomomi looking at the main poster again, I think it shows Jang Uk using Naksu's sword to protect Mu Deok/Naksu. This is telling that  Jang Uk will eventually be stronger than Naksu and thus can use her sword but not Nak su because perhaps she had been consumed by Mu Deok.  Look at her clothes. Its not Naksu's nor Mu Deok's but the new clothes attached to being the servant of Jang Uk of Songrim or is that the clothes of wife of Jang Uk? Remember she said she dont want to be just a maid to Jang Uk?

 Kim Hee Soo:
Sorry but Dohwa was not pregnant at the time because she's been left alone for a good year coz hubs, Jang Kang, was busy playing soul-shifting magic with Jin Mu (r

It‘s okay, it’s just a theory. But if he’s really the late king’s son, where did his incredible potential come from? As well as his ability to see the blue stains in Mudeok’s eyes. That came from the old man?  What a waste of great powers he was hahaha. Also, in that case, Jang Gang’s institute is missing its successor. 

I’m also resisting the two souls theory. If Naksu and Mudeok weren’t a single soul before, it’d complicate the love line later on. Because the writers can’t disregard Buyeon’s story and Naksu is the FL until now. It’s just cruel to forget about her when it’s Buyeon’s time to shine. Or maybe we can’t avoid that one of them will be sacrificed at the end. I personally can’t let go either of them. I just hope that the fading of the blue stains is a sign that the two souls are coming together. 

But why is Naksu’s soul dominating the body right now? Buyeon’s soul is still inside, and it’s her body. It is only right that she has more control of it. Unless, Buyeon is injured spiritually, her soul is so weak. Buyeon could just be strong enough to hold the ice stone, other than that, her soul is capable of nothing. That’s probably how could Naksu dominate the body. 

 Aurora Nebula:
Also how did Uk become sure that it was Naksu  and not any other soul shifter was also an interesting scene.

It was because Jang Uk recognized from Mudeok's  (crab's leg) moves that she knewTansu, and Naksu was one of it's few proponents.

 Aurora Nebula:

Surely there will be sad scenes. Let's brace ourselves for that. Also Uk said that if he will die then Naksu has to also die since they are master and pupil. Also Yul said that if time comes, then he might have to harm Naksu too.  And I'm scared cause these types of lines are usually seen in flashbacks in later episodes. I hope that we don't have to see such scenes cause I'll be bawling my eyes out if anything happens to them.

IKR!!! When Naksu asked him to put her to rest in that lake!! I watched enough drama to know where this can be led to....

 Kim Hee Soo:

Aurora Nebula m betting on Seo Yul dying just like the 2nd in command for Mr Queen, also a TvN and the 2nd ML in CLOY, also a TvN drama.

If we are going by Hong Sisters, our favourite bellboy P.O had to die too in Hotel De Luna. So a fan fav is definitely going to die at some point.

Om- I just started watching Mr. Queen... spoilers hahahha

Have anyone read the original tale that this drama took inspiration from? If so, what do you think about the connections between Jang Uk and Bihyeong?

wanderee - Hong Sisters likes to reinterpret legends and historical accounts and in this instant the conception and story of Jang Uk seems to be a reinterpretation of  Lady Dohwa and Bachelor Bihyeong(桃花女鼻荆郞) as was pointed out in the article Currently Watching: Alchemy of Souls.

If going by the story, then we know Jang Uk has more powers than he knows. As of now we dont know the full extent of the King Star so I dont think its a waste :)

Fujihara Tomomi  - definitely a connection with Bihyeong..Hong Sisters just reinterpreted it :)


Naksu dominates Mu-Deok's body because she was the performer of the alchemy of souls, not Mu-Deok. That's how this magic works by default. 

Don't get ahead of yourselves, guys, trying to justify Naksu's soul shift by making Mu-Deok an artifact object or defect soul, or whatever. 

Mu-Deok was likely a Jin clan's eldest daughter, but she also was her own person living in Sari village, she even had a pickpocket friend there (will be introduced soon) and was planned on being sold to the capital city's brothel. Whatever is going on with her somehow is connected to the Ice Stone - maybe part of it is inside her, maybe it was stored in the Jin vault and she got into some accident when it was stolen. Nothing is known yet, but she does exhibit some Ice Stone powers - she can block people from soul shifting. Which raises a question whether her own possesion was willing. She may have stepped in to be possessed by Naksu on purpose instead of a chosen random girl. And also she prevents Naksu from being petrified, which she should have become long ago - yet another exhibition of Ice Stone powers.

 Kim Hee Soo:

Fujihara Tomomi  - definitely a connection with Bihyeong..Hong Sisters just reinterpreted it :)

I have written my theory before on page 11, I'll paste it again:

In the original tale, Lady Do Hwa and the Bachelor Bihyeong, Bihyeong  (the inspiration for Jang Uk's character) is the union between the livings and the deaths, so Jang Uk can be a union between the Royal Family and Aristocrats/mages? Since there's even an unspoken rule to never let the two powers fight each other so as not to waste energy. Maybe there's even more reason behind the rule itself. If the commoners win, the imperial rule will lose its power balance. But if the commoners lose instead, the imperial rule will abuse its power? 

I'm not knowledgeable enough to find the intertextualities between the two, if anyone has a better interpretation, please do share.

She may have stepped in to be possessed by Naksu on purpose instead of a chosen random girl.

This is a highly plausible theory. Even Naksu was caught off guard by Mu Deok hahahah

She may have stepped in to be possessed by Naksu on purpose instead of a chosen random girl.

I agree on this point, it is definitely planned coz Mu Deok was nowhere near Nak su when soul shifting was performed. They were even in different rooms.

But I doubt blind  Mu Deok is aware of what's inside her. She's been a weak person all along. Is she a Jin? not sure but Ice Stone, probably, coz of how the artefacts in Jinyowon trembled when she was emerging from the mirror.

If she was  Jin Yeo Been, the artefacts would have recognised her. The only way she could be YB is that she is in the business of masking her true self by showing to the world she is Mu Deok (remember what the mirror said, you are what others want you to see) she could be pretending to be blind and Mu Deok coz she knows she is in danger. Maybe using the masking power is the one that made her blind or her eyes were kept hidden coz she doesn't want others to see her true self (eyes are the windows to your soul).

This may be possible coz Heo Yeom recognised the cauliflower ears. But then again he may have known about the ears coz he saw Mu Deok earlier in Sarri Village while being pick pocketed?

Let's see, we have 12 eps to go.

@Kim Hee Soo 

The mirror artifact recognized Mu-Deok as a familiar face. It has seen her before. Jar artifacts recognized her as something connected to the Ice Stone. She's most likely a Jin and Ice Stone was in the vault at some point. Jin matriarch even alluded that it was stolen by Songrim mage. Clearly fits, because Jin clan are the guardians of all Ice Stone artifacts and the Stone is illegaly in the hands of the Queen.

I think Mu-Deok's blindness is magic induced because of the Ice Stone powers. It was shown in the past that ritual maiden was blindfolded performing a ritual that spawned the Ice Stone. Mu-Deok used a power out of nowhere to break the mirror and got blinded temporarily. Something involving magic is going on with her eyes.


@Kim Hee Soo 

The mirror artifact recognized Mu-Deok as a familiar face. It has seen her before. Jar artifacts recognized her as something connected to the Ice Stone. She's most likely a Jin and Ice Stone was in the vault at some point. Jin matriarch even alluded that it was stolen by Songrim mage.

I think her blindness is magic induced because of the Ice Stone powers. It was shown in the past that ritual maiden was blind performing a ritual that spawned the Ice Stone. Mu-Deok used a power out of nowhere to break the mirror and got blinded temporarily. Something involving magic is going on with her eyes.

I dont think its a power out of nowhere. Its the Longing Mirror, i.e. it mirrors the person's longing, in this instance Jang Uk and Mu Deok/Nak Su was being their true self and confessed how much they miss each other. It is this true confession that broke it, yes she did say her power temporarily came back, that's coz she was being truthful to herself.

As with regards to being blinded because of magic, I agree that might be true yes taking into account the priestess blindness into consideration here.

Here's a new theory for you, guys:
The queen is an impostor. The queen is of Seo clan, she's the aunt of Yul and sister of his father, general Seo. But in the last episode it was revealed she is of Choi clan, who was disgraced by Songrim and its founder (means 200 years ago?). She wants revenge, destruction and power above all. I'm thinking she a mage of Choi clan who soul shifted into the queen and stole the Ice Stone to stay healthy and non-petrified.

Yup someone floated that idea here too, that the queen is Seo in physical form but Choi in soul. So means she may just be like Naksu now, using the Ice Stone to keep her physical form only difference is that Naksu is not aware of the Ice Stone.

Ok for those who are afraid that this may be a sad ending, there's hope that it may not be coz looking at the director's track record, all of his shows tie up pretty nicely, his most famous work is Whats Wrong with Secretary Kim and we know how nicely it ended (complete with a grand wedding). His other shows didnt end up too badly either Touch Your Heart (they end up together and officially tells it to the world), Bring It On Ghost (they end up fighting ghosts together), This is My First First Life (they end up being happily married). Oh and they all are TvN!

So yeah maybe Jang Uk and Mu Deok/Naksu (whoever she may be) may end up being married (she hinted she doesn't want to be just a maid anyways) and fighting the good fight together.