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The reason why Xiao Lanhua is a great written FL and deserve to get more love - A thread


some explanations contain spoilers, so if you don't want spoilers, read it after watching the lastest episode of CangLanJue


I’m tired of seeing people hating and saying horrible thing about Xiao Lanhua character, they hate her just because she looks weak, has no powerful strength, naive, clumsy, not a baddass character like other fml despite the summary of the drama has literally stating who Xiao Lanhua is. All the things that XLH done are wrong to their eyes, I don’t even understand anymore, is it really because the character that badly written or because they just didn’t want to understand XLH character/ XLH’s point of view or is it just they just want to throw hate to the actress that playing it?

It's such a sad thing to see where in the Mainland, Xiao Lanhua's character is well loved and very well-recieved by the general audience yet the international fans keep shitting about her character. Couldn't the International fandom once lower the prejudices against Xiao Lanhua & Yu Shuxin, try to undertand XLH character more and judge with an objective lens for Xiao Lanhua Character? Because i think Xiao Lanhua is very well written character, she is such a great character with her own strengths and uniqueness, she really deserves to get more love and cherished by everyone. I will explain the reason why while debunking all the question and bad prejudice against Xiao Lanhua character. It’s such a long explanation post, hope you’ll take your time to read it.

First, i want to say that Xiao Lanhua (XLH) is written stick exactly like what's in novel as the background character. While the DFCQ character is written on a better note and more greenlight than in the novel❤ (which i luv because he is more cruel & always decieve XLH in the novel). that's maybe make the audience in comparison feel that XLH is more lacking than DFCQ character, when in fact that's make both of their character are more beautifully written, complement each other and in a healthier relationship.

XLH Characters in the Novels: 

XLH character in the novel is a low-level fairy in Siming Hall. She is a very cute, sweet, kind-hearted, pure/innocent, positive, lively, talkative and such a ball of sunshine character. She is a coward and a crybaby but a very strong-willed person, a straightforward person, knows when it's time to attack but knows when it's time to give in, she's witty, has her own thoughts and principles in life. I think all these traits are conveyed well with XLH character in the drama right?

Let’s Break XLH Background Character in the Drama One by One:

*I want Xiao Lanhua to be a Strong Baddass Character*

Are you really sure with what you wish here?

If y’all wanting the fml character of LBFaD to be strong in power, savage, independent woman, woman with high position, a career woman who can kick some ass, i dont think the story will eventually evolve this way tho. I dont even think the fml will meet DFCQ in the first place if it’s like that. Since the fml is a great, strong, baddass, independent woman, she can life will her life alone without any man. She doesn't need any man to protect her anymore, doesn't she?

Also there's no way the fml will free DFCQ 'accidentally' because if she is very strong she will fight DFCQ and lock him back in the Haotian tower right away or maybe even kill DFCQ lol. Also there will be no funny body swapping story thingy.  DFCQ will also not be able to open his hearts to that kind of fml and fall for that kind of fml because the emotion tree inside his heart remains dead forever. There is no warmth that warms DFCQ's heart, there is no kindness that melts DFCQ's heart, not even there’s the cool, dashing, brave, domineering DFCQ we know. That's why XLH characters are designed to illuminate and shines DFCQ characters with their various personality and traits contrasts. That's why Xiao Lanhua is the sunshine and DFCQ is the sunshine protector.

Actually if you wish to see Xiao Lanhua in strong power department you might want to see the Goddess Xiyun later, but do you really wish it like that?

I don't even want to see the later part of Xiao Lanhua commit suicide, I knew she can be resurrected, but there is no pure and perfect little orchid in the world anymore, it’s only the aloof goddess Xiyun with her big  responsibility. That’s why in the later episode we’ll gonna see Goddess Xiyun left DFCQ, because she is no longer the simple-minded XLH but she is a goddess with big responsibility in her shoulder, a Goddess who had to protect her clan and country from any harm and keep the peace of the three worlds. So, hope these arguments will help you to open your eyes and change your perspective.

*Why is the way XLH  talk is like a baby?*

Cause she is indeed actually a baby (my baby actually lol ?) in comparison to all the character in CangLanJue (CLJ), XLH character is only 1500 years in compared to 30.000 y/o plus (grandpa *joke*) DFCQ ?. So, the Director diliberately make her to talk like that! You can see the bts clip video i attached bellow, in a XLH and Chang Heng (CH) scene, the director keep reminding Yu Shuxin that her character is like around 13/4 years so she had to talk in more high-pitched, act cutesy and more lively like that. I think Xinxinzi did a great job dubbing her own character just like they way the director want it and i think the Director did a great thing to direct it that way because that's make DFCQ character more domineering in compare to XLH character! So, imo XLH is a character that make DFCQ character more shining cause she is the rl sunshine ☀️.



(I tried to search the Engsub vers but idk why they didn't release this BTS on IQIYI Official YT :’(?)

*Why is XLH looks timid and clumsy in the early episode?*

From Xiao Lanhua's perspective, she knew from her master, Siming, that she accidentally picked up Xiao Lanhua from Yunmeng Lake (Mortal World) (On episode 3, minute 15:55). That's also might be the reason why we can see that other fairies seem to underestimate Xiao Lanhua, because they may feel that Xiao Lanhua is inferior to them, not someone who come from a fairy realm, she has no name, has no title, has no parents,  has no great power and left alone by her master.

Because she's not originally from the fairy immortal realm, maybe Xiao Lanhua is a little low self esteem, so that's probably what makes her look timid/clumsy/stutter in early episodes.  But she still really tried her best to stay positive and prove that she deserved to live in Shuiyuntian while also keep being humble and down to earth.

This is proven by the way she keeps trying to be good to the fairies and also when she tries to prove her worth through the fairy test. That's why I think that's also one of the reasons XLH is eager for recognition and sense of belonging that she is part of Shuiyuntian because she has considered herself a part of Shuiyuntian since she was brought by Siming to Shuiyuntian and feels that Shuiyintan and Siming hall are her home.

*Why is XLH looks silly/naïve/immature?*

We all knew when XLH still in the form of Orchid, her Master Siming accidentally keeps watered her with wine so that her fairy roots are badly damaged. Imo that's might be one of the reason why she is not only weak in power, she take times to understand things better too. I saw someone comment on how XLH is poor baby, born into an alcoholic mother and i couldn’t disagree (*sorry Siming, i still love Siming tho). But i think the main reason is not only that, Xiao Lanhua is only 1500 yo, but her master is already gone and left her in Siming Hall alone when she's only 500 yo at that time. it's like she was abandoned by her master when she was still a red baby (Altho XLH never thought so). Her master left simply only by teaching her how to do all the jobs she need to do at Siming Hall, like fixing the book of life and doing chores. Her master left XLH 1/3 of XLH's lifetime, left her with all the workload that she had to carry on every day. Even so, she still tries to be strong every day, doing her work without complaining, doing her best everyday, try to living her best life everyday even though she actually very lonely in Siming Hall. She has no one to taught her anything about the outside world, all the things she should get to know.

All the things she learned, other than from Siming might only came from Shuiyuntian books (which she sometimes added in more as she pleased lol) and also maybe from her spirit plant friends. So, it's only natural that she might looks naive and innocent, because she is a unexperienced little girl, but i don't think she is silly, she just doesn't know anything about the outside world of Shuiyuntian yet. Do you expect her to know everything in this world even if she has been isolated & the world she knows only revolves around Siming Hall or Shuiyun Forest and without a guiding teacher that will guide & teach her? Also in Shuiyuntian, as we know, the books written there are sometimes a lot different from the reality, full of propaganda, written with the intention of vilifying the Moon clan, upholding and white washing the Shuiyuntian clan.

So, please take all of these things into your consideration before judging Xiao Lanhua's character.


After episode 22 we knew that XLH/Goddess Xishan parent sealed all her divine power, memory, and appearance and became only an ordinary spirit so that she can avoid the disaster. So, all the things that what people considered as “weak” for XLH characterization is something that is needed for the plot of the drama. because otherwise XLH's identity as Goddess of Xishan can't be hidden.

*Also i saw someone ask, why is XLH looks more silly/naive than the other plant spirit in Siming Hall & other Shuiyuntian fairy who has the same age or maybe younger than XLH?*

How do u know the plant spirit in Siming Hall had around the same age as XLH? I think they might be even older than XLH who already has a human body. Why i guess it like that?!

Siming hall has been there for a very long time, maybe only God knows when it was, So I think so does all the flower garden in Siming hall. All the plants was planted by Siming for a long time ago too. While Xiao Lanhua is different, she is not planted in a garden, but in a pot and placed near the work table/desk where the siming usually drinks wine. And i guess Siming found her around 30.000 years ago around the time when the war happened. Siming Halls is older than 30.000 years ago right?!

I can guess it like that because in early episode we knew how dilligent XLH in compare to other plants fairy in Siming Halls, the reason why other fairy in Siming Hall haven't had their physical body yet, even though they have had self-awareness from long ago, aren't only because they didn't get the best sunbath (Siming Hall is in a remote and farthest place from the sun in SYT) or they didn't get enough water (because XLH watering them everyday) but because they themself didn't want to change into a human body/have a physical human body (This is also stated by themself in episode 1 around minute 05:35). So it's not because the other plants fairy in siming hall have a younger age than Xiao Lanhua that they can't cultivate into a human, but they really don't want to cultivate into a human. On the opposite, XLH just like in the novel, she is a very strong willed girl, she really has a high willingness to live, she wants to be able to live and cultivate as a human form, so that even though her fairy roots are damaged because her master is watering her with wine, she can cultivate into a human form. It's because she's a persistent and strong-willed character in my opinion.

And how does Xiao LanHua in compared to other fairies in SYT? I think it's not a fair comparison, because other fairies in SYT might had each of their own master or even the lucky one like DanYin had their parents (and he is a high Deity) to watch them grow up and teach them to so many things in this world. Whereas as I explained above, XLH master left her for 1000 years and she had no one to teach her much other than the work things she had to do in Siming Hall. So, of course she might had less experience and might looks naive in compared to the other fairies. So, I don't think she's stupid but she just inexperienced little baby that doesn't have anyone to teach her much about all the things she need to know in this world.

Also after she met Daqiang, she experienced extraodinary journeys, met many people all around the world, learn how the world revolves, and learn more about so many things in the world. XLH character will get better and better. XLH will learn so much from her experiences that she will change from a young home girl who only knows how to fix books to a great girl who will save the three worlds from destruction

I don't think XLH is stupid, she has her own thoughts and principles in life, she knows to distinguish right from wrong, she doesn't immediately swallow rumors/other people say, she can think, analyze herself, and judge what she thinks is true, and doesn't let others make up her mind or make decisions for her.

*Why is XLH stupidly help Yingzhou, Danyin or even Jieli repeatedly even after got hurt by them and hurting herself?*

I wonder why so many people are still asking this, are we watching the same drama?

Xiao Lanhua is a very selfless person, she is so simple-minded that she can find a little light in the deepest darkness, she can find a positive light in everything and everyone, and she considers everyone's life to be as valuable as she is. She understand that some people are just unlucky, not actually bad person

it's not because she doesn't appreciate or love her life that she helps her friends and endangers herself. Precisely, because she knows very well the value and importance of everyone's life, because she is very grateful for the life she has right now, that's why she helps others too. Even though she's just a low-level fairy and is weak, she wants her life to be meaningful even if it's short by helping others. She wants to repay the kindness of those who have been kind enough to save her life before (such as by Siming, CH and DFCQ) by helping others too. Because she knows, if no one helps her back then her life will not be long until now. so she shows her gratitude by always doing good deeds and helping others so as not to waste the efforts of those who have saved her. Because she knows what it's like to be helped by people over and over again, she feels lucky and has to do good things as a way to repay people who have helped her, because she knows not everyone is lucky and what it's like to be unlucky because no one helped (just like Jieli). So she doesn't think about the cause and effect, she only thinks that by doing good and helping others there will be goodness that comes to her. Her principle of life is that feeling is not a burden but the reason why we survive this time. we can survive because we help each other.

She is a person who has no prejudice against all the living beings. Although she isn’t Goddess Xishan, in her small and weak body she can shows us the kindness of God to everything around her:

  • Including the sinful immortal Daqiang who was short-tempered and wanted to strangle her at the first sight. She thought that he must be lonely after being imprisoned in Haotian Tower for so many years, because she also felt the same loneliness and desertedness for thousands of years.
  • Including Fairy Danyin, who was short-tempered and made a riot in the Palace of Life, because she knew that she was kind, but she was hard-spoken and soft-hearted.
  • Including Yingzhou who has turn into a big and scary monster, because she knows Yingzhou changed not because of himself want it but because he had no choice and was possessed by the devil's spirit
  • It also includes Jieli, who has a bad attitude towards her and rude words and deeds, because she knows that she has a rough life and that being a profiteer is just due to the misfortune of the environment.                                                     

*Why I thought XLH is actually a thoughtful person?*

Altought there are people who said XLH is stupid, I couldn’t agree with them, because in my eyes she isn’t stupid at all, she is pure and kind but not mindless. She had her own view and principle of life. It is difficult for a person to keep positive mind and attitude to see things all the time, but XLH did it. It is mean that she is a very thoughtful person. She knows how to distinguish right from wrong, she doesn't immediately swallow rumors/ what other people say to certain things, instead she take her time to think, analyze it herself, and judge what she thinks is true according to her heart and she doesn't let others make up her mind or make decisions for her.

There are several scene where we can see that XLH is indeed a very thoughtful person, such as:

- When she doesn't know yet that Daqiang is DFCQ, just because Daqiang is acompany her in the Siming Hall and didn't do bad things towards her, she thought Daqiang is not a bad person. She would start to feel lost when she woke up and couldn't find him. She spoke for him when her friends said he was a sinner,and after Daqiang made fire for her, the first thing she thought of was that why he was there for her. She worry him that he went to a very dangerous place for her. When she knew that Shui Yuntian was finding the fugitive immortal, she secretly let him go. She has always looked at people and things with her own eyes, instead of judging it by Shui Yuntian's rules. I always think that Xiaolanhua is very good because, no matter what she does, she always thinks about the good of people first, she has her own thought and undertandment of life.

- When XLH take the fairy examination and save the other fairies from Yingzhou, she show us that she also has great leadership skills, she has a lot of idea, she is selfless and put the safety of everyone ahead of herself. Also when XLH save Yingzhou she show us that although she is weak, she can save and protect the other who are stronger than her too, she show us what is mercy, forgiveness. She never hold grudge and see something without any prejudice. She show DQ that she has her own principle and view of the world, She made him knew that ‘Emotion isn’t burden, but the reason we survive this time’ and also show that ‘There’s still more good people in this world’

- When XLH knew that DQ is the one behind her 1st rank in fairy exams, she said that she will cancel her result because she is a girl with principle, she has righteousness personality, although she is weak she will never cheat and take something that doesn’t belong to herself

- When XLH is bow down to DFCQ in Moon tribe war. I really think this is a clever and unique thing, because if other heroine will not gave up her ego and will not bow down to their enemy, she cleverly knew when to gave in and respecting the tradition of the Moon clan people.

- When XLH helps DFCQ’s heart problem. At the end of the sixteenth episode, when DQ told her about his dead emotion tree and the way his father hate him. She is the first one who find out that there's more secret that has not been unfolds about DQ killed his father and his father hatred towards DQ. She want to make everything clear between DFCQ and his father. She is the one thoughtfully plan the mission to make DFCQ emotion tree live again and make him sleep peacefully. Also the way she cleverly bring the mirror to record the meeting between DFCQ and the father so that DFCQ can also solve his relationship problem with his brother Xunfeng.

- When XLH is trapped by RH. XLH can seeing through Rong Hao (RH)'s disguised CH is the absolute highlight. She is pure and kind, but not mindless. She kept the memories of DQ in her mind, so she discovered the difference between the hall of life in the fantasy and the real one. Therefore, a problem was designed to deceive the true body of the Mirage Lord. After the life book was taken away, she also took advantage of the distraction of the master of the sea when the powerful appeared, and snatched the life book back in time, and she acted decisively and alertly. When DQ rescued her from danger, she actively admitted her mistakes and took the initiative to reveal all her emotions to DQ. I really like the hero and heroine of CLJ always speak out what they think to avoiding a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings.

- When she guessed that DFCQ asked for the life of book through JL and guessed the reason why DFCQ asked for the book of life. XLH can guess that because she remembers very well every trait of the people she cares about. She remembers that JL was never interested in book of like and she remembers that DFCQ has always been interested in the book of life and has a secret about it.

There are more of it but i hope you’ll find it yourself while watching the show.

*Why does XLH stubbornly still want to go back to Shuiyuntian? Why she runaway dan don't want to stay in the Cangyan Sea? Even after being tortured and branded as a traitor in Shuiyuntian?*

XLH doesn't want to live in Cangyan Sea, not because she doesn’t like Moon clan people.

Although she is a fairy from fairy realm, she has no prejudice against all living beings including people from moon clan. Even though she read a book in Shuiyuntian that said the moon clan people were evil, she never had a bad feeling about them. When XLH visited Cangyan Camp, when she knew that bringing flowers means bereavement, her sincere apology softened my heart. She felt that the people of the Moon Clan were also human, which was different from what the Shuiyuntian book describe.

Xiao Lanhua doesn't want to stay in the Cangyan Sea not because she doesn't appreciate DFCQ's struggle to save XLH.

Remember the firefly in the Beiming Stone that has recognized its master and its home for the first time, the firefly will not recognize the person after that as its master and the other houses as its home. Just because it's given a better place to eat better, it won't change masters and betray its home. XLH is just like that too.

XLH felt that she had been saved by her master from Yunmeng Lake in Mortal Word, could have the blessing of being brought to Shuiyuntian (SYT), got a place to live and had the miracle of being able to cultivate into a human form in SYT was a blessing. She had considered Siming as her master and Shuiyuntian as her home for the first time, so it would be difficult for her to acknowledge Cangyan sea as her new home.

All the people and places she loves are in SYT, although not everyone there likes her. Her master Siming, her house Siming Hall, her plant spirit friends, and her savior CH, etc all were there. So it's very unlikely for her to betray SYT.

In her little and simple-minded mind, It's okay for people to think she is a spy as long as she doesn't think like that. She thought there must be a way to solve all of this, surely she could explain that she wasn't a spy. That's because she always sees problems from a positive point of view. This might look stupid in other people but this is what XLH thinking, she is just as the same as the firefly that only remembers her first house. It lost her light when it left its master. So everyone please try to understand and think in XLH perspective too please.

But after she found out about the problem that DFCQ had with the emotion tree, she promised him she will not runaway from Cangyan sea anymore. She will stay by DFCQ side to heal his emotion tree. She tried her hard to keep her promise but she had to help her friend (Jieli) to leave the Cangyan sea. She didn’t knew that JL is a spy of Hai Shi City, who tricked XLH to accompany her to escape. When she escaped, The Bone Orchid was actually in XLH's hands. She did not disrespect DFCQ's concern. It's just that in order to protect her friend, she gave Bone Orchid to Jieli. Although she is the weakest little Orchid but she never lost the courage to save the people around her. Moreover, she also actively protected herself and tried to unplug the hidden heart hairpin, only to be interrupted by Dieyi, and then rescued by fake CH. So, at the end it’s not that she want to escape or runaway, only the situation at that time make it hard of XLH. After that incident she never tried to runaway, she only tried to follow DFCQ to the human realm.

*Why does XLH really want to bring back DFCQ's 7 emotion tree even though she knows it will make DFCQ lose the power of Hell Fire and make him weak?*

On Episode 17 when Shang Que said that the Late Moon Surpreme is thing things that concern DFCQ the most all these time and he couldn’t sleep because of that. she said to SQ and JL, then i had to go in and had to find the right medicine for DFCQ because it must have been bothering DFCQ for thousands of years, she just wanted DFCQ to sleep well. It's as simple as that for XLH. She just wants him to be happy.

She thought that DFCQ has done so many thing for her, she had to pay back the goodness that DFCQ gave to her. She thought ressurecting DFCQ Tree of feeling is a good choice becuase DFCQ will not becoming a heartless human being. She has always think that DFCQ is actually is good person in nature but she doesnt know what's stopping him doing that. when in Episode 14 minue 29.00 XLH is so happy when she knew that DFCQ didn’t hate her or didn’t have no feeling for her and the reason DFCQ said that before was because his feeling has been removed from him, he has no choice but all his good action to XLH is not false. Knowing that he is really isnt a bad person in nature, it's just becuase all his seven emotion got detached. Xiao Lanhua think that if there’s still a little hope for DFCQ seven feeling to be back, she’ll try to do it. She thinks that it will make DFCQ free from the prison of the heart that has restrained him all this time. XLH indirectly restores the DFCQ that was once just a fighting tool, a killing machine, a terrifying monster into an ordinary living being with feelings. If XLH sees the slightest hope for DFCQ to be released from the prison that has held him captive for so long, she will do whatever she can.

It’s not that DFCQ doesn't want his seven emotions tree to return, i think he's just afraid that all the feelings that have been locked and imprisoned in his heart all this time will come out and overflow from him. He was afraid of what would come out of the box that held all the feelings he had been holding back all this time. But that doesn't mean he doesn't want the tree of his feelings to come back. This is evidenced by after the tree of his feelings returned DFCQ thanked XLH for saving him and returning his tree of feelings (episode 18). Even though he had to suffer from all the feelings that had accumulated and hid in his heart all this time, he was happy to be able to feel the good feelings and memories that he once had. The beautiful feeling that had been forcefully erased because the feeling tree was forcibly killed down by his own father. So, I think XLH is doing a good job and always thinking about DFCQ in what she does, she does all of this for DFCQ. Because she loves DFCQ, she doesn't want DFCQ to continue to be a heartless monster, a walking dead and a killing machine. She just love him so much without she even realize so that she make all these decisions. Imo XLH not only accidentally helped free DFCQ from prison without feeling but she also tried to find the right medicine and help him solve heart problems related to his father.

Then I also thought that even without XLH's help, DFCQ's feeling tree would still slowly start to live again, it has been starting when XLH accidentally touched the tree (episode 1). It was happened even when Xiao Lanhua didn't know about the DFCQ feeling tree. I came across a weibo post saying that DFCQ himself has been waiting for a long time for someone to revive his dead tree of feelings. DFCQ wanted his feelings back so XLH came to help him with the thing he has been longing for a long time.

I came across a weibo post saying that when XLH fell into the Haotian Tower in the first episode of Canglan Jue, the seven soul of Dongfang Qingcang that were floating around XLH represent the or the seven emotions of DFCQ. The seven emotions of DFCQ subconsciously approached and led the little orchid to his side, and settled into his desolate and lonely heart, unintentionally touching the seven emotions tree, moved his heart and signed the concentric mantra. So from the start it was DFCQ unconscious initiative from the beginning, because he actually instinctively wanted to be filled with emotions. XLH came to him because DFCQ needed her, so everything that happened is according to his subconscious heart. So, you all can’t blame XLH for the thing that DFCQ wanted it himself.

Source Link:    https://share.api.weibo.cn/share/328995693,4801406660512900.html?weibo_id=4801406660512900      

*Why did XLH violate its own prohibition against interfering with human destiny, helping XR and destroying XR and CDNZ's book of life plot?*

I haven’t read MDL comments again but i will explain about this matter here too in case there are some people who will blame XLH for this matters. There's this post on weibo that explains the reason why XLH helping XR is not destroying the plot of the book of life XR and CDNZ but it is in accordance with the storyline that must happen according to the Tianjin mirror. Because the Tianji mirror is a destiny tool, the prophecy it makes will divenitely comes true. Since the Tianji mirror predicts that CH will marry XLH twice, then this will inevitably happen, whether intentionally or unintentionally XLH helps or does not help CH, the things that are predicted to happen will still happen.

Link: https://share.api.weibo.cn/share/328706873,4802860091182634.html?weibo_id=4802860091182634

The post said that before everyone thought that Mr Xiao is Xiao Run (XR/CH). But on Episode 21 minute 06.30 onwards we can see XR escape from the gambling house and has passed the Life Ending Pavilion even before XLH came to save him. In other words, even if there is no XLH in the rescue of XR, XR  still can not appear in the the Life Ending Pavilion to drink wine with XWQ. So, XR is never meant to be the Mr Xiao in XWQ/CDNZ book of life.  based oj Baidu , “Xiao Lang/Mr Xiao” can be translated as Mr Right or Lover, so the man name that Xie Wanqing (XWQ/CDNZ)  has to fall in love with is never written clearly in the life book.

So, XLH and DFCQ did not change the fate of XWQ and XR, but XLH and DFCQ were destined to interfere in the plot of the book of XWQ and XR's life.

XLH and DFCQ misunderstood that it was their fault that they missed the opportunity to have XWQ and XR meet, allowing JL to come up with ideas that only made things worse. XLH dan DFCQ didn’t knew that they were already engaged in a big play game (by the fate & also by RH) and had the plot progress the way it was supposed to.

This is also explain why in XWQ's book of life, even though she and her husband-to-be love each other, she will be killed on their wedding day. Because "Xiao Lang" is not XR, but DFCQ. Only DFCQ has the qualifications and motive to kill XWQ on her wedding day.

Fate is not so easy to be modified, that’s why even if DFCQ already erase of XR's memory of meeting XLH, The fate make XR still had XLH painting and XR memory of the goddess in his dream, that’s why they can still meet, because they’ve been destined to meet by the Tianji mirror. So all of them just do according to the will of fate and there is no one to blame here.

*Why XLH Couldn’t accept DFCQ love?*

XLH might once thought that the Big Devil would not destroy Shui Yuntian again after recovering the Seven Emotions, because he has learn about forgiveness, kindness, and mercy (around episode 18) and naturally she would not have thought that the two of them were now facing the gap between the two clans. I think XLH is the one who suffers the most. She doesn't know her original background yet, she can't give up her first family & home she got with great difficulty but she can't give up the Big Devil. So, she doesn't dare to say love, cause she know she will face the great struggle facing the inability to choose and protect both of her home/country and love.

I think XLH is very good, she knows that DFCQ is destined to fight in war for the sake of his father and the people of Cangyan sea and she will not say whether you can give up the war for me or something. She’ll just hide her heart in her tears and lied that she doesn’t have any more affection for DFCQ. You can go on your way, but I have to stick to mine, even though now you are the most important person to me. Both of them have their own positions and different things to protect, they didn't fall in love for the sake of love, although they falling for eacth other deeply, they didn't lose their wits, they were really sober, they had their own principle and they stick with it, they didn’t let other people make up the decision for them although they are clearly a lover who love each other a lot.

*XLH is not worthy of DFCQ’s love?*

When i read someone wrote this comment, my hurt is hurting. Do we really watching the same drama? Why XLH is not worthy for the love of DFCQ? Just because she doesn’t have big power to protect DFCQ? or what is exactly the problem with people here?

It is always said that it has been only DFCQ that showing his love for XLH, caring for her, and protect her, but she didn't do anything for him. But I don't think like that, I also hope that everyone can see XLH's effort to tolerance and understanding of DFCQ . The way she is trying hard to understand DFCQ's family background. They way despite she is such a coward and crybaby but she will anything to bring back the seven emotion tree of DFCQ. Those deep empathetic abilities she had for DFCQ. Thaat’s the way she show her love to DFCQ.

I came across a weibo post that I also agree with regarding XLH dan DFCQ different way of showing their love.



I think the difference between these two lover are probably that if XLH and DFCQ (I will call it CangLan from now on) falls into the Forgotten River at the same time, DFCQ will try his best to drain the river and wipe out the existence of Forgotten River in the world, while XLH will try her best to pull out DFCQ from the Forgotten River. When has DFCQ went to ashore, the first thing after going ashore was to put a safety slogan on the Forgotten River, so that Forgotten River could still exist in its own way without threatening anyone.

It's probably in line with words "Knowing that the universe is big, but still pity the grass and trees", while making yourself happy, you don't build happiness on any pain.

Recently, I saw a lot of people saying that XLH is stupid and not worthy of DFCQ. I always feel uncomfortable. I feel that you are really not watching the drama seriously.

DFCQ, who has had a heart that has been kneaded and wrinkled for half of his life, XLH did her own little things to flatten the wrinkles little by little, made some decorations on it, grabbed DFCQ's hand and told him, "No one doesn't need love and no one is born without emotion".

Not everyone can do something like XLH. One of the important reasons why I like XLH is that no matter if she is a goddess or not, she is someone who voluntarily and willingly walks into the swamp because all the things she loves. She doesn't think it's enough to just stand on the bank and reach for you, but go down to the mud and learn how you struggle. She will understand your pain first, because she knows where your pain is and whether you want to leave or stay here, so that she can give you the best medicine for you and what you need most.

In Episode 24, We can see how much XLH love DFCQ through XLH’s wish for DFCQ:

“Two races is different, though I can’t be with you all the time, but love make us resonate with each other. If one day we’re separated, no matter what, don’t be sad”

"May you always be safe and happy, have friends, brothers, and love, and never be alone again."

In fact, in this world, the one with no friends, no brothers, no parents, no one loves is the little orchid (XLH). DFCQ has the loyal subordinate Shang Que, has a father who actually love him, has a little brother Xunfeng, has love given by little orchid, has followers and Cangyan sea that needs his protection.

While XLH is only a low-level fairy grass with no parents, no name, no title, no real identity, no brothers/sisters, no friends and has always ignored and bullied by other fairy, no great power because her fairy root is decay, her master left her alone, she got kicked out of her house and considered as a traitor in SYT. Despite all of this pain she got, towards her beloved one, towards the person she love, DFCQ, her wish toward him has always been so simple and sincere, she just doesn't want her loved ones to experience the pain and suffering she is going through. and that’s enough for her. Why u doesn't love such a heroine [bitter] :’(.


Whether in the drama or in the original novel, Little Orchid has always been alone and without parents and this setting has been deepened in the drama.

Little Orchid has no parents, no father, no mother, no brothers, no sisters, no love, no great power, her fairy roots is decay, her master left her. She was isolated and left alone in the Siming Halls. She had no one who take care of her. She was looked down upon in the eyes of others. Her plant friends could only accompany her for a while during the day. Later, she found someone that can accompany her in Siming Halls, she thought her life will not be lonely anymore, but it’s only makes her accused of being a traitor and espionage, then she got kicked out of her home by people she considered her clan and family. If it were me, I would definitely go crazy.

Despite all of that Little Orchid still lives innocently, cherishing every trace of kindness from everyone to her, even at the cost of her life.

In front of people who are weaker than herself, she will not hestitate to help,

In front of people who are stronger than herself, she still doesn’t hestitate to sacrifice her life to protect the people.

Jie Li said that Xiao Lanhua was the dumbest fool she had ever seen. But in fact, she actually think that the Little Orchid was the best miracle that she met and could make her believe that there are still good people in this world.

CangLanJue makes me think that what we are watching is fantasy, but it is also the story of the human heart. The healing power of the little orchid has healed everyone in the drama, and it has also healed me through the screen. I may still not dare to be a fool who trusts everyone, but I am willing to believe that there is more kindness in this world.

In conclusion, Xiao Lanhua is the truest of The Goddess that purifies the word with tenderness and love whether as the weak, low level little fairy or as the high deity, powerful Goddess of Xishan, Xiyun.

Xiao Lanhua teach us about what is kindness, love all being, sincerity, having no prejudice, forgiveness, showing mercy, protect and put everyone's safety, security and happiness first.          

Aren't  those all the traits that a good and great God should have? If this isn’t it, then a God should have what kind of power to be considered good and strong?

When we are in a world where even the powerful Gods like Sky Emperor and the Ancient Demon Taishu only remember about fighting about power, authority, glory, having greatest strength, having war, being number 1 in the whole world, uniting the three realms, etc, but never really properly use their power to help people in need. Never really take care of the people under them.

XLH was able to show that she could do so much more than what those High Gods with great power couldn't do only with her small and weak body and brain.

XLH has all of these traits of what Good and Great Gods had to have means that she is so much more better and greater than those hypocritical High Gods.

 I think it shows that XLH is a great character and deserves praise and love from many people .

She show us what's the true meaning of being strong is.

Strong is not only can been seen through power but through hear. It is rare for the weak to have the heart of the strong. And Xiao LanHua is. XLH is not only strong in heart, but also helps others to become stronger by finding their positive traits. DFCQ, CH, JL, and DY themselves are more powerful than XLH, but with The Little Orchid, she can make them more powerful, because the strong will have more perseverance, courage and determination than the weak.

Just like The Turtle God said, XLH only has one destiny in life. Which I think it is to protecting all people from the harms and bring peace to everyone in the three realms.  I just want to conclude that Xiao Lanhua is the truest form of Goddess of love and peace who will embraces and heals everyone with her kindness. XLH with or without her real body and identity as Goddess of Xishan is a such great character with all her unique powers and uniqueness. She deserves more love because of this!

Thank you for reading this whole long ass post i made!

I hope there will be people who are willing to read this long post I made with so much effort J

And lastly i wanna say, if you still throw hate, saying nonsense horrible and awful thing to character Xiao Lanhua instead of getting know her better and try to stand in her shoes, maybe this drama might not for you. It's okay, just don't watch this drama, don't waste your energy writing about the things you don't like and badmouthing other people. It's not my loss. It's not CangLanJue's loss to lose an audience like you, but it's your loss to miss the opportunity to enjoy this best drama to the maximum & full level.

And maybe just like what DFCQ said to XLH in the drama which i wholeheartedly agree!

"Forget it, from the start, XLH is just so different from other people in the Shunyitian, XLH is much more precious"

Maybe you are just like Shunyitian people to XLH

maybe only DFCQ, me and several intellectual people in this world who want to understand XLH and knowing her worth and how much valuable and precious she is.

From now on please show more mercy to Xiao Lanhua please y'all!

Hope God will bless all the intellectual people who love Xiao Lanhua!

I'm tired of replying the hate comments over the FML voice, if you don't like the dubbing voice then simply don't watch  it then! Why do people like to waste their time hating someone. typing the name of the person you hate takes a lot of effort but they do it anyway. Whay a very relaxed life you had there.

I want to say it's okay if you don't like the sound of the dubbing of Xiao Lanhua, as a fan of Esther Yu i'm open to I am open to constructive criticism and suggestions, but most of the comments are just badmouthing without giving advice, they just sumply want to throw hate because they don't like. They just want to insult and demean Esther Yu who has gone to great effort to dub her own character and disregard her big effort. You are underestimate someone's hard work. Esther Yu trained so hard with a professional dubber before finally winning and getting permission to dub her own character. She can choose to not dubbing her own character but esther Yu is a young actress who is so passionate and dedicated to her work that she always dubbing her own dramas. She spent a month and a half dubbing Xiao Lanhua which with time she could have used it to shoot another new drama. It's just show how much she loves and appreciates her work so much. She dubbed Xiao Lanhua's voice in a high-pitch tone, cute, bubbly, and lively because that's how Xiao Lanhua's character should be, the character is in accordance with the novel and the donghua, if you want to hear the original voice of Xiao Lanhua just look at the Donghua vers.  Xiao Lanhua character is also only 1500 yo (age 13/14 years in human age), a baby in compare to DFCQ character who's over 30.000 yo. Also it was the director and dubbing teacher who directed and guide her to sound like that and it was through their approval. Esther Yu also received praise from her dubbing teacher for being good, also the majority of people in China like her voice and there are articles from China Daily that compliment her clear and firm voice, good pronunciation, and straightforward diction.  I don;t know why the majority intl fandom have  different and biased opinion againnts her.  It's just so sad to see it despite the drama getting so much love. So i  hope people please have some mercy, please appreciate Esther Yu's hard work more and stop spreading hate. Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

Proof Link:


Thank you Tia for taking the time to type and post this analysis! Great Job and this will also help me reply to such haters next time. 

I am loving the growth and progress of the story and each character in this amazing drama so your insight  has also helped me see some things I may have missed and I can now go an rewatch the episodes again with better understanding of Orchid.

Look forward to you posting more analysis of other characters if you have the time. Yes you have my expectations of more posts like this from you so you can consider this my humble request:)

Since you are open to criticism my opinion Esther Yu should stay away from innocent babylike roles and start to play the other side of a woman. She is approaching 30 and she will have to grow her skills. A character like XLH in xianxia is tired now and personally believe it brings nothing new to her as an actress. She got potential. The character in LBaFD is way too cliche and standard in cdramaland unfortunately to the point Dylan is the one stealing the show. From some things I have seen (her other dubbing work of more mature and sensual characters) she can playing more flirty women.


Thank you Tia for taking the time to type and post this analysis! Great Job and this will also help me reply to such haters next time. 

I am loving the growth and progress of the story and each character in this amazing drama so your insight  has also helped me see some things I may have missed and I can now go an rewatch the episodes again with better understanding of Orchid.

Look forward to you posting more analysis of other characters if you have the time. Yes you have my expectations of more posts like this from you so you can consider this my humble request:)

Thank you so much for your kind word and reply ❤️ I'm glad that there's someone who enjoy my analysis ?. 

I did this analysis because i really love Xiao Lanhua and Yu Shuxin potrayal of the character but it seems intl fans has been so harsh to her so i couldn't help but want to defend her!

 If i find any interesting analysis about CangLanJue more, i'll post more in the commentary post in the future~~ 

Yes Please do post more analysis in future especially for this drama addict who is rewatching all the episodes available too many times. I always love to follow up with all little details and scenes I may have missed in the first binge run by watching over the episodes. :)


Since you are open to criticism my opinion Esther Yu should stay away from innocent babylike roles and start to play the other side of a woman. She is approaching 30 and she will have to grow her skills. A character like XLH in xianxia is tired now and personally believe it brings nothing new to her as an actress. She got potential. The character in LBaFD is way too cliche and standard in cdramaland unfortunately to the point Dylan is the one stealing the show. From some things I have seen (her other dubbing work of more mature and sensual characters) she can playing more flirty women.

Thank you for your suggestion on Esther Yu. I will try to explain her position as well so that u can knew her point of view. Despite everyone talked about her getting easy working in ent business and actress as a rich people, the reality is very different with it. Esther has been debut since 2015 but only in 2020, she got CLJ as her first ever Xianxia drama on her belt & she got it not so easily. It has been around 8 months that she got no job and she rarely got a casting call before her sudden break out on YWY2. So, i think she isn't in the place to picky on her character yet. She is the type who will look out the whole story & production rather than only looking at her own character. It's not easy to looking for baddass character in cdramaland these days too and even if there is, she wouldn't even get the chance to got offered by it yet. But i really hope that day will come, if there's a chance in the future if she'll got offered by a good character rather than innocent & bubbly woman. I think she'll surely accept it. 

imo, unlike what you think, she is still young, she is still 26 yo and categorized in 95 flower, there's still time for her to improve and got more chance in the future. She is at the age to act these type of role right now. Even there are many 95 flower upwards that still take this kind of role. Why is she, a 95 flower with a cute face baby face not suitable for it?

She want to take acting as her long road journey, she'll go to acting road for a long time. There are still time for her proofing her worth slowly by trying other type of character later.

She ever said before that she won't take cute character anymore (i think this was 2017), but the reality is different, she can't always get what she want & it wasn't even easy to got cast in drama. Later, she got advice by a senior actor that she must not rush to remove the cute image of her character if she doesn't even have a representative role to play yet & she haven't even got the public remember her role yet. The public surely won't remember her. Her teacher said if you have played a certain character so well to the extend it became your representative role and to the extended u have become the first person that appears in people's memories if other people remember a certain character, then that also a proof you have been successful as an actress. Because it's just useless if you change into so many characters but no audience/people remember you.

So for now her goal is to have a representative role with the image she currently has. Just because she has different goals from other actresses doesn't mean she's a bad actress or typecast. She just wants to have a different goal and path from other actresses. Don't you think it would be easier to distinguish acting from a very different roles than to make a distinction from similar characters right? She wants to make every character she plays, even though they are similar, but each has their own differences and uniqueness.

Most importantly, as an actress she has her goal and she knows where she has to go to achieve it. She got her potential to be a good actress, she is a young actress with great passion and dedication in acting. That's why she learns more about dubbing and always by actively participating in dubbing her own drama. he has also written a long essay (about 5000 words, i forget the details) to show his understanding of the character he plays and always memorizes the script that will be taken today, 3 days before his shooting schedule, etc. 

In conclution, If she has achieved this goals of her or if she got a better chance/ got offered to try another role than what she has done previously, maybe she will gladly accept and try it because she has always wanted to do that but she couldn't get the opportunity to do so. So, let's pray together she will accept her goals and got offered by a better role next time, until then i hope everyone can watch her growing to achieve her goals. Thank you once again to make me had a chance to talk about this matter ?.

Proof link of her interview about this matter:



Yes Please do post more analysis in future especially for this drama addict who is rewatching all the episodes available too many times. I always love to follow up with all little details and scenes I may have missed in the first binge run by watching over the episodes. :)

Hahahaha oke i'll try if i have free time. If you want to know more actually u can join the supertopic of drama CangLanJue on Weibo because all the people there are genius that can pinpoint every details of the drama, It's really show that the fans really love it and also it's a proof that CangLanJue is a well made drama with so many little details in it!?

Thank you for this!

I love both Esther and Xiao Lan Hua. Perhaps there are cultural differences at play here. I saw some downright nasty timed comments on Viki about her behaviour "mentally retarded". People's appreciation for cuteness vary. Being Chinese, I share mainland's overall sentiment and personally found her SO FREAKING ADORABLE. ;_; 

Also loved that she insisted on using her own voice. I felt every diverse emotion she portrayed in this drama through her real voice. It elevated her performance.

One last thing, what is up with the amount of comments hating on her appearance?! Esther is pretty and lovely, a perfect match for Xiao Lan Hua who grew up an "ordinary" little grass. Ultimately, her acting skill was what made this character so enjoyable.

Thank youuu for your feedback and also thank you so much for loving Xiao Lanhua ?❤️ Seriously Esther Yu as Xiao Lanhua is so underpraise in internasional audience ??. Well in fact in mainland she is very well received and well loved by the audience, i think you are right with the difference of culture we had seems made it like that. I also agree that no one can play Xiao Lanhua perfectly as Yu Shuxin does, just like all the cnets and production team said, Yu Shuxin is heavenly chosen Xiao Lanhua ❤️?