I have watched Cruel Romance twice and there are a few things that I can't seem to figure out..

  1. When does Zuo Zhen start to like Jinxiu? He says that she's his person at the end of ep 4, after she saves him from the assassins, but does he start to have feelings for her prior to that? I can't pinpoint the moment when it happens for him.
  2. In ep 1, Zuo Zhen offers to let Jingxiu get close to him (as many women try to do, ZZ notes. He then offers to buy her pocket watch twice. He wants the pocket watch no matter the price but he also says that it has no value. Then a few eps later, when he realizes that Tang Hai stole it, he says that he never wanted it. Why did Zuo Zhen want to buy the watch from Jinxiu? I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
  3. Did Jinxiu and Ying Dong actually get married or was it just a ruse to try to make Zuo Zhen back off? As soon as she learns that ZZ didn't murder her family, she goes back to him and it's never mentioned again. Not even during the reconcilation scene, where ZZ says he wants Jinxiu to become his legal wife. Also, prior to them separating, Jinxiu refers to herself as Zuo Zhen's wife while Mingzhu was always referred to as Hanchaun's woman, not his wife. Was that just Zuo Zhen and Jinxiu already considering themselves married just without the legal ceremony or was a woman considered a spouse when she moved in with her b/f? I've seen clips posted online where they refer to Zuo Zhen and Jinxiu's first night together as the honeymoon?
  4. How old are Jinxiu and Zuo Zhen suppose to be? Jinxiu is often referred to as a little girl. When you see the scenes of Mingzhu and her mother being kicked out, Jinxiu looks about 4-6yrs old. Later, Jinxiu says that she hasn't seen her sister in 14 years, so I put her at 18-22. There's no mention of Zuo Zhen's age, except most of his friends have known him for 10+ years. Jinxiu's boss mentions wantng to be with him at one point, which would put them around the same age so I assume that he's suppose to be mid-late 30's. Does that seem right? (Side note: I almost fell over when I read Joe Chen aka Jinxiu is 39. She still looks 20. I realized that I needed to up my skincare regime!)

I have more questions due to some plotholes, esp toward the end, but these are the ones that have been nagging at me. Any thoughts/answers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. --A.

Major spoilers ahead. If you didn't finish the show, please don't read. 

Hey! I finished Cruel Romance today and this is what I think:

1) There is no exact moment when he does. I think he is initially fascinated by her brazenness and the fact that she doesn't know who he is. This means she acts very naturally around him. So I think that we were supposed to witness a very slow progression from being slightly amused and interested, then fascinated, interested in, and finally falling for her. Seems to me like it was a mixed interest/owing her for doing him a favor type of thing at the beginning.

2) This made no sense to me. I initially thought that maybe he thought he will be doing a poor girl a favor if he bought something she owns for a high price, but I don't really know.

3) My understanding is that in those times a man and woman living together made a decision to be a husband and wife, and lived accordingly. Jinxiu and Ying Dong lived together, so they were naturally seen as a married couple. I think he just tried to make it official by asking. Mingzu and and Han Chaun didn't live together. When he asked to move in, he seemed to suggest that she would be his legal wife. When Zuo Zhen is accused of murdering the master,  Jin Xiu tells Maeda that she is ZZ's wife even though there was no official ceremony at any point. 

4) I didn't think about it at all, to be honest.