
I'm following you and yours is one of the profiles I've been studying trying to work out how you did everything ?You've got so many boxes, that must have taken ages ?

yeah It took me more than 3 days to complete it, because I created a lot of boxes and look for the color shade :D


yeah It took me more than 3 days to complete it, because I created a lot of boxes and look for the color shade :D

Congratulations on your hard work ? It helped me out ?

Boxes/tables are great for organizing. Love them!


Boxes/tables are great for organizing. Love them!

Yes, they are much handier for 'blocking' layouts. Slowly getting the hang of it ?

 night jasmine:

•• I try to change my profile layout each year :: rn I'm having a very green moment  ₊˚ʚ ₊˚✧゚.

love your profile Jasmine

I went with a drama theme for my profile page. It’s still a work in progress, I will probably change or add a few more images.