Sleepninja wrote: Awesome photographer named Tim Tadder. I really like his Water Wigs photos and also his Fish Heads photoshoot. More of his albums here.

Some of my faves:

wow these are incredible. Thanks for sharing. ^^
WINDSONG wrote: Nice <3.

I agree.

Sleepy, those last two pictures are creepily weird, even for
Yeah, I keep losing myself in the eyes of the last two. They have that creepiness to them.
Sleepninja wrote: Awesome photographer named Tim Tadder. I really like his Water Wigs photos and also his Fish Heads photoshoot. More of his albums here.

Some of my faves:

i really love the last 2 two. Amazing.
OMO! Im really happy to fing this thread. I just made this picture and wanted to share it with everyone ^_^ (sorry, its not made by professional :D)

^It's very cute! I think you did a great job.
BPetra wrote: OMO! Im really happy to fing this thread. I just made this picture and wanted to share it with everyone ^_^ (sorry, its not made by professional :D)

It's really cute ^^ It has that bubbly-feeling :3
My last thing (I haven't done much lately) was a gift for a friend c:
I love Amy Brown's work. She does lovely fairies.

This guy's hand and body paintings are awesome! I can't share the body paintings, but definitely check out his site and explore it. I'll post some of his hand paintings though.

I'll show you a drawing in a semi-manga style using a pics of Yamashita Tomoshita as a model
So first, the original pics :

and my drawing

Now just remember that I never tried to draw Yamashita Tomoshita, I just used this pics as a model to create a different character.
I'm no expert, I just like to draw, but I know it's not perfect.
What do you think ?
mdl stuff that wasnt used might as well post it
Here a pen drawing I drew yesterday while watching the first 2 episodes of Bridal Mask ^^

Sleepninja wrote: This guy's hand and body paintings are awesome! I can't share the body paintings, but definitely check out his site and explore it. I'll post some of his hand paintings though.

His hand paintings are fantastic - in some of them the painted hands are barely recognisable:

I find some of his body paintings to be awkward, though. The NINTENTO 2 and NINTENTO 3 guy looks quite mysterious - but the pose is rather on the weird side.
3minut3s wrote: Everyone's so good! :o Love the JGS drawing ^^
Here are some of my works :) (inspirits anyone? ;D)

I'm not really good at drawing people TwT I'm more of a graphic designer hehe ^^;
More works here. Please visit my website as well :X /advertisingmode LOL

what did you use in drawing the one with infinity sign?