RainFlower wrote: wow sleepy thanks for sharing he is amazing!!!

I know! I can't even imagine having that kind of memory power. I forget things that happened 10 minutes ago.
so this is the first time someone can see one of my drawings... I'm so embarassed! well I know the proportions are not perfect but i hope you will like it ^^
nadiuz222 wrote: so this is the first time someone can see one of my drawings... I'm so embarassed!
well I know the proportions are not perfect but i hope you will like it ^^

That's very good!
Sleepninja wrote: That's very good!

Thank you you are too nice ^^
nadiuz222 wrote: so this is the first time someone can see one of my drawings... I'm so embarassed!
well I know the proportions are not perfect but i hope you will like it ^^

Theres nothing to be embarrassed about it looks Great! (^^)
XZeldaX wrote: Theres nothing to be embarrassed about it looks Great! (^^)

really? thank you! ^^
drawing always make me fell so relaxed and happy!
nadiuz222 wrote: so this is the first time someone can see one of my drawings... I'm so embarassed!
well I know the proportions are not perfect but i hope you will like it ^^

So cute!
yankumicho wrote: So cute!

thank you!
I also saw your drawings! you are really good too! ^^
nadiuz222 wrote: thank you!
I also saw your drawings! you are really good too! ^^

Thank you. It's just a hobby for me.
bakakokoro wrote: I love how just a line can be sooo expressive! This was one of the reason I was first drawn to manga. The way just a few strokes can turn white space into something completely different.
Great works
thanks for sharing

I know what you mean, it's so simple and at the same time so complicated... I like it, that I usually don't need to play with the shadows to make a face be emotional and eyes giving a vibe... a simple stroke or a pencil can create the effect...
Well... as Hana Kimi remake is coming up, I thought I'd share more of my Hana Kimi pics... my most fav ones...

Omg, Violet! They are spot on! My favorite manga! Especially the last picture ^^
yankumicho wrote: Omg, Violet! They are spot on! My favorite manga! Especially the last picture ^^

High five, eonnie, my favourite manga too~ (sharing the 1st spot with MARS)!
haha~ I love the bubble on the page (not included in the pic, of course), the bubble's saying about Nanba: Not his idea~ :D
VioletSakura wrote: High five, eonnie, my favourite manga too~ (sharing the 1st spot with MARS)!
haha~ I love the bubble on the page (not included in the pic, of course), the bubble's saying about Nanba: Not his idea~ :D

Hehehehe. HK is tied with Ouran for me! I love that pic in the manga with Izumi and Shin together too...lol. Have you read the extra specials Hisaya-sensei put out last year?
yankumicho wrote: Hehehehe. HK is tied with Ouran for me! I love that pic in the manga with Izumi and Shin together too...lol. Have you read the extra specials Hisaya-sensei put out last year?

I did, the omake (pre-story) ones, right?
Which picture do you mean? Could you name the Volume or the Chapter?
SO you like Ouran too? haha~
Give me a sec ^^