3minut3s wrote: Everyone's so good! :o Love the JGS drawing ^^
Here are some of my works :) (inspirits anyone? ;D)
I'm not really good at drawing people TwT I'm more of a graphic designer hehe ^^;
More works here. Please visit my website as well :X /advertisingmode LOL

I love infinite their dancing and singing skills are amazing
3minut3s wrote: Omgawd that's really awsome :o

Does anyone have a deviantart account? I wanna add you guys ^^

I have one http://xingyun321.deviantart.com/
whats yours??
PanicInParadise wrote: So many talented people here ^^
I`m more into digital drawing~

you are so good I love it ^^
Sleepninja wrote: Hopefully I will be able to post my printmaking stuff here soon. i still don't have a camera (I plan on buying one this summer). Here's a pic my friend took of a charcoal drawing I did last semester.

Nice, finally I get to see your work. ^^
I love your style, you did great with the door and the fruits/vegetables/fruits... dont know what they are LOL.
they look like squash or gourds to me :) i should really get back into drawing, i miss it. the latest things i drew was for a friend, he's an artist and has created a comic book where a rat is the main character.. and for the website he asked friends to do some fan art. i did a couple where i copied famous paintings and incorporated the character or theme into them. i did one of Van Gogh's self portraits but with the rat as the subject, and then Dali's famous painting with the melting clocks but changed them to toasters (the rat lives in a guy's toaster lol) they were done quickly with pencil crayon, not my best work but it made me really miss art. back in highschool i started really enjoying painting in art class, but wasn't really that good at it IMO, but i did one that i was really proud of and it was the first time i was able to look at my own work and say "it's good" and not "well it'd be better if i did this, changed that, etc" (i'm my own worst critic). but the art teacher liked it also and hung it in the hall near the teacher's lounge and i never thought to ask for it back when i graduated. i wonder where it is now. they replace the art in that hall often so it would have ended up in storage and maybe eventually thrown out T_____T
NinaJade82 wrote: Nice, finally I get to see your work. ^^
I love your style, you did great with the door and the fruits/vegetables/fruits... dont know what they are LOL.

ladyfaile wrote: they look like squash or gourds to me :)

They are pumpkins and gourds. :D

Thanks Nina.
Sleepninja wrote: Whoa! This statue is so cool. It's somewhere in Seoul.

This is cool - they almost look like vertebrae! at first I thought that it would be that they somehow made up a larger organism! Thanks for sharing
I received an ink kit from a friend for Christmas.
Here is the first drawing I did with it, Please forgive it for not being that good. I still have a long way to go.
The kit and the picture

The picture

And this is just a box that I decorated to mail to a friend for xmas

thanks for looking :)
omg you got good calligraphy
Every ones drawing are amazing! ^-^
Here are some of mine, Yes! i know there not that great. xD
(Tim Burton is my inspiration so i know there weird lol )

XZeldaX wrote:

I love the expression on his face and that rose is awesome! I suck at drawing petals.
Sleepninja wrote: I love the expression on his face and that rose is awesome! I suck at drawing petals.

i was actually surprised it came out good, when it comes to realist stuff i completely suck so i kinda stick with cartoon drawings xD
bakakokoro wrote:

And this is just a box that I decorated to mail to a friend for xmas

thanks for looking :)

I like both drawings. The first one is really gorgeous, but the second one I like it more because it shows your skills better (ink is really hard to master, Im still trying to make my drawings look decent with it lol).
The shadow on the snow man is just perfect. It looks like a Christmas wrapping paper bought at the store. Its really good!! and was that with watercolor or acrylics?
Sleepninja wrote: I love the expression on his face and that rose is awesome! I suck at drawing petals.

Me too -_- suck at drawing flowers haha... I like the first drawing inspired by Tim Burton :D I have tried drawing stuff with a dark theme, but it has been hard for me.