I’ll start:

  • More fleshed out stories about the side characters. S1 is a good introduction and character development for WYW. Now I’m hoping to see how the other characters move and develop with or without relation to her. I am anticipating how their family grows due to the new principles they now have.
  • Whale you marry me? I know you know what this is.
  • Junho meeting Papa Whale.  I feel betrayed they still haven’t shown this. 
  • Wooho dropping their formalities. I will definitely cry.
  • CEO Han-Papa Whale Loveline. Idk she feels like she wasn’t as bad as I thought she’d be. She also seems to genuinely care for our baby whale. And as WYW said, father needs someone by his side, especially when Wooho starts to settle.
  • Atty. Jung’s decision. I feel like he’ll establish his own firm so that he can control the number of cases he will simultaneously handle.
  • WYW meeting LJH‘s parents. They better be good people, or else I’ll think Junho is secretly adopted.
  • KMW-CSH Loveline. Strangely, I’m curious how their story will progress. Mainly because KMW’s redemption is still incomplete. 
  • Wooho publicly dating at the firm. Solely for my own satisfaction. I want those fangirls to stop coming to Junho because he has a deep unrequited love with a cat.

Please interact with me because waiting for 2024 is hARD, and to think that it’s only day 1!!

I totally agree with all the ideas you've mentioned and I would also really love to see them. 

I am really interested in further deepening the understanding between Tae Soo Mi and Woo Young Woo. Maybe she confessing that child or even better, just accepting her. Also seeing her little brother wanting to know more about her will be very exiting. I was really surprised when he showed up at her office.

Also there is a very slight probability in Tactician Kwon's father, as there was a scene when he talked to him on the phone and seemed troubled. But that is only a possibility if his and Attorney Choi's liking between them starts to  appear more and more.( i wrote it kinfd of awkward sorry T_T).

At first I really hated him, but I am happy he became a ''happy fool''. That makes it so much better and shows development. 

Those are my opinions and some of my personal likings of the plot so far ^^.

Maybe she confessing that child or even better, just accepting her.

I support. Although I hate Tae Sumi, our baby whale deserves motherly love. The one who will boost her confidence. The one who will teach her how to dress up properly. And the one will give wise advices in life as an elder female.

Also seeing her little brother wanting to know more about her will be very exiting.

They will definitely best buddies. I want more of their interactions too.

Also there is a very slight probability in Tactician Kwon's father, as there was a scene when he talked to him on the phone and seemed troubled. But that is only a possibility if his and Attorney Choi's liking between them starts to  appear more and more.

Suyeon is not yet 100% on board on her own ship, hahaha!! She still recognizes and hates his bad sides, which is good. She might be colorblind but not totally blind lol. I think she wants him to be good–to let go all of his annoying traits, before they can start their romance. Minwoo better not use Suyeon for his own personal gain or I will riot. And honestly, in his current state, he is still very undeserving of our spring sunshine. So yeah he hit the jackpot that the angel likes her.

i wrote it kinfd of awkward sorry T_T

No worries, I understood you.^^

day 2 of waiting


Ohh I just wish S2 would come out sooner!!! This is such a light and cute drama! 

More seasons with woo and her mum, I thought there were the stand outs scenes plus woo and spring sunshine  scenes were great

@xONLYINHUMANx  Indeed ! Not sure how this board works if you actually were replying to me or just posting and because I was the last post MyDramaList notified me that it was a reply 🤔😂🤷🏻‍♀️ but it’s nice to connect with someone even if via a message board  lol Hope you are well! Cheers to Extraordinary Woo S2! And more scenes between Woo (Park Eun Bin) and her mama (Jin Kyung) - love this actress!

i want more neurodivergent people on this show, i think it would be a good idea to show that autism is called autism SPECTRUM disorder for a reason. So far we only had Young Woo who has the savant type of autism (very rare) and the guy who had the mental age of a child (also rare), this really isn't much variety tbh. And these reinforce the stereotype that there are either insanely smart or dumb people that can be autstic (but MOST are somewhere in inbetween) I related to Young Woo a lot, but personally i mask way more than she does, it would be interesting to see a character who is less "obvious" autistic at first

I would also like to see a lot more from her brother, the actor is REALLY good, he played great in the King of Pigs, i would like to see him used more in season 2. Also, it could be very awesome if Young Woo finally gets to take care of a person instead of being coddled all the time by her family or friends!

Would also like to see the attorney from the case with the sexist boss again, she was cool and the characters could learn from her i think.


What I want:

- Jun Ho parents accepting Young Woo and make his sister suck every word she said about her. 

- Attorney Jung Myung Seok coming back - not at his stressful position but maybe in a consulting position to guide Young Woo and others in some cases.

- Soo Yeon and Min Woo relationship getting stronger and everyone being like "but you guys didn't hate each other??"

- Jun Ho meeting Young Woo's dad in most funny and chaotic dinner.  

- Maybe Jun Jo meeting Young Woo's mother and little brother also.

- Jun Ho and Young Woo being more intimate...

So far we only had Young Woo who has the savant type of autism (very rare) and the guy who had the mental age of a child (also rare), this really isn't much variety tbh. And these reinforce the stereotype that there are either insanely smart or dumb people that can be autstic (but MOST are somewhere in inbetween) I related to Young Woo a lot, but personally i mask way more than she does, it would be interesting to see a character who is less "obvious" autistic at first

While it isn't outright stated, I think it was implied that Woo Young Woo's mother and her half brother were also on the autistic spectrum. 

When Woo Young Woo went to the shopping mall with Choi Soo Yeon, they passed by Tae Soo Mi. While Woo Young Woo was fixing a pile of shirts, Tae Soo Mi was shown straightening out some shoes, which I think was meant to show that she is on the autistic spectrum, as well as the link between them. Also, autism is known to have a genetic component, so it would make sense for one of Woo Young Woo's parents to be autistic, and her father definitely isn't. 

As for her half brother, he was shown having a very similar sleeping routine as Woo Young Woo which, while it doesn't have to mean he is autistic, in combination with the genetic component of autism and the indications of him having special interests, does suggest that he is also on the spectrum. Admittedly, the half brother does seem to have a more savant type of autism, which doesn't really represent the variation in the spectrum that you're looking for, but I think that Tae Soo Mi does act as a good example of someone who is on a different place in the spectrum and/or is more proficient at masking. And while her half brother does seem to be quite a genius, he still seems to be at a different place in the autistic spectrum than Woo Young Woo and/or masks more.

Junho meeting Papa Whale.  I feel betrayed they still haven’t shown this. 

Yes, I was waiting and waiting for this! I really want to see him be absolutely blown away by what a great person Junho is!

CEO Han-Papa Whale Loveline.

At one point I definitely was expecting this to happen, so I was a bit surprised that it didn't. I'm not sure I'd want it, though, because while she does seem to care about Woo Young Woo, she was still willing to make her go through so much stress and possible damage to her career just to achieve her goals. But if they developed it well, I guess it could work.

Also there is a very slight probability in Tactician Kwon's father, as there was a scene when he talked to him on the phone and seemed troubled.

I would like to see a bit of back story into why Min Woo changed so suddenly. Don't get me wrong, I loved to see him stop being a jerk, but it felt pretty out of the blue.


THIS! It would be so much fun!

I also just want to have more scenes of Woo Young Woo and Junho navigating and strengthening their relationship. It was realistic for Woo Young Woo to have doubts and break up because of that, but I was so sad that that meant there were fewer scenes of them dating and getting to know each other...

I’d love to see WYW and Jun ho to meet each others family, especially jun meeting Woo’s dad! Also would love to see Woo grow a relationship with her younger brother and feeling like she can take care of someone in an older sister way and feel more “adult” since she seemed to be struggling with in the season.  

Would also want to see them progress in their relationship and learning how to navigate it, maybe have an episode where she struggles with physical intimacy and how they can healthily communicate and learn to become closer that way.  

Also the office finding out they’re dating so the girls will back off him, maybe even have Woo deal with a persistent girl try to flirt or something. 

Idk I honestly just want more of everything and everyone on that show, all the cast members are fantastic