9/10 no worries i understand, besides an 8 isn't bad at all.  

Atarashii Gakko! 

Hope everyone is doing well.  I've been to missing the good times here.  

But thus life goes on...

Ah the winter is coming... 


Hope everyone is doing well.  I've been to missing the good times here.  

But thus life goes on...

Hii shouju ,how are you ?

Beautiful visuals :)


This is how Jung So-min won me over by doing this subtle laugh and smile at same time. 

10/10(i wish i have someone like him :( ...)

Sassy Go Go l Cheer Up

10  posts to  complete 1000


Expected reaction :p 

Sassy Go Go Cheer Up 


@ShoujoDude, awesome,Axsenex 

where are you guys?  :(

Been busy watching and play video games on XBOX Series X and PS5. 


the beauty inside