just want to get sure - does the shows from the previous round count too? so i watched 3 shows already, do i keep counting and my next show would be 4, or do i start over when i want to finish 6/6 and again for 7/7?
I'm not sure if I understand your question/the context around the question?
The Countries block is one of the blocks of the challenge, so it gets done each round.
If you want to distinguish between doing the required 3 countries in the first round, vs doing 4 (2nd round), 5 (3rd round), etc. Just label it as such in your form. For example:
Country 1 |
| 1) xyz 2) xyz |
Country 2 |
| 1) xyz 2) xyz |
Country 3 |
| 1) xyz 2) xyz |
Country 4 |
| --- 2) xyz |
Does that answer your question?