night jasmine:
Ok thanks! I'll just make it simple for myself and just do this then, but...
.....This definitely wasn't clear (at least to me?) in the rules.. I get it now, but its so busy and overly complicated imo
I also didnt got it at first, but its explained pretty easily here, if you understood it, this is way easier to read again:
For Round 2: Complete an additional 4 prompts out of 5 in each block, and 4 out of 7 prompts in the last block. Receive a butterfly on your badge. | For Round 3: Complete an additional 5 prompts out of 5 in each block. and 5 out of 7 prompts in the last block. Receive 2 butterflies on your badge. | For Round 4: Complete an additional 5 prompts out of 5 in each block, and 7 out of 7 prompts in the last block. Receive 3 butterflies on your badge. |
I wanted to finish every round, so i planned 316 titles in total, which would be round 3 plus 7 titles for bracken. I overlooked round 4 T_T And for a few prompts i wont get another 5 titles in each block, so i guess i can't make it fully. :D so i reduce my planned titles and just aim for round 2. :D
Its a bit confusing because for the bracken block it says 4 out of 7 titles in round 2, but in the sheet it says /3, /6, /7, so i thought for round 2 you need 6 titles. :'D