When you have a serious conversation with your significant other about naming your kids after characters in your favorite dramas.

You start craving food that you didn't even realize existed

…When you turn up the volume and you don’t even understand the language! 

I watched a drama throughout the whole day until 5am, and i'm just sitting there thinking "what should i watch next?"

I forget to do things or ignore them to sit and watch dramas 

You know you are about to fall dead asleep but turn on your iPad anyway. 

When my face in the mirror suprises me because I'm so used to seeing the main female lead's face in a drama I'm binging .

 when everyone looking at my list calling it "MONSTER"...kekeke!!!

when i predict the most absurd twist in the first episode and it turns out to be right

when i  watch a drama and try to  recollect similar scenes  but cant say which one had a similar scene and keep trying to figure out which one

When you become an eponym for drama binging.

when i have been watching to many dramas when: i have nothing to talk to my friends about other than what i just watched in a drama.... (  

When you start picking up the language. 

when at night you dream about different scenarios you think may happen in the next episode