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Not me

I'm the type of person that hates hot weather.
ME too!

I am the type of person who often enjoys spending the weekends at home reading, watching tv or catching up on cleaning.
Me too

I am the type who likes talking to people about life
Me too

I am the type of person who always is lost (I mean, my "natural GPS is not found")
Not me

I am the type to sleep (a lot) when stressed.
Not me. I can't sleep when I'm stressed.

I'm the type who is very loyal and cares deeply for their friends but if someone betrays my trust, they're gone from my life for good.
Me too!

I'm the type who prefer to text rather than talk. 
Me too (unless it's really serious)

I' m the type that takes forever to figure out which drama to watch after one is completed

I'm the type of person who is a living example of Murphy's Law. T_T Nothing ever goes right at first.
Oh dear yes.  Plan for the worst always.   

I'm the type to get upset when hermiting plans get interrupted.  Alone time is sserious
Me too!

im the type that will ignore a phone call if the drama I'm watching is really good
Depends on who's calling, some I avoid on principle.  Lol

I'm the type to love a night of pampering and a bathtub
Not me (really)

I'm the type to apologise for something immediately when I know it's my wrong doing.
Not me.

Im the type to marathon a 16 episodes drama in just one sitting.
Me too (if I reserve the time right)

I'm the type to eat my food quite quickly.