Me too

I'm the type to wish I could time travel true

I'm the type who has more than 1 crush

Heehee oh yes. Even if it is more than 1 crush

I'm the type that gets excited easily 

YES!! Just kinda be the fly on the wall lol

I'm the type to think penguins are adorable 

to be honest the future kind of scares me

I'm the type to feel lonely 


I'm the type to get grossed out easily

Me too

I'm the type who makes others happy

Not me

I'm the type that is realistic

Me too-ish, or at least I try to be!

I'm the type to write everything down in my planner/calendar

it depends

I'm the type who makes the right decisions

not me

i'm the type to keep the door closed all the time

not me im lucky enough to have traveled a lot

I'm the type that makes plans but has trouble sticking to them

I have already appeared in a drama so not me

I'm the type that likes makeup

me too

I'm the type to argue with someone if I know I am right