not me

I'm the type that likes to write

me too

I'm the type that loves cold drinks

 me too, 

I'm the type who likes to play football. 

Not me

I'm the type that likes to eat

Not me 

I'm the type who dislikes tea 

Not me

I'm the type who likes nature

me too

I'm the type that will search out an OST song that catches my attention.

Mee too, AND the opening theme song  has to "hook" me in......i.e. Hello Again!, My Roommate Is A Detective....

I'm the type to become "obsessed" with a group that I like...

me too

I'm the type that sleeps on one side for few hrs.


I'm the type that gets annoyed when a certain actor/actress is in a drama that I really want to see and feel they ruin it

me too

I'm the type that loves listening to old music 


I'm the type that tends to listen to a song on repeat if I really like it

me too

I'm the type that will search out an OST song that catches my attention.

Me too

I'm the type to eat hot dogs with just ketchup, no toppings

Not me, no ketchup, but diced onions mustard and relish....always

I'm the type to boil the hotdog instead of frying