me  too

im the type to learn languages quickly then get bored and forget majority of what ive learned


im the type that likes to have a good conversation with their friends


am the type to watch many airing dramas at a time


im the type that is quiet

so true

I'm the type that multitasks while watching a drama (e.g. cooking, doing laundry etc.)

same lol

im the type that likes perfume


ITTT sing the other language song without knowing the lyrics properly


im the type that hates spiders

False, I love tarantulas~

I'm the type to find a private place to nap during work for a few minutes usually from food coma.


im the type that after washing their hair always blowdry

true or else I get headaches and a stiff neck, lol

ITTT empty my kitchen sink at night


im the type that is sleepy

Me too

I'm the type that likes to listen music while working 

True to a T!

I'm the type to ignore my surrounds sometimes. 


I'm the type that does not like to be bullied