me too
i'm the type who likes to watch youtubers

Not me

I'm the type that loves a good party

not me

I'm the type to try to convert all my friends to liking dramas or tv shows I like

Me too LOL 

I'm the type to finish all my popcorn and drink before the movie starts

me too lol

I'm the type who gets hooked up on youtube

Me too

I'm the type to read about conspiracies

Not me

I'm the type that likes to bake

So other half is the oven user

I'm the type to eat 99%, on my plate

me too

I'm the type that likes a good party


I'm the type that only shops when I am in the mood

Me too

I’m the type who drinks bubble tea 


I'm the type that prefers to message than call


I'm the type who is shy and introvert

Not me

I'm the type that likes to have a bath at night.

Me too

I'm the type who likes walking to no particular destination