Gold jewelry 

WYR eat noodles or rice 


Would you rather be a writer or a director


WYR get chased by a dog,or get chased by a rat


WYR go mountain climbing or swim in the ocean?

Mountain Climbing

WYR Wanna have the superpower to be invisible or listen to people's thoughts/mind


WYR win a free trip to Disney Land or The Bahamas

Disney Land

WYR watch a drama while it's airing or binge watch it

Binge watch it I hate waiting to see the next episode 

Viki or Netflix


Wyr lose your ability to lie or believe everything you're told

lose ability to lie

WYR: listen to music now or watch  a movie?

Listen to music 

WYR watch a tragedy drama or one with a revenge plot 

No Internet for a day. I value my eyes.

WYR go to a concert of a band you hate with your beloved (because he/she loves them) OR watch a cliche drama you absolutely hate with your beloved (because he/she loves them)?


Listen to music 

WYR watch a tragedy drama or one with a revenge plot 

revenge plot :D 


No Internet for a day. I value my eyes.

WYR go to a concert of a band you hate with your beloved (because he/she loves them) OR watch a cliche drama you absolutely hate with your beloved (because he/she loves them)?

concert.  dramas take longer to watch :/

WYR wear a bikini or one piece swimsuit


WYR eat fish all your life,or bananas

Eat fish, at least there's more options lol 

WYR stress about EVERYTHING, or not give a shit about anything (even important stuff like loved ones, funerals etc..)

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