
wyr be gifted clothes or books


WYR jump off a cliff to save your Dad or your Mum (if they're both falling) I don't know if that makes sense...


wyr be the strong lead in a drama or the second loved one


wyr live in an asian or western style house

Western style house

WYR get a hamster or a ferret?


Wyr sleep in complete dark or with a little bit of light 

Complete dark

wyr have a tree house or a  boat house

tree house

wyr live in village or big noisy city

Big noisy city......would never get bored.

WYR live without music or without television 

without television

WYR swim with piranhas or cuddle with tigers?


wyr visit a zoo or go on a safari trip


wyr sleep 8 hrs a day or 12?

Ice cream cake ofc

Would you rather be an only child or have siblings

only child

wyr learn how to play cello or violin


wyr be popular or a geek