TPAM is a fairy godmother
TPAM absolutly hates Kill me, heal me. She can't stand that drama. And she hates the actors of that drama soooooo much
Hahahaha at Obama 

TPAM is person behind me XD 

TPAM squeal while she giggles
PS: Gotta love the guy behind Obama ;p
I'm not sure if that's a lie :P

this person above me is a male girl haha I don't even make sense.. mission accomplished 
TPAM makes sense. Easiest lie ever *proud of myself* *not really* ... *that was really pathetic* ... *I should really stop with the *...* * *tries to hard to be funny* *lies down, tries not to cry, cries a lot*
hahahahahaha  you are funny even when you're crying 

TPA have 4 golden teeth ,, she only eat using it XD that's classy 
The person above me is a professional stalker

The person above just kicked the one who said I farted ,,I didn't ask her XD I swear
The person above me knew I'd come back with a bang...or kick XD
the person above only have 1 leg but that''s fine her nose is too long she can walk on it
The person above me is a pirate in my crew
the person lives inside a Whale stomach