the person above me is now travelling to fight zombie with her dance
The person above me has stolen my thriller moves and is now a famous healer of zombies
the person above me is now helping zombies just to get back at me
The person above me is hitting me on the head with her shoe in self defence
the person above me is right in my sights, 50cal riffle, but i can't decide if its a zombie or not
the person above me doesn't know that she is a zombie too
the person above me was fooled by my zombie ruse
The Person above is the Zombie itself... He came out from the movie Zoolander and spread epidemics that turn everyone into cold heart warm-blood and called me and said hello sidney, I know what you did last summer
the person above was the model for the emotions she uses
The person above is a clone who killed the original an live his life.
the person above me has been trying to accuse me of that for years but i have covered my tracks far to well
the person above me is pinocchio but we can never tell because he quit lying
the person above me is actually my toe
Thisguy2011 wrote: the person above was the model for the emotions she uses

LOL.. your cracking me up!!!!

The person above me was hit by lightning... so every-time there's a lightning storm they need to generate from him, because he accidentally took all the power and his sending some messages to the weather forecaster that hes too hot to handle lol
the person above me is thor and has imparted this power to me