the person above me was actually the victim and I can't explain how did she got here
the person above is a government spy
The person above me is a writer & wrote a book of how to spy your fellow member @MDL shes so popular and rich..
the person above me is actually a ghost. When she post here its because she possesses my body and logs on to her old MDL account. And she also reads my email. I know its you EJ i don't remember opening those. I wish she would at least stop opening the spam mail my computer is gonna end up getting a virus and then we will be both out of luck
LOL the person above me is a sleep walker, walks to the comp room and do all those suspicious stuff and blame it to me & actually this person above me the is a real ghost of the Grinch :p
the person above will become my maid in 5 years if she doesn't mary before then. Also she has antlers
The person above me thinks they are rich and so dreams of having EJ as their maid
the person above me is my combat butler
The person above me is my servant
the person above me just deffended me from ninja assasins but has been knocked a bit out of her senses so I'll let her think i'm HER servent till she recovers
The person above me is Captain Jack Sparrow, He is preparing to sail across the universe w/ his flying ship called Blackbeard.. & he force me to be his first mate just to be hes keeper of his dirty laundry and he even draft a contract saying he will give in to everything I ask and need including washing my laundry for me by his bare hands hahahahahaha
LOL...While the person above me is carrying out this act of kindness I pretend to be out of my senses so they can continue to be my servant.
If the person above me keeps PRETENDING to be knocked senseless she is going to be demoted to chief dog walker and pooper scooper
The person above me knows what that feels like as they have been in this situation before!
LOL you guys crack me up lol I dont even know what to say... Im speechless right now