True Or False #2

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TNP is scared of longer dramas because of the number of episodes

True, even 20 episodes scare me ^_^ (but I watched a few with 20 or more episodes, "You are the only one" has 120 episodes)

TNP can cook

false i only know how to make toast lmao

the next person to post has seen at least 1 jdrama


the next person has no siblings

Unfortunately (at least for half of them), false

TNP is black 


the next person is currently watching more than one drama


TNP has watched more than 100 dramas

False. If only I had discovered this world sooner! 

TNP is an EXO-L.

False, but they have some catchy songs i must say!

TNP has watched Just Between Lovers

False, what good ratings it has...

TNP knows the difference between a violin and a viola.

False, would love to find out though

TNP is currently in love


TNP is traveling soon

True (going to Seattle)

TNP doesn't like school

True lol thank god i finished

TNP has allergy

True, though I'm curing it

TNP is currently watching Lawless Lawyer