7. Fates & Furies - FL is a shoemaker

8. Kizumomo - ML is an apprentice watchmaker

9.  Marry Me Now - family drama with multiple leads - the father of the family is a shoemaker

10. Go ahead - FL carpenter 

10 titles with love token. with pic please

1. Love and Redemption (hairpin)

2. Hana Yori Danggo (all versions- necklace)

4. Alchemy of Soul (Jade egg)

5. The Master's Sun (Necklace)  

6. Word of Honor (Hairpin)

7. Dong Yi - Jade rings

9. Miss the Dragon - I could not find pictures but for main couple, a painting and handkerchief, and for secondary couple, a headband and a feather.

10 favorite titles from your least favorite actor

Dramas and movies you loved despite the fact a lead is portrayed by an actor you dislike/don't like

1. Queen of Tears - loved it despite a leading actor

2. Blossoms in Adversity (ML)

3. Twilight - i don't like Angelababy. love the drama cause ML