
""It should not be alternative world with monarchy that doesn't exist IRL ""

An example?

The Last Empress, for example. There was the Emperor in modern day Korea


was the goong house a palace? i dont remember

Goong is an alternative world, sorry, doesn't count

6. Rooftop Prince - time travel, ancient to modern, FL visits the said to be royal palace that still exists. This one also fits the last topic of Cinderella, although it was more a nasty step-sister.

Gotta love the crayon boys!

As topic is stalling I’ll add 4

7. Chicago Typewriter

8.  Temperature of Love 

9. Goblin 

10. Legend of the blue sea

all of the above have  Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul as filming location 

someone else can choose next topic 

10 movies/dramas that show the backstreets of a town/city. Nothing fancy, just the city/town as it is once you get past the main flashy streets before the suburbs begin. Photos would be appreciated, though I understand it may not be possible.

 Ahn Sarang:

The Last Empress, for example. There was the Emperor in modern day Korea


1.  The Innocent Man

2. My liberation notes


2. My liberation notes

This is rural, not back streets so doesn't count.

Replacement 2. The King Eternal Monarch - lots of back street chase scenes.

4.  My Mister - can't find a good pic but there were many scenes in their neighbor placed in the back street

5. Parasite - poor family's neighborhood

7. Oh no here comes trouble (One episode is about a homeless man and where he sleeps)