Because while you are welcome to interpret it as you will, there is an obvious scenario of nasty female fighting over something with FL and I wasn't convinced After the Show Ends fits the general vibe. You could take the clip to mean they are fighting over anything, person, place, thing, job, status, you name it. 2 females fighting over a male is a given in most dramas. If one told the other they no longer wanted him and the other could have him, happy to allow it.

Sorry, not making myself clear. Since it has been a while, we can include male leads letting go of rubbish as well.

3. A Business Proposal - the SML (who's part of the love triangle not the secretary SML) has a girlfriend who kind of rubs the relationship in the face of FL, and in one epsiode the FL brings the ML on the trip and the ML shows what a green flag he is... kind of making the SML's girlfriend jealous - let me know if this counts and if it is correct, my memory isnt the best but its something along the lines.

I think I'll accept anything at this point since time is getting away.

4. My Boss (2024, 80 eps) it’s loosely based on marry my husband)

5. Perfect Marriage Revenge

While this drama also has vibes of "keep the man, I'll take the award" (FL gets rid of her fiance who was in love with her sister

It also has satisfying scene with reversed trope, FL practically says "you'll keep the award, I'll take the man" to her jealous, covetous, thieving sister

Here (feel free to skip the first minute):

 Ahn Sarang:

5. Perfect Marriage Revenge

While this drama also has vibes of "keep the man, I'll take the award" (FL gets rid of her fiance who was in love with her sister

It also has satisfying scene with reversed trope, FL practically says "you'll keep the award, I'll take the man" to her jealous, covetous, thieving sister

Here (feel free to skip the first minute):

Nice one. I'll finish this one one dayl.

New topic, as one day passed

10 titles in which main or support characters doing some kind of partner exercises

It may be aimed at couples or just be done in pairs. Scenes in which characters do individual exercises next to each other don't count

With pics if possible

1. Advance Bravely (they did a lot different partner exercise)

2. Wandee Godday (sit ups and other exercises XD no honestly.. )

ok, let me add this, it may look a bit more professional lol

3. Flex x Cop

Flex is for flexibility lol

4.Secret Garden

5. Hometown Cha Cha Cha

7. When I Fly Towards You (Couldn’t find a pic.. but there are scenes in which they have to to sit up’s in pairs while in school )

8. Our Beloved Summer

Choi Woo-Shik and Kim Da-Mi playing ball as students 
