I'm watching "Shark" , which an amazing drama , I'm in love with it ^^ And I'm also waiting for the 15th episode of "Itazura na kiss- Love in Tokyo" <3 .
I'm watching Starman (sooo cute and odd), The Queen's Classroom (I think it's doing awesome compared to the Japanese), Woman (Tanimura Mitsuki weeee! <3) and that's kind of it right now lol. Everything else has finished. Or is not uploaded enough. I am also watchign Keji 110 but...*shrugs* it's not uploading fast enough!
Yasuko to Kenji - Finished episode 4 a minute ago and am heading to the next one, yei!
Panda and hedgehog and goodbye dear wife...both so different yet great dramas!!!
Mary Stayed Out All Night, and thoroughly enjoying it! I cant watch two at a time for some reason, I just get too into one and cant focus on another! haha.
Kazoku Game. All I can say is: wow. I'm also watching Majisuka Gakuen 2, Muse no Kagami, and Tagarin but only one episode once in a while.
The Holy Pearl. I thought it would be an "ok" drama, but I'm really liking it (besides the bad speacial effects). But the story is very good, very much like Inuyasha so far. =)
Dream High, Innocent Man, and She is Wow... Dream high is very fun and I really like it so far.. Innocent man... is just.. Oh My goodness... WOW... I'm kinda having a love hate relationship with it. One minute I'm screaming and the next I'm squealing...?? And She is wow is horrid!! Everybody in it are horrible other then Jinyoung! (the only reason I'm watching) He's such an angel and everybody else could go drown and I wouldn't care! Oh except his girlfriend! I like her. :)
'I Hear Your Voice' 9/10 - My favorite that I'm currently watching. Spectacular!
'Just You' 5/10 - draggy, slow, & cheesy. Plus boring :/ But the chemistry is great here.
'Love Around' 7/10 - Pretty good so far..not the best, but still good.
'Cruel City'- 8/10, currently ranked #1 on here. It's great so far. Great action . Love the male lead [Jung Kyung Ho]
'Mischievous Kiss: Love In Tokyo'- 7/10, the best version of 'Playful Kiss' . Pretty good :)
'Monstar'- 7/10 , Some characters really annoy me here.. the acting isn't so good either, but this drama's pretty good. Nothing too interesting, but I love the music and the cuteness of it xD
The dramas that are still airing that I'm currently following are:
- Cruel City; and
- Starman - This Star's Love.

Other than those, I'm watching these 2:
- Reply 1997 (I know, I'm kinda late, I'm currently on episode 12 now, still 4 to go!)
- Special Affairs Team TEN Season 2 (Was waiting for the few last episodes to get subbed, I'm currently on episode 9 and planning to watch the last 3 episodes this weekend).