anything with Kwon Sang Woo .... He seems to pick the same type of characters and i always want to smack them.
I refuse to watch dramas/movies with a married couple where the wife/husband is having an affair. May Queen is the only exception.
The Return of Iljmae. I like Jung Il Woo but I just can't feel that i wanna watch it.
For me it's 1 Litre of Tears. I know it's a top rated drama and I have heard great things about it but I just don't have the courage to watch it...I know I would cry for days about it! I also refuse to watch Zettai Kareshi, Absolute Boyfriend, Absolute Him. I read the manga and I hated how it ended and so I assume that the dramas will follow along the same lines and have similar endings... Do not want (;__;)
I refuse to watch Heartring and Love rain until the end...disapointing and boring But one I refuse to start is Replay 1997 ! Don't ask me why it's just the way it is !
Oh, yes, and the Return of Illjimae! Loved Illjimae but hate the change of cast!
No matter how good they are rated I have problems with dramas from the early 2000nds... I don't know if back then I didn't care for fashion and didn't realize that we all actually walked around like that but I just... well its hard to look at those let's just say very unique clothing styles ;) (I watched full house though... liked it... but had to force myself sometimes...) As for the stuff mentioned most... I watched the drama "1 litre of tears" - I loved it... but cried the entire time... It was actually one of the first dramas I ever watched along with koizora... and actually got me hooked... both are very sad but great! And I don't know if I will start love rain... I watched the movie "classic" which has basically the same story... I loved that one but I think I cannot handle 20 episodes of that... I feel like it would just have too much fillers and unnecessary story parts...
I refuse to watch City Hunter. Yup, I know, I know, "it's a great drama, I'm missing a lot!" and all those stuff, but after watching Personal Taste and Boys Over Flowers I can't bear to see Lee Min Ho anymore. I've heard that in City Hunter he finally shows that he really can act but as for now, as soon as he starts to talk (because seeing him is kinda pleasant), I have a sudden urge to kill myself. So.... nah, thank you.
No matter what people says I'm 99% sure that I won't watch Operation Proposal. Since I haven't been able to finish Proposal Daisakusen and I've been watching it for 3 years now...I have made no progress for 2 years... Stuck at ep 4 or 5
I refuse to watch:

Missing You
Fashion King
Mary Stayed Out All Night
Time Slip Dr. Jin
Autumn's Concerto. I watched most of it, but I got so mad at the main guy that I refuse to watch the end. I don't want him to end up with the girl. I don't care what anyone says, I will not finish it.
i absolutely refuse to watch Marry him if you dare. At first, i looked forward to that drama but as soon as i start the first part of the first ep, i drop automatically and decide that i will NEVER Watch that.

SeRose wrote: Love Rain, Mary Stayed Out All Night - and anything else with Jang Geun Seuk - I think he was tolerable in You're Beautiful, but recent pics of him and his wardrobe (and his music career in Japan) have me Veeeery worried.
Rooftop Prince - the colored tracksuits: will I love them, or hate them? I think I like just be possibly amused.. without having to ruin it either way by making a real decision. :)

I'm so sorry for saying this cause you may already made up your mind about not watching Rooftop Prince. But for me, i used to have the same problem as you do. I really thought that the track suits are not funny and are really annoying so i droppped the drama after ep 1. But then, i started to watch it again as everyone says that its good so i tried. I'm now so so glad that i did 'cause it was such a great and touching drama with great actors and amazing OST. Maybe you might want to give it another go?
49 days. I won't. just. NEVER! =)
Anything that involves more than a "cute idiot" role for Yamapi.
I think I'm open minded when it comes to watching dramas and I like to try watching as many different genres as I can (but horror) But I will never ever watch The Heirs, no matter if they paid me to, I have something against The Heirs, is not even about the plot, and do not get me wrong, I love Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho and even the rest of the cast, but this is the drama that made me feel know that feeling you get when your bff stabs you on the back? Yeah I feel like that wth Krystal Jung so since I don't want to feel miserable while watching it I prefer to skip it and yeah, will never watch it. To think I once was excited about it