I was on mydramalist and i saw a new article saying that there was a taiwanese remake of the korean drama You're Beautiful.I have seen all the remakes and originals soo i'm excited to see how this one is going to turn out!!!!
Anyone else excited ?!?!?!
Hit me up at hayhaylol on mydramalist or my email [email][email protected][/email] if you are going to email me don't send inappropriate stuff like letters and emails last you can go to my tumblr i need followers i will post pics when i get followers
Thanks !!!!
Yes I'm looking forward to it! You're Beautiful was my first drama and Ikemen Desu Ne was my second or third so I'm really interested in this one and how it will turn out. :D
I have a habit of watching the same drama in every language, so I'll end up watching it.
I wouldn't say I'm excited though. I didn't like You're Beautiful, and I still haven't finished Ikemen Desu Ne. Suppose I should do that soon.