@ WishUponAStar
Thank you and thank you and thank you! You are an MDL-er after my own heart!
The Historical vs Costume vs Period Drama situation: being more specific helps (and hopefully, MDLers read the voting instructions). Additionally, whoever makes that list would have to accept entries, and then go through each one to be sure the entries are on the appropriate list. This would take more than one person, for sure.
Also, it's hard to create a Hall of Fame with so many new titles each year. Maybe a list that limits titles to those before the current year?
The problem with the number of items on the list was my inability to add titles. 75 should have been 50, but I couldn't make it happen, but I could make 25 happen; same with the final round (that's why virgievirgie came to the rescue)
I agree with the 2 weeks.
I wonder whether HDC could to a best of the year list?
Also, I'm not doing it alone next time! hahahah