Has Historical club ever had a club event before? 


Has Historical club ever had a club event before? 

Not yet, so far :) 

I’m thinking... could it be something we could start? 

Like a monthly event where we watch a historical movie together and then then spam the feed with our best shot/meme/gif of the movie with an epic caption. Maybe it could be turned into a friendly competition to be voted, to encourage more involvement in historical club. 

Just rambling my random thoughts.... 

Also if anyone is worried about the ’spam the feed part’ we could always give the community the heads up of our 15mins of fame,  allowing  them time to prepare for it and not be upset with us. - but again just a suggestion to bring the community together. 

I don’t use discord, so no idea. I use line and for watching I use metastream... 

But I’m up for whatever is easiest for the historical community, the more the merrier. 

Has Historical club ever had a club event before? 

I think it's a good idea!


I think it's a good idea!

Great! So maybe we wait and see what Estelll thinks? 


I think it's a good idea!

Just gonna second that. Would be fun. And we should define two 15min spam periods bc we are probably from different time zones :D 

 Pot-Pourri Haru:

Just gonna second that. Would be fun. And we should define two 15min spam periods bc we are probably from different time zones :D 

Thats a great idea... Keeps it controlled. 

I also like the idea of an event!  My family gets tired of listening to me rave about the latest show I am watching.  They are way cheaper than going to therapy though ;)  I managed to find suitable fluff by watching Find Yourself.  Song Wei Long impressed me so much in Go Ahead that I needed a second dose.

Thank you to everyone who posts here for making such a friendly place to share, I really enjoy reading all your posts and ideas on which shows to try out.  :)  Big hugs from Canada!

Another possible event idea: 

Monthly/ quarterly historical appreciation post day, where we (whoever wishes to take part) make an appreciation post about whatever the topic is. Topics could be a main character, actor, second lead, scenery, release year etc. Topics are on rotation. 

hi everyone! thanks to estell for making this forum. I went ahead and made myself a banner for my profile, anyone can use it if they like! My profile has a soft neutral theme, so I made a banner to go with that :)

also I mainly watch historicals so I would love to take part in an event / watch party, sounds fun!


hi everyone! thanks to estell for making this forum. I went ahead and made myself a banner for my profile, anyone can use it if they like! My profile has a soft neutral theme, so I made a banner to go with that :)

also I mainly watch historicals so I would love to take part in an event / watch party, sounds fun!

This looks great! Won't fit with my profile colors, but it really is pretty!


Another possible event idea: 

Monthly/ quarterly historical appreciation post day, where we (whoever wishes to take part) make an appreciation post about whatever the topic is. Topics could be a main character, actor, second lead, scenery, release year etc. Topics are on rotation. 

Like that idea too, but we will need a place with a schedule overview or it will get lost in space.