After much aggravation,  the final round lists are here.  We were suppposed to go from 25 to 10, and people could vote for their top 5 of the 10;  from that final round, we'd get three winners in each category:  Period Dramas and Historical Dramas. 


  • I'm frustrated, and so, the final round will unfortunately have only 5 titles; vote for your favorite three.   
  • Voting starts 19 June 04:00 (GMT+2)  closes on24 June at 20:00 (GMT+2)  (Central European Time)
  • When the is over, I'll send a lengthy post explaining what could have gone better with this lists.  

Right now, only the Period Drama list is working;  I'll post the Historical Drama list when it finally works.


Thank you Nienna !

This is the Period Drama List:

At last....I hope!  Can someone please check this link to see whether it works? It works for me, but that's not a guarantee.



At last....I hope!  Can someone please check this link to see whether it works? It works for me, but that's not a guarantee.


Yup, it works for me too!

well, at least  there's one list that works.   Thanks :)

I cannot for the life of me get the Historical Drama List to update to more than 3 titles.  I've tried different browsers, changing settings, etc. 


Yup, it works for me too!

well, at least  there's one list that works.   Thanks :)  >>>insert fireworks here<<<

I cannot for the life of me get the Historical Drama List to update to more than 3 titles.  I've tried different browsers, changing settings, etc. 

I'm going to wait another 24 hours.  If that doesn't work, would some kind HDCer offer to host the list and send me the link?

Thanks and more thanks.


Thank you for your hard work, Nienna!

I can help with hosting the Historical list.  I wont be home for the next couple hours but can do so when I come home.  PM me the list and I'll do it!

FINALLY!! Thanks to the amazing effort of @VirgieVirgie, we have the two final lists.

Historical Drama List:

Period Drama List: 

vote for your top 3 by 24 June (GMT +2).  The results will be our first Hall of Fame :) 

Thanks Nienna.  Glad it all worked out.  This voting start time thing is really confusing.  I still don't know how it works.  Hopefully, I set the ending time correctly.

Another question, since I listed the top 5 dramas, I didn't really cast my vote.  How did you do that for other list?  Maybe I'll just add mine in the comment section?

Add it in the comments sectiob. I was never able to cast my votel; could be that the creator of the list can't do it; at least that's what I think.

Thanks to you two !

Aww. you are most welcome.  Thank YOU for your excellent comments & suggestions during this event :)

It's very exciting to see the top 3 spots keep on changing.  These are definitely our all-time favorites!

Do we want to open the voting to non-club members?  Like posting the links to the Feeds to have more people to vote?  Or just keep them here?

I posted to the feeds this morning (GLOBAL), after opening it to HDC first.   Hope that gives more folks a chance to vote.  I'll put a reminder up on the Global Feed on Thursday.  Some people just don't seem to want to vote...others just want to complain.  Life with humans on line ;)


When I click lists it also shows at the top so when people see this they will also be able to vote if they would like

WOW! That's cool!!!  I can't see that on the lists I've created.