i know right, i'm so jealous cause mine are all mismatched and crooked and yellow compared to hers hahaha and it's unusual for an asian to have such perfectly straight teeth, i wonder if she had some cosmetic work done to them
here's one showing more teeth

jeanie65jh wrote: ^^She's purty.^^ I say if Skye doesn't visit this thread in a week and see his mistress of love, we start posting Nekkidness...He'll never know! ;)

....back to the boyz....

I'm putting a vote in for

Kim Jae Wook
(although I would love to see him a buzz cut one day)
Skye N Rain wrote: *facepalms*

Oh well, no nakedness. :( Well Skye, did you see her at least? I posted just for you.
Woah..Skye did you edit my post? ...I thought that was the prettiest one. and so not naked!
Oh my gooooooose, that arm in the second pic! LOL
PinkDiamond wrote: The only person in my booth....Vanness!

Whew 2nd picture! *fanning myself as I sip my tea* hey Abs...get in here with that kissy Binnie pick!
hey PD only one guy? why the rationing is there a war on? :p
jeanie65jh wrote: Woah..Skye did you edit my post? ...I thought that was the prettiest one. and so not naked!

haha yep jeanie waht happened to the 3rd pic of LDH ? Im pretty sure she was clothed lol
RainFlower wrote: haha yep jeanie waht happened to the 3rd pic of LDH ? Im pretty sure she was clothed lol

I think you could see her belly button..but that's about it. I have chosen to take Skye's little 'unneccessary' editing job as him not wanting anyone else to see his love muffin looking all sexy. I like to imagine he copied that pic and it is now his desktop background.
jeanie65jh wrote: I think you could see her belly button..but that's about it. I have chosen to take Skye's little 'unneccessary' editing job as him not wanting anyone else to see his love muffin looking all sexy. I like to imagine he copied that pic and it is now his desktop background.

Hahahaha Probably
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