
Lmao who hasn't Mark kissed? XD ♡ 

Lmao fr he’s such a comic gem XD


Thank you for such a detailed response <3

Honestly E's styling is probably the closest character wise but none of them have his face. LOL He's being very hard to pin down, which is very true to character, thank you brain for reminding me how annoying I am LOL Never imagined a dreamed up face to be so damn annoying LOL

True, none of the pictures really look like Wen…

I love how they are sticking to Jiang's colouring/lighting as being darker, blue shades and Sheng's being warmer and sunnier lighting. It's a nice contrast, like yin and yang. 

I liked that too and I loved that we got to see J's dimples! I'm such a sucker for



Absosmurfly! And I'm freaking loving it!


So I've started Takara's treasure, cute so far, and on ep 2.   I just have to stop and question, as an accessory addict, how are light catching glass stud earrings more conservative than plain silver hoops? LMAO Wha??

Omg I thought the same thing and I'm NOT an accessory addict, but I do create complete looks so....LOL.

Random but I  don't like buff men. In fact sometimes they kind of scare LOL I was watching a show the other day, cant remember which one, and the camera focused in on these really pronouced abs and I felt a bit sick LOL

Bite your That said, I don't like super muscular men like body builders for example. I like what I call the gymnast body, Y-shaped and with well defined muscles. Wide shoulders, narrow waist, and wash board abs, will always be welcome and greatly drooled over appreciated. *ahem*. I am also very much a face person. It doesn't matter how good the body is if I'm not attracted to the face. Sexy eyes and great smiles are a real thing for me, and if you add dimples to the mix, I'm sold. 

So I am seeing all these new couples and faces and decided to share some visuals I have of just some of the OGs:

Such great photos! I would SOOOO have a field day on your computer I just know it!


ROFLMAO! Lawd I adore It's like you live in my head!

Bite your

Such great photos! I would SOOOO have a field day on your computer I just know it!

LOL Careful what you wish for. There is a reason certain files are under lock and key on my laptop hehehe.

ROFLMAO! Lawd I adore It's like you live in my head!


Question are you familiar or understand Jamaican Patois because I am Jamaican and if you do then we can really start having fun LOL

I just wanted to share this because Mark is hilarious lol

Everybody needs to have a friend like Mark. *grin*


Thank you for such a detailed response <3

Honestly E's styling is probably the closest character wise but none of them have his face. LOL He's being very hard to pin down, which is very true to character, thank you brain for reminding me how annoying I am LOL Never imagined a dreamed up face to be so damn annoying LOL

I'm detail orientated too so when I looked at the pics you provided, I didn't look at them with personal preferences in mind per se (tho D was just purdy to look Instead, I looked at them with your story and the characters details in mind, tho some overall aesthetics did play a part as well. That's why for me, like you, nothing really stood out for me as "Yes this is the one!", so I went with the ones that were the closest to what you described them as being, both in personality and appearance. Tbh, I much preferred the one you posted a while back that I said reminded me of a blonde Cha EunWoo or the Felix look-a-like one that was posted right after as a closer match to our boy. :-)

I'm detail orientated too so when I looked at the pics you provided, I didn't look at them with personal preferences in mind per se (tho D was just purdy to look Instead, I looked at them with your story and the characters details in mind, tho some overall aesthetics did play a part as well. That's why for me, like you, nothing really stood out for me as "Yes this is the one!", so I went with the ones that were the closest to what you described them as being, both in personality and appearance. Tbh, I much preferred the one you posted a while back that I said reminded me of a blonde Cha EunWoo or the Felix look-a-like one that was posted right after as a closer match to our boy. :-)

haha. I see your point. Although I had posted not with the intent to dig for other people's opinions on my own characters LOL I just genuinely wanted to explore the whole shipping mentality and have now have a ton of ai men on my laptop so thought I'd experiment.

Apologies to anyone if they were offended by my post. Take it as more child like curiosity into something that has always fascinated me LOL

But yes. The korean one you mentioned, definitely has Wen's vibe, playful and sensual.

True, none of the pictures really look like Wen…

I'm interested to know how you imagine him?

LOL Careful what you wish for. There is a reason certain files are under lock and key on my laptop hehehe.

Have you yet ever known me to be careful about anything I wish for? *GRIN*

Question are you familiar or understand Jamaican Patois because I am Jamaican and if you do then we can really start having fun LOL

No wonder we get on so well! This explains so very much...lmao!

Since I've been to Jamaica (stayed for a month) and I've also dated my fair share of Jamaican men, I'm very familiar with! That said, it moves very fast and it sometimes takes me a minute to catch on, plus it's been a while since I last heard it in person, so I'm sure my understanding will be extremely rusty. But yeah I'm def familiar with it. *Insert ish eating grin here*


I would give specific recommendations, but you have so many really great BLs on your PTW list that I hardly know where to start.

Although I virtually never "skip" when watching something for the first time (and also almost never drop unless something is truly unwatchable), I do make liberal use of 2X speed (if available on the app) when things are dragging, so I can get through faster without missing any story.

I forget that I can change it to 2x speed (ノ_-。) maybe I’ll start doing that instead

MeNotYou “LOL! And here the rest of us are always lamenting about them not being long enough, especially the JBLs that are always under 30 min each. *grin*”

i sometimes feel that there aren’t ENOUGH episodes but I do not have the attention span to sit down for fifty five minutes (;﹏;)  and recently I just haven’t had time to watch full length episodes ༼✖∧✖༽

haha. I see your point. Although I had posted not with the intent to dig for other people's opinions on my own characters LOL I just genuinely wanted to explore the whole shipping mentality and have now have a ton of ai men on my laptop so thought I'd experiment.

Apologies to anyone if they were offended by my post. Take it as more child like curiosity into something that has always fascinated me LOL

But yes. The korean one you mentioned, definitely has Wen's vibe, playful and sensual.

No offence taken here whatsoever and absolutely no need for apologies. I think it's fun doing stuff like this and I find your posts interesting. Makes it feel more like a home  with friends here than just a place you come to chat occasionally with people you don't know. ((Hugs)) Thanks for that.

Sorry I didn't understand the I looked at those pics with your story in mind and not with a shipping mind, but that said, because I watch so many different types of BLs I don't have any one type of pairing that I prefer over another. For me, the pairing works if the actors they chose fit the character of the story. Period. 

That said, I am kinda getting a little tired of the constant big strong, masculine, muscular guy always being paired with the smaller, softer, physically weaker looking guy, and that clear cut definition of their sexual roles based strictly on those appearances. Give me a couple that you can't pin down that way and if you try to think of their roles, the best you can decide is them being verse...any day of the week. What can I say? It's the writer in me. I like a story 'shown' not 'told' to me. I have a very healthy imagination and I don't need the hand holding...LOL! Why walk on a designated path when you can run wild and freeeeeee! *GRIN*

All caught up with The On1y One now. And I can honestly say that this is my favorite BL this year next to Last Twilight. 

@menotyou yeah that's pretty much how I see it. I just see the characters and that's down to the actor so just like life, they could be paired with anyone as long as they can act out their scenes together affectively lol I often wonder how casting directors decide on pairing. Like, what are they looking for/at when the create a pairing? 

I don't like overly masculine men in general lol out of the group, jay is the most masculine and I'm pretty sure my brain did that on purpose when I was journalling. Other than that no, I get intimated when I see overly manly characters. My sister loved Thor when it was all the rage and the look on her face when my reply was "eeek, no' lmao

i sometimes feel that there aren’t ENOUGH episodes but I do not have the attention span to sit down for fifty five minutes (;﹏;)  and recently I just haven’t had time to watch full length episodes ༼✖∧✖༽

Lol, that's fair... but also, why do you have to? I mean there's nothing that says you can't stop half way thru, go do something else for a little bit (like taking a quick stretch or making a small snack etc.), and then come back to it a little bit later to finish it off, right? Or maybe try bouncing between two completely different shows and that might help keep things on track for you. I do that when I find a show's current epi is lagging, but I still want to watch it to keep up with the show and what's going on. I'll stop, pull up another show, and then go back to finish the first one after.