@BabyFeatForever and @p43425 thank you very much for your recommendations, I am very excited to watch these now and will surely try to watch all of em!!

Adri, if you're not already aware of it, World of BL is an enormously helpful resource for finding where to watch BLs and following new releases. Unfortunately, the site owner has had some computer troubles and is currently about a week behind. I hope it'll be caught up soon.

Gaya Sa Pelikula final

Anna is awesome

And the sister saying "I'm and ally" immediately reminded me of Imogen in Heartstopper LOL XD

The first few eps made me laugh so much (especially that scene where Karl was telling Vlad to get off him after showering cuz he was getting wet and Vlad just smirked at him lmao) and then it got heavy and deep 

And the attention to detail throughout this series was crazy good

Anyway, that dancing scene was GOLD. Absolutely beautiful. 

Overall rating: 9/10

Day 13 ~ October Challenge

If you could make a horror, falltime or halloween BL who would star in it, and what would it be about?

Hmmmm, let me think ...... * thinking cap * hurrrr. Oh, and the Monster Mash song ..... *wiggles* 

Let me get this plot first......*computer dial up sounds*

Title ~ BloodBound

Tags~  Soulmates, fated love, reincarnation, curses, werewolves, mystery, secret identities, historian ML, smart ML, Badass ML, love triangles, dark magic,

Starring ~ Since I have no particular BL couple preference, please feel free to imagine the following with your favourites <3

Plot ~ 

Junior historian Nueng has an accident during an archeological dig and discovers a secret tomb, marked with auspicious signs.  Dated from an Old Siam period, his seniors ignore the warnings and start unearthing all the gold and artifacts, discovering a tight double sealed coffin. Unable to open the coffin, they insist on taking it back to the lab for studying. One of the artifacts is an old scroll with unusual markings on it. The discovery makes headlines on the news and Nueng's seniors take all the credit as he refuses to be acknowledged, fearing they should have left everything were it was.

One night, alone in the lab, Nueng is studying the scroll. Trying to voice the language out loud, he accidently unlocks the first seal, a magical one, on the coffin.

When he starts inspecting the coffin, he is attacked by a masked assailant, who tries to steal the scroll. In the scuffle, Nueng cuts his hand on broken glass and smears blood on the coffin as he's trying to escape. Again, accidently opening the second seal, and creating a new spell around the coffin. The assailant runs away afraid, leaving Nueng alone and shaken in a corner. 

Thus enters our second lead, Kla, who awakens from his sleep with a thud and a bang as he tries to get out of the coffin. Terrified, Nueng runs away. The next morning, the coffin is found to be broken open and empty, as Nueng tries to explain that he was attacked. It is believed that the body inside was stolen. 

Later, Nueng returns home to find his apartment ransacked, with his clothes all over the floor. Ready to call the police, Kla grabs him from behind, demanding to know who he is and how the coffin was opened. Nueng doesn't know.  (We as the viewers might guess though)

Nueng and Kla are naturally cold to each other at first as Nueng is in disbelief and Kla is centuries old and doesnt understand modern day Bangkok, allowing for some hilarious 'strange world' scenes. 

It is slowly revealed in the first half, that Kla was a noble warrior, favoured by Royalty, who was cursed by an unknown enemy, with a 'Blood Thirst' curse, endowing him with super strength and a blood lust that makes him go berserk during the full moon, turning him into a crazed monster.

He occasionally still suffers from this blood lust that makes him anger prone and tense, making his relationship with Nueng difficult at the start, and he enjoys raw meat and other strange food mixtures. His senses are highly tuned, esp his hearing and sense of smell, allowing for a running gag that all his senses have been heightened but his tastes are now non existent. 

Throughout the show, we can learn that Kla's tomb has moved a few times as others in power have sought to control and use him for gain, but were unable to open the coffin. 

There would be a few enemies, and the ultra big bad will be unknown in the back, hinting at someone very powerful globally. 

Eventually, Kla and Nueng begin to fall in love as Nueng shows Kla how to adapt to modern life and how to manage his illness, with some dramatic events when the full moon comes. When Kla goes on a rampage, only Nueng can bring him back. His natural blood lust tendencies can also allow for some sexual tension as Kla loves how Nueng smells and thinks it could be because Nueng opened his tomb.

But Kla initially holds back as he remembers his lover from his past life, a young Prince, who was the one who had him sealed in an effort to save him. 

Kla lost control one night, and went berserk in the palace, injuring his Prince lover. But his Prince Lover begged for mercy, so his father instead gathered a group of mystic Buddhist monks, to confine and seal him until a cure was found. 

Realizing it's been centuries, and his lover will have been reborn, Nueng promises to help Kla find his lover's reincarnation.

And because I'm an extra drama queen, Nueng is of course, the reincarnated Prince, which is how he's been the only one able to open the coffin again. But I'd reveal this at the end, just for some romantic dramatic will they or wont they tension. Maybe even a really heated sex scene as Kla begins to give in to this senses and Neung falls in love. 

The final arc of the plot will be the reveal as to why Kla was cursed, found written by the head monk, in the artifacts that were hidden in the tomb. I'm going to be real petty and say it was just point blank jealously and love rivalry over the Prince, who has also been reincarnated and is now a police officer, who is friends with Nueng and has been working on his assault case earlier, giving some third party pain. 

In the final action scene, Kla is cornered by police in the middle of one of his fits, as he is now seen as dangerous, headed by the love rival, as well as the side enemy trying to capture him. Nueng sacrifices himself to save Kla from bullets, re creating what actually happened centuries before. 

Kla did not injure Nueng, but it was Nueng who protected him from guards. 

In that life, Nueng died from his injuries after begging a buddhist monk to help Kla, using his blood as a seal. By recreating the scene, at the same time and place, it is Nueng who fulfills his promise of lifting the curse with his blood, revealing how he could open the tomb. The two had made a Blood Pact in their past lives, promising to love and protect each other in each life. 

The purpose of Kla's curse was to drive him crazy, and to drive him to attack in a manic state before being killed by the royal guards who had always looked up to him, thus ruining his reputation and giving him a miserable and dishonorable death. But the blood pact with Nueng protected him, so the curse could only harm him at intervals, particularly when the moon is strongest. 

The police and the enemy witness the magic unfold and the curse is lifted. Special agents arrive, revealing that they had been following Kla since the news of the tomb's discovery and it was the head agent who had attacked Nueng that night in the lab. 

He didnt mean to hurt Nueng, only to stop Kla from being woken, as the Old Siam King had created a secret service to watch over Kla and other groups using the dark arts, and the group has existed ever since. 

I think the head agent could be a side character we've seen before, appearing occasionally, just for some, oh snap at the end LOL Maybe that goofy friend that appears for comedic relief between Kla and Nueng's romantic drama LOL

Nueng is treated in the hospital while Kla is giving an ultimatum by the special agent who over sees supernatural events in Thailand. As he is now human, he must live as one and should his name ever come again, the agency will make sure he disappears for good. Kla only cares about Neung and promises to live peacefully. 

The agent, having been friends with Kla and Nueng, believes that they will, closes the case with a smile. 

The police force are sworn to secrecy and some are paid off for their silence. The love rival must swallow his pride and allow Nueng and Kla to live and love together. It is his karma for cursing Kla and he must deal with it. The enemy retreats as Kla is no longer useful. 

Nueng wakes up to find Kla asleep beside him and the show can end with them sharing a passionate kiss with a sunset background, ready to enjoy their future lives together. 


Hmm, "To Be Continued" is still buried in my PTW list. I don't recall any talk of it here. I will raise its priority level right now!

As long as you can be patient and last until episode 7, I think you'll like it. I was engaged the whole time and was curious about their history.


Hello, I am Adri and I would love to join this club? !! I have been a long time BL fan, whether it is BL K-drama, BL Thai-drama or BL manhwa/manga. I look for great BLs everywhere!!!

I was looking for some more BLs to watch, so if anyone has a good recommendation, please let me know ?.

Welcome! @BabyFeatForever has lots of great suggestions, but also feel free to also browse my(or anyone's) main list of completed ones in my profile, and I also have a couple of lists that I created as well if that's a bit easier to visually go through.
(  ̳• · • ̳)
/    づ♡


Source: X

The first one is upsetting to me!


Hello, I am Adri and I would love to join this club? !! I have been a long time BL fan, whether it is BL K-drama, BL Thai-drama or BL manhwa/manga. I look for great BLs everywhere!!!

I was looking for some more BLs to watch, so if anyone has a good recommendation, please let me know ?.

Welcome to the club!

@BabyFeatForever has given you a lovely list so I will not add to it. I do not want to overwhelm you but be warned if you started out watching only a few BLs, that will not be the case after interacting with this club lol. Welcome Again :)

Overall rating: 9/10

See, I will never lead you wrong with Filipino BLs. Welcome to this side of BL :)

Title ~ BloodBound

That was such a good story! Ur a good writer lol

I love how production companies are leaning on Thailand/Taiwan to get their content created and aired LOL It just takes one person in a group to stand up and those like minds will follow. 


See, I will never lead you wrong with Filipino BLs. Welcome to this side of BL :)

I now know exactly who to ask for recs lol 

Hmm...the only type of BL I haven't watched yet is Vietnamese I think. Should I start one?


That was such a good story! Ur a good writer lol

Glad you enjoyed LOL 

Now that I've had the day to think about it, BossNouel would be pretty good. Nouel's got that pretty prince look. 

BillyBabe or FortPeat would work as well.

Although since it's all imagination, don't let that ruin who you imagined as the characters. Imagining it is the best part LOL


Glad you enjoyed LOL 

Now that I've had the day to think about it, BossNouel would be pretty good. Nouel's got that pretty prince look. 

BillyBabe or FortPeat would work as well.

Although since it's all imagination, don't let that ruin who you imagined as the characters. Imagining it is the best part LOL

I actually didn’t imagine anyone in particular but now that u mention it…Boss does give hot vampire vibes lol

I wouldn’t say FortPeat would really fit the vibe…hmm….Oh wait what about JeffBarcode? YES THAT COULD WORK! 

Maybe PondPhuwin…cuz of the whole reincarnation thingamajiggy from the Our Skyy 2 NLMG special

Which reminds me...this was in my YT feed yesterday.