
I’m enjoying it as a fun cute show, but I must confess I’m basically waiting for HillTer to be over because I’m more interested in the other ships ;; I want to see JohanNorth and ArthitDaotok.

Same. I like Earth (in this role) and Pond, but series that intertwine the storylines generally hold my attention much better. Another example: I loved "LITA", and I realise that the two stories (Payu/Rain and Prapai/Sky) were written as separate novels, but I would've liked it better - or rather, it would've held my attention better - if they had found a way to interweave them.


Same. I like Earth (in this role) and Pond, but series that intertwine the storylines generally hold my attention much better. Another example: I loved "LITA", and I realise that the two stories (Payu/Rain and Prapai/Sky) were written as separate novels, but I would've liked it better - or rather, it would've held my attention better - if they had found a way to interweave them.

Right! I love LITA but I’ve always felt that if these friends stories interacted just a little more it would have been better ;; like the connections were right there— it would have been so easy


Speaking of LITA, while I gave it a 10 and it became one of my all time favourite series, I came close to dropping it after one particular scene lol. Thankfully my cooler thoughts stopped me lol


Speaking of LITA, while I gave it a 10 and it has became one of my all time favourite series, I came close to dropping it after one particular scene lol. Thankfully my cooler thoughts stopped me lol

Lmao which one ??? 

I feel like they have so much potential. I would to see them doing something along the trope of brat X brat tamer. It would be fantastic. Or like Mark is his body guard or something. Idk but they have so much potential for some fun plotlines 

Or a boss and secretary, or an arranged marriage between wealthy families. The possibilities are endless. They need to give us a series IMMEDIATELY. 

Speaking for myself, I did not like this movie - and not only because of the ending. While the average MDL rating is medium (7.4), the MDL reviews are extraordinarily polarised, i.e. some love it, some hate it. It's actually highly unusual for me to be in the latter rather than the former group, but that's the way it is.

LOL was it the girl because some comments said she was on a mission to take both guys lol

They gave me Net and I forgot about everyone else…

Oh my, I fear there is no cure for this lol


Lmao which one ??? 

When Rain snuck into the race event and Payu caught him. Listen when Payu spanked him I saw red in several shades. Have I ever mentioned that the male lead "tamer" does not appeal to me because in that moment all I could think was, "I wish a mother fucker would!".

Yup, so to this day in my mind that scene does not exist. I remember their story without it lol


Or a boss and secretary, or an arranged marriage between wealthy families. The possibilities are endless. They need to give us a series IMMEDIATELY. 

LOL was it the girl because some comments said she was on a mission to take both guys lol

Oh my, I fear there is no cure for this lol

The way I would loved arrange marriage trope. 


When Rain snuck into the race event and Payu caught him. Listen when Payu spanked him I saw red in several shades. Have I ever mentioned that the male lead "tamer" does not appeal to me because in that moment all I could think was, "I wish a mother fucker would!".

Yup, so to this day in my mind that scene does not exist. I remember their story without it lol

Omg I forgot about that scene because everytime I do a re-watch I skip ep 1 lmao 


I agree with your specific comments (behind spoiler), and you're right, the writing is lazy - but I'm enjoying the series nonetheless (and not only because Earth is cute, and in a role that suits him). Actually, the thing I'm slightly disappointed about is that it seems they'll be doing the four couples sequentially (presumably 4 + 4 + 4 +4 = 16 episodes), while I prefer intertwined story threads.

Aww I didn't know that. That's disappointing if that's true :/ I thought they would be weaving each couple alongside each other throughout the series. I don't exactly hate it or I'd have dropped it, but it's not winning me over very well right now overall. It wasn't really a series that I was anticipating or all that excited about to begin with. It's just one that I wanted to give a try since it had several actors in it that I like, especially Bas, and Wabi Sabi & GMM are behind it. I usually love just about everything Wabi Sabi and GMM is involved with, but this one is a rather meh with a dash of annoying so far me. And, it just doesn't seem to have any magic to it so far.

***Please, nobody that has not yet started watching it be discouraged from watching it because of my impressions. If you're enjoying it, then please continue to do so. I'm just particular about what series I will invest my time into. If I'm not connecting with a series I'll go try watching something else.

Oh my, I fear there is no cure for this lol

Aww I didn't know that. That's disappointing if that's true :/ I thought they would be weaving each couple alongside each other throughout the series.

I don't know this for a fact but rather am guessing ("it seems") from the trajectory of the first three episodes.

ETA: I totally understand what you're saying about Wabi Sabi and the strong cast. My expectations were also high. But we're only at three episodes out of 16, so I still have hopes that "Fourever You" will live up to the Wabi Sabi legacy.


I don't know this for a fact but rather am guessing ("it seems") from the trajectory of the first three episodes.

Okay, I'll keep that in mind.


The upcoming The Wicked Games The Series @winnie posted photos of 

I can’t find anything about it anywhere 

 American Fan:

Aw, you just made my day. Thx! 

I just learned that they know my sister, so by association they harassed me. 

Here's a funny (now it's funny). Two days ago I was cooking soup and had to use the emersion blender. If you know what that is, then you know what happened when I lost control of it while it was in a huge pot of soup. 

I have no clue what that is but that sounds like quite a mess :-/ 

I can’t find anything about it anywhere 

It was just announced, so the details are sketchy and tentative (I think they're basically fishing for sponsors right now), but there's a new entry on MDL, so you can at least mark it on your PTW list if it interests you: "The Wicked Game". (Speaking for myself, anything Daou-Offroad interests me!)