So I finally got round to watching Every you, Every me, episode 3 and I'm glad this one's in two halves because it would be very random if that were it LOL

I'm curious how many couples there's going to be. The actors, Top and Mick are only listed with the 3 names so far, so are we going to go back to the previous characters again? I am highly amused right now.

I cant take this as being different lives because they all seem to be happening simultaneously in the modern world LOL 

I realised last night that BL couples are giving a dynamic that they carry with them as a bl couple. They will play different characters, but the dynamic between the two will remain the same. I had never thought of that before. I  thought BL couples were created simply if they looked good together, I had never thought that they would literally be given a blue print, and that would just carry over into whatever roles followed from it. 

This whole show feels like a way to do that with Top and Mick. Like execs are trying to figure out what their 'dynamic' is, while let the boys embrace different characters, either top or bottom. Which is fun I suppose. 

That last shot of Top lying down having his naked chest gentle stroked was an absolutely gorgeous shot. His eyes were all twinkly. I would fall in love too LOL


(re "Our Golden Times") Sorry, I lied: "My Colleague at BL Shop Might be the Meant-to-be" was also in Cantonese. For those who don't know it, it's three short episodes which basically seem like a self-produced advert by a Hong Kong manga bookstore, so it's very low budget and there's basically zero story - but it's cute (and short).

Oh I’ve never watched a Cantonese BL…

Does anyone rec any? 


Day 22 - Favourite School Project

Now is the time to let my nerd flag fly high lol

Mind you when I left high school I had awards and regional distinctions for these subjects  except for French (I did that one with the french gov. thanks to an amazing teacher who offered me the opportunity as a Caribbean student; yup teachers' pet right here lol) (Oh I am serious about my nerd flag):

I love History, Chemistry, Biology, English A & B, Religious Education, Principles of Business, French

Now after High School my favs are:

Law, Literatures In English, Sociology, History, Caribbean Studies

In conclusion is you want an essay then I am your guy, anything math related stay clear of me unless it is money or science related lol

Well that is enough of my boasting *cough* I mean sharing *nervous smile*

What a nerd lol 

Hmm…I guess if I have English homework issues ur my guy ;)

, Religious Education

Oh, you have R.E? I thought we were the only ones with that LOL The more you know. Interesting.


Oh, you have R.E? I thought we were the only ones with that LOL The more you know. Interesting.

Wait whereabouts r u located? 

I have RS (RE) too (and they gave me hw to write a whole damn essay TT) 

 Ariane aka RiriLaRoro:

Btw, I'm currently reading your MDL Profile... I'm enjoying it a lot. I love when people are making lists

Thank you for the praise.

Just made it yesterday because I saw some people profile looks very interesting so I copied them.


Wait whereabouts r u located? 

I have RS (RE) too (and they gave me hw to write a whole damn essay TT) 

I'm in Ireland. I thought the UK and Ireland were the only ones who taught Christianity in schools lol I stand corrected. Although, when I was in school, it doubled over as a social studies class as well, which I believe now has it's own class? 

 Arc en ciel:

 Killer and Healer is already in my currently watching list but i didnt start it yet, i heard a lot of good feedback ,  i will add Winter Begonia  to my plan to watch list now ,thanks for the recommendation :D

You're welcome.

I missed Killer and Healer on your list then.

About Uncle Unknown, I really wish the editor did a better job connecting the story. And not just jumping scene to scene, I'm a bit confused at times.


I'm in Ireland. I thought the UK and Ireland were the only ones who taught Christianity in schools lol I stand corrected. Although, when I was in school, it doubled over as a social studies class as well, which I believe now has it's own class? 

Wait what’s social studies? Is that like PSHE or something? 

Monster Next Door ep 7

That spider scared the shit out of me. Like I literally got goosebumps

They’re cute but like I’M GETTING SO BOREEDDDD 

I hate mathematics. I avoid it like the plague unless is money lol

Ditto!! Another "in-common" thing to add to our list, but def not your long class list, lol.

Hehe, well damn, you know I can't resist you *smirk*

Smirking back at cha. 

 Ariane aka RiriLaRoro:

(That was NOT a question, btw)

I figured! :-) And HELLO!!