Jeff Satur is LIVE on IG rn!!

And he's singing!!

 American Fan:

Jeff Satur is LIVE on IG rn!!

And he's singing!!

I caught his last two songs. What a treat. I want to see him live in concert.


Actually I had many ones I disliked but most of them I forgot. I saw your list and most of them I could say I didn't like too. And I also didn't like and finish KinnPorsch and 2gether

I liked KinnPorche, haha.


Awww, I really enjoyed these. So funny how all our tastes are so different.

Yeah, it's fun to compare!


I chose not to comment when I saw some series. Something about it being her right *side eye*

I thought of you when making my list. LOL, j/k


I caught his last two songs. What a treat. I want to see him live in concert.

I do too!! I'm glad you got on!! He sounds so cute speaking English. Earlier he sang "Yellow" by Coldplay!!

ETA: PPKritt was on too. I saw his comments!

October Challenge (Day 26)  What is your least favorite BL if you have one?

A few things about how I rate things : I ONLY rate shows I complete. I ONLY count shows as watched if I complete them.

This means that despite this being my lowest rated show— I still finished it… idk what that says about me but—

With a wooping 4, I have to go with ‘A Secretly Love’. Sadly, despite really liking Kimmon, this just wasn’t it ;; the plot was off and the subs were the worst I’ve seen in years ;; 

I love how I had my life story for todays question and every one else is just like, eh, this show here LMAO

Having said that, I am enjoying reading the reviews of these super low rated bls lol


May I join?

Hi, welcome!  (・ᗜ・)ノ♡ 

Mark was on TikTok live earlier ( ♥‿♥)♡

So, there was a conversation happening today about Until We Meet Again. 

I have my dramas categorized into 'vibes' on my profile and today decided to see/add to those sections which shows are currently ranking at No. 1 within that category, and are therefore my ultra top shows. 

Until We Meet Again got the top spot for 'The Escape' shows - represented by a sweet shop. It's for shows that are - Sweet, Whimsical Visuals, Gentle Moments, Tender Emotions, Magical Elements, Fantastical Storytelling -

So I guess I fall into the group of it being one of my favourite shows so far LOL

 American Fan:
Among my dropped  BLs:

Moonlight Chicken
Taikan Yoho

American Fan is just saying this because she knows these two are among my favourites and she wants to prove she's not my clone.* (@AF: Just teasin' - you're allowed to have your own opinions.)

*Ignoring certain X/Y chromosome issues.

A few things about how I rate things : I ONLY rate shows I complete. I ONLY count shows as watched if I complete them.

This means that despite this being my lowest rated show— I still finished it

Exactly the same for me. While I sometimes note a rating for something I drop (which is rare), it's for me only, and I don't count this as a real rating. So for example, I can't nominate "Crazy Handsome Rich" because the dubbing alone was so unbearably bad that I couldn't get through the first episode. Same for "A Secretly Love" and its infamous, unbearably bad subtitles.

Kidnap - episode 8

The fact that this post is about to be right after @Jadeheart's is going to paint a huge contrast; sorry @Jadeheart *crying emoji*

Well, you feel how you feel. I can't speak to the exact nature of how you came to your assessment, but I think we all to some degree or another, project what we wish some of these BLs would be or could have done a little differently to appeal to our own personal tastes. I have done this as well. I always try to be mindful of whether I'm criticizing a legitimate issue with the production, writing, acting, etc. as being technically faulty/substandard, or if it's just me projecting onto a series for it to be something other than what the creators intended because I wanted it to fit what I wanted rather than enjoying it for how the creator intended.

That said, I respect your thoughts and you desires for it to have played out slightly differently to be more compelling for you. I do want to say that I can see the things that you are pointing out and I do understand why you feel how you do about these aspects, but I had a different observational experience with everything that you mentioned that I'll elaborate on below:

I did not enjoy this episode to the fullest because I disagree with the writing choices made for the last part of episode 7 into this episode. I think it would have been better if they had held off on them being a couple and allowed Min to break Q's heart right before any confession was made, so that when he leaves and Q finds him their re-connection and reaffirmation of the promise never to leave each other could have held more weight and be more deep and meaningful. This is just my personal feelings; I do not believe in the depth of their love. They absolutely love each other but I am just not confident it is that deep because in following the writing, if Min could break his promise so easily when they are already a couple what weight does any future promise have.

I had an opposite view of this part of the series you mentioned. It's precisely because of the deeper connection and the confession and becoming solidified as a couple that Min's choice to break it off has tremendous weight. It's one of THE most difficult decisions to make in life to willingly choose to walk away from someone that you love so deeply because you think it will be what will protect them. Remember, Min loves him so much and he's a true protector through and through of everyone he cares about and loves, so it makes complete sense he would do anything to protect Q, even if it means breaking a promise this important. It's one of the most painful expressions of love for another person to do something like this, especially knowing the walls and barriers Q has built around himself previously. He let nobody in and trusted nobody. Q was in the most vulnerable state of his life in general with everything going on and under constant threat of being killed left and right, and the trauma he's lived with surrounding his mother's death. He let all his walls down, allowed himself to trust again, and be vulnerable to Min letting him in, to then have this happen at such a fragile moment at the start of their relationship. I do not see this as being and "easy" thing for Min to do.

So, for me, this showcases just how truly deep Min's love is for Q and just how much Q loves him as well(which is showcased by Q's persistence and everything he did to fight to find and get Min back). Then, in an ironic twist, Q then becomes the one to make that difficult decision to willingly walk away from Min because he thinks it would be the most loving thing to do to remove himself from his life because he thinks it would be better for Min. These are two genuine and very difficult acts of love on both their parts to willingly do for the other. That's truly deep and immensely meaningful on both their parts. Because of all of this, I am completely not only convinced of the depth of their love for each other. I don't think the writing was an issue here as it delivered exactly what I think they intended.

I understand why Min left but I feel that if he had left right on the cusp of confessing and knowing that he was in love, the story would have been more heartbreaking and have some more depth. Hence the NC scene would have been an explosion of tension, love and tenderness. Objectively speaking, the NC scene was good but I did not feel it because my confidence in them as a couple is a little shaken

I already covered the timing of the confession etc in the previous part. As far as being more "heartbreaking" is concerned, that's just a personal and stylization preference. I have series that I feel this way about that don't go far enough into the emotions and moments of the characters. I feel for this series that it's about right. I feel like they aren't laying it on too lightly nor are they going too heavy-handed either. The series overall does not seem like they ever intended it to be a super emotionally heavy series. There's a fair amount of action and violence in this series, but even that is being tempered as they seem to be doing with everything else. The "more depth" is a bit more subjective because we all kind of have different ideas of what that means. The series feels like a slightly lighter and easier-to-consume version of Never Let Me Go

As far as the NC scene, that was a bit abrupt after the previous scene.  It seemed like it should have been more like you said by having a more loving, tender, and intimate expression following the previous scene being that it was one of the most emotional ones between them. My actual reaction was "Oh, okay, I guess we're going to just tear our clothes off suddenly after such an emotionally exhausting exchange on the highway"  and  "I guess we're not going to have a visually meaningful sweet and tender love-making scene" lol.  I thought the NC scene was fine as well for what it was, but it did seem to be like it was just "tacked" on after the previous scene.

Also why did Q's dad just give up the information like that after orchestrating all of this. This I felt was stupid.

Q and his father have always had a contentious relationship. His father knows exactly how strong-willed and stubborn his son is. I can imagine that in his constant persistence in trying to protect his son and trying to do the best for him, ultimately he knows Q is going to end up doing exactly what the f#@k he wants. Hence why he went to Min to practically beg him to agree to break it off with Q in the first place. Even Min realizes that Q can be quite stubborn even against his own safety, which is equally both a positive and a negative thing as we see throughout the series lol. There's something to be said about doing this behind Q's back and making decisions about his life without him both by his father and Min who he gave his fragile trust, BUT as was stated, Q is incredibly stubborn even against his own safety. We saw how Q  busted into that office and we all know by now Q ain't taking any bulls#%t like that from his father's interference. Q was insistent on staying and not going to Vancouver, so I can see his father conceding to him knowing that Q knew that he was behind Min breaking it off and subsequently moving away.

As it relates to what actually happened in the story Q may have forgiven Min but I have not. Just because I understand him does not mean I cannot be pissed; matter of fact it is because I understand why I am pissed.

If Q can forgive Min, especially knowing whay he made that decision to protect him and was a decsision born of love for him, then that's all that matters and I'm good with it.

 American Fan:

Jeff Satur is LIVE on IG rn!!

And he's singing!!

Nooo I missed it TT 

American Fan is just saying this because she knows these two are among my favourites and she wants to prove she's not my clone.* (@AF: Just teasin' - you're allowed to have your own opinions.)

I will admit to thinking of you when I made my list. HAHAHA


Nooo I missed it TT 

No  worries! I enjoyed him for both of us. That's what friends do!! 

Mew's song for Tul.  In case anyone hasn't listened yet.

English Lyrics in a new post since it's impossible to get both in this post. Darn embed tool!!