
I get the impression that this will have a lot of heavy bullying - or am I reading too much into it?

I'm thinking the same. I usually, but not always, have a hard time with bully scenes. Not sure it'll be for me, but I like to post for others in any case.  :-)

Hmm? I'm seeing an average MDL rating of 7.4 for "BOTW" (no separate entry for uncut) vs. 7.3 for "Addicted Heroin" (7.5 for uncut), so almost identically rated - and not especially low (below 7) for either.

Yes, my language isn't very accurate regarding the rating numbers. Still it feels unbalanced to me. My take on rating numbers may be different than some. Anything below a 7.5 and my perception of the drama isn't real positive. In my experience, it becomes hit or miss whether the drama is even worth watching. But if the story sounds interesting I will check it out first anyways.

 American Fan:
Taming the Bad Boy teaser

Well, I guess this series started yesterday? According to the MDL page. I like Holland so I might check it out, or wait to hear from others first.


Chadjen(Mark) in High School Frenemy is just so freaking adorable. I love him. ♡

I agree

Day 17. Do you collect anything?

No, not really. I used to have a collection of sorts but it was a long time ago. I'd like to collect Virginia Woolf's works though, if I had the money. That and the works of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, you name it. Books collecting can be fun and I get to read something good every time I go to my bookshelves. I did collect all of MXTX's works but no longer have them. They didn't spark joy anymore for some reason. Speaking of sparking joy, I'd like to have Marie Kondo's books on my bookshelves too.

tl;dr I'd like to collect books, so far I don't collect anything.

Day 17 ~ October Challenge 

Do you collect anything?

ummmmm, nothing of importance.

I used to collect/look forward to buying the Make up Revolution Halloween collections, back when they had an imagination and had artists creating proper looks. Now they just do featured sets to crank out as much as they can like every other brand with some instagram style looks. This year's collection was so underwhelming I felt sad lol What they consider now a 'halloween look' use to my average every day look as a kid LOL

Books would have been another answer but these days I'm a lot more conscious of what I'm buying. I hate having stuff that I will never use or look at. 

I guess these days the collections is going to be photographs. I have been wanting to take more pictures and have my own photo albums of stuff. I have a ton from my phone that I need to sort out and want to get printed. Memories are more important to me these days. 

Day 17: Do you collect anything?

I'm reluctant to answer this because I know that certain other members will give me disapproving looks (*cough* American Fan *cough*). In my defense, however, my harem is not even in triple digits yet (!!!), although that may soon change depending on pending contract negotiations, including possible blanket deals with both GMMTV and Domundi.

Just as a sample (Domundi Gen 4, from L to R: Nong JJ, Nong Kim, Nong Por, Nong Ohmkrit, Nong Save, Nong Patji, Nong Auau):

Day 17 - Do you collect anything?  Kids and I have a rock collection. Most are random pieces that caught our attention because of their shape or color and were picked up on our hikes. Some were gifts, some we went on digs for and others we purchased. The most unusual ones are: a meteorite, a benitoite, a rock from the top of Mt. Whitney and a fossilized leaf.

 American Fan:
Taming the Bad Boy teaser

I am intrigued to see this one play out. I cannot say I have watched many series with bullying; at least I do not think I have *thinking emoji*

Am the only who notices that when you highlight a part of someone's post to quote the colour of the highlight is now a colour close to royal blue?

Day 17 - Do you collect anything?

I cannot think of anything right now. I am not the type of person to collect things because things are tangible which means I can lose them or they can be destroyed. Hence I love reading and my thoughts because a person's mind is the greatest treasure chest and safe. Sherlock Homes would call his mind a "Mind Palace" and I have come to love that idea so I often follow him and refer to mine as a "Mind Palace" also. Then if I was to say I collect anything it would be literary works, words, etc. Anything that is intangible and can be stored in the mind.


My eyes were not fully focusing on the screen when I read your post so I thought you said you collect kids lol. I had to do a double take.


This looks so cool! I would want a necklace with this in the pendant.

My eyes were not fully focusing on the screen when I read your post so I thought you said you collect kids lol. I had to do a double take.

I thought the exact same thing at first. Haha!


Oooh ... "Wicked Game" with Daou & Offroad. I'm excited! I loved them in "Love in Translation" and especially "Century of Love".

My eyes were not fully focusing on the screen when I read your post so I thought you said you collect kids lol. I had to do a double take.

With the number of nieces, nephews and godchildren I have, I pretty much collect kids ;-)


I have earrings, and the colors are really cool.


I am watching it already buddy . Its nice so far

Ooohh okay. I must have gotten confused. lol. I hope you enjoy it.