American Fan:

Thank you, thank you! Some sites aren't available in my area, but this site might work!

I didn't know if I could put the addy, but add dot co to the end of Kisskh. That said, for some reason they're really slow on the subs for the latest epi of Addicted Heroin, which has never happened with any show before. They are still not up anywhere.

Oh yeah, I own Joong Archen(with Hia), First Kanaphan, Nishigaki Sho, Hsu Kai, Poon Mitpakdee, and Cooheart (with Aly)

I lurve Joong! No one and I mean no one does bedroom eyes like Joong does....and that smile of his sets all the butterflies flying!

Sho.... my little saviour prince from As Long as We Both Shall Live! Such a cutie!

And my adorable Poonbug! I simply adore him.

Yay a fellow emotional watcher! Hi!!

Emotional is not the word. This bichna cries at sad parts in a book for heaven's sake! I'm happy to wallow with you!


*raises hand* I don't think I like them either lol

I have a really hard time connecting with the characters--

I'm actually disappointed/surprised that VBL choose the Anti-Reset universe to expand with more robot BL's (Eternal Butler). 

I see.

I wonder what that says about me that I DO connect to the robot...I don't wanna know.

I can't wait for Eternal Butler, even if I'm the only one watching!! 

As a Virgo, I always need all the answers

Oh, interesting. I don't know my astrology. 

I cannot wait for a NC scene good enough to drop so that I can do my reaction here but for now let me keep the image of me you have intact. *evil laugh*

LMAO! At dawn we ride!

And yes they did do the deed with no explanation of how other than him having "that function" or something lazy asset way of explanation.

If they had provided a simple, albeit unsatisfactory, explanation, I would have been more understanding. However, the fade-to-black screen without any context was unacceptable. Additionally, I noticed instances where the storyline seemed to contradict itself. It felt as though the writers would introduce certain plot points only to disregard them in later episodes, replacing them with new information solely for the sake of advancing the plot. 

One thing that made me laugh was the positioning of his sensitivity button. They're supposed to be a company that specializes in integrating AI into society, but to me, having it behind the neck would be a major design flaw. The spot is too open to anything booming into it or the elements hitting it. And with the amount of money they said it cost, you would think they would want to protect their assets more efficiently.

At one point, the series was receiving such positive reviews. As I read the comments, I began to question whether I was failing to understand something, as it seemed like everyone else was enjoying it except for me. I started doubting myself and wondered if I was overlooking something. Your explanation captures what I was trying to express much more effectively.

It's cuz the actors were doing an amazing job, but the whole storyline itself was very jarring to me and simply didn't flow like it should've and it would've, had they just stopped to think things thru for 5 mins! It was like driving with someone who constantly taps the breaks every few mins. By the end I couldn't wait to get out of the freaking car!

I cannot wait for a NC scene good enough to drop so that I can do my reaction here but for now let me keep the image of me you have intact. *evil laugh*

 I remember those days. You were the beacon of updates and knowledge until the day came when I innocently clicked on your spoilers  ....

It was like driving with someone who constantly taps the breaks every few mins.

Dang, those heavy feet lol

Additionally, I noticed instances where the storyline seemed to contradict itself. It felt as though the writers would introduce certain plot points only to disregard them in later episodes, replacing them with new information solely for the sake of advancing the plot. 

One thing that made me laugh was the positioning of his sensitivity button. They're supposed to be a company that specializes in integrating AI into society, but to me, having it behind the neck would be a major design flaw. The spot is too open to anything booming into it or the elements hitting it. And with the amount of money they said it cost, you would think they would want to protect their assets more efficiently.

Yes to all this! Are you inside my head rn? You know it's dangerous in there, right?


I lurve Joong! No one and I mean no one does bedroom eyes like Joong does....and that smile of his sets all the butterflies flying!

Sho.... my little saviour prince from As Long as We Both Shall Live! Such a cutie!

And my adorable Poonbug! I simply adore him.

Yeah yeah u love them but THEY’RE MINE, got it? Our whole forum went in absolute chaos before u came over this but in the end we managed to make a deal between me and Hia (@RXinw) and now we both legally share Joong Archen Aydin (and I own the other dudes I mentioned as well) 

We take this very seriously lol


Emotional is not the word. This bichna cries at sad parts in a book for heaven's sake! I'm happy to wallow with you!

Haha, same! I cry if I see a character I like cry lol

Since y'all pointed out a laundry list of problems and issues with Anti Reset, I can see why it would be a hard watch for others. I guess in this instance my happiness at watching a robot drama outweighs everything else, and with both MLs being so sweet, I'm sold. I'll watch it again too.  Haha

I am of the view that the current talk about claims on this forum necessitates the reiteration of my claims of certain actors on this forum for the purpose of informing new members as well as reminding preexisting members of this club of my legal claims of said actors. Reference can be made to my previous posts declaring such claims. For reminders of my claims please give keen attention to the following

Nagumo Shoma

Joong Archen Aydin (Shared with Nong; see Treaty of Joong)

NOTICE: Additions will be made in short order.

 American Fan:
It's called "use your imagination". LOL. Or look at it as SciFi?

Wouldn't fantasies have a lot of illogical things happening as well that can't be explained...?

To a degree of course, but some stuff is just too glaringly wrong to ignore. For example I loved The Terminator. Didn't question a damn thing about how things were able to happen, because it was well produced and written in such a way that you're able to suspend all disbelief and just accept it as being possible. But when the stuff was/is an easy fix and the story adds things just to add them, only to never expand or mention them again, as a way of fixing plot holes and other things like that, more and more mistakes become obvious and impossible to ignore. There's just not enough development or focus on the nuisances that can make or break a story/show.

 I remember those days. You were the beacon of updates and knowledge until the day came when I innocently clicked on your spoilers  ....

Little old me? I am so innocent...........which series exactly was I reacting to lol