
As the resident bad boy/gangsta here I do not do the whole emotions thing however I am happy to have you join us. *fist bump*

My personality/emotions are as eclectic as my tastes in BLs and Music. I've usually got a little bit of everything to suit all types of peeps. I seem to have a very equally balanced Extravert and Introvert nature, along with a high EQ (so much so it's like an oxymoron), who can and does unconsciously adjust to fit the people and vibe I'm chilling with. I'm equally comfy in a crowd and being main character as I am sitting alone for hours quietly reading, writing, or watching shows. Think of me being a lot like the character God in Monster Next Door, tho a lot more scrappy, aggressive, take no ish kinda person, if someone tries to be a bully me or someone I know. I'm a leader not a follower, per se, but will happily follow if it's where I wanna go. *grin*

So I'm more than happy to be a bad girl to your bad boy now and again when we're hanging out (but be careful what you wish for...LOL!). *fist bump* right backattcha!


As the resident bad boy/gangsta here I do not do the whole emotions thing however I am happy to have you join us. *fist bump*

LMAO Can't let the street cred slide now can we? 

I am planning to make some updates to my profile. It may or may not get more raunchy hehehe

Do it. Nothing beats a good raunch. *grin*

I have claims on Michael Cheng, Babe and Billy. I co parent Boun and Prem with Ash LOL

And since I'm not as greedy as some in here * looks at a few in particular *  Yes, you can adopt him as your nephew lol

Not my Boun! LOL! That's ok, I'll just be the favourite cousin who finds trouble with them then. Bwhahahaha! 

*curtsy* thank you. I'll endeavor to be the very best Aunt I can be to your son. Of course, you do know I'm the wild and crazy fun Aunt, right? Just sayin' *brushing the tarnish off my halo*

Orca( Jame Kasama) is so dang attractive I'm obsessed with him already 

@ GelfyFaeth222: Have you seen the behind-the-scenes on GagaOOLala? Michael Chang's personality is even more playful and adorable in real life. My cheeks hurt from smiling every time I watch them.

I don't have that one yet but I am considering it LOL 

Another adorable episode made possible by my adorable Son. I just spent the whole damn episode squeeing over how cute he is LOL

He IS adorable. Have you watched My Tooth Your Love? (I'm not recommending it because I personally didn't like it, although a lot of people did lol BUT) He's part of the side couple in that.

t I am considering it LOL 

I'm not one on subscriptions but I think this one is worth it  there's a lot of series on here  most of the ones we talk about in here haha 

He IS adorable. Have you watched My Tooth Your Love? (I'm not recommending it because I personally didn't like it, although a lot of people did lol BUT) He's part of the side couple in that.

I have it on my watchlist that is ever growing thanks to you lot LOL 

I'm not one on subscriptions but I think this one is worth it  there's a lot of series on here  most of the ones we talk about in here haha 

Considering how much I'm enjoying First Note of Love and it's over production, I may be on team taiwan BL's 

My Tooth Your Love

I wasn't a fan of this series either. I skipped most of it and was only interested in RJ and Alex. HAHA


Orca( Jame Kasama) is so dang attractive I'm obsessed with him already 

That hair is so on purpose LOL xD 


If I didn't see it, it didn't happen. ??

Not gonna work!

Big smooches to you all! ???

Ewwwww, lol. But thanks for the greeting :-)

Considering how much I'm enjoying First Note of Love and it's over production, I may be on team taiwan BL's 

Welcome to the dark side...lol. That said, I don't recommend Anti Reset. It's one of the only TBLs I didn't particularly care for.


That hair is so on purpose LOL xD 

It so is...lol. Love him already too!

 American Fan:
Not gonna work!

But it works for me... bwahahahaha!