
Honesty same. I'm actually really glad he doesn't exist in real life, he's batter as a fictional character (bc if he was real i wouldn't even bother with him ;-;)

True- as a fictonal character he is compelling, sometimes I feel really bad for him... from what I've read so far he didn't grow up in an ideal situation (not an excuse for his behaviour)- but other times I just feel utter disappointment in his attitude. I'm really glad his getting some character development now.

 Raining Sunshine:

BJ Alex - The Most Popular Manhwa(webtoon).
I just go back to read it again and again.

I don't know why I don't get the feel 

When I read things

 Kim Yeong Ja -Key:

I don't know why I don't get the feel 

When I read things

Maybe you are Visual type of person, who likes dramas and movies.

I don't know about others but when i read novels, a constant image of situations  in the novel runs in my mind. And novel tells lot more than drama that's why i am always excited to read Danmei novels.

 Raining Sunshine:

Maybe you are Visual type of person, who likes dramas and movies.

I don't know about others but when i read novels, a constant image of situations  in the novel runs in my mind. And novel tells lot more than drama that's why i am always excited to read Danmei novels.


I just like to watch and feel I get the real vibes then

Hello! Please add me! Thanks in advance <3





Hello! Please add me! Thanks in advance <3


 Kim Yeong Ja -Key:


Thankyou so much! Much love from Rome, Italy


Thankyou so much! Much love from Rome, Italy

No problem :)

 Kim Yeong Ja -Key:

No problem :)

Hello everyone, I am the founder of this club and I am the only one who can add people to the Member’s List. If after awhile you still don’t see your name on the list on Page 1 of this forum, please message me and let me know!— I update it every now and then when I get the chance. I am behind on updates but I plan to get caught up today.

The purpose of the Member’s List is just a way to keep track of everyone and I’ve noticed that people like having their names attached to different groups here on MDL so that’s why I ask people to just comment in the forum if they would like to join and I add them to the list when I can and it’s just that simple. After that, you can type away and enjoy yourselves here :) 

I honestly did not think this club would have this much traction. I for some reason thought like a few people would be interested but I was proven wrong lmao but once again it makes me happy to see everyone here. I hope everyone continues to enjoy this club!!!

hey! i would like to join too ^^

I just welcomed the new members
Did that created ant problem ?

If it did . I'm sorry

 Kim Yeong Ja -Key:

I just welcomed the new members
Did that created ant problem ?

If it did . I'm sorry

No, you didn't cause a problem. There is no need to feel sorry at all. I just wanted to remind everyone of how the club works. The way MDL is set up alot of the messages can get jumbled and lost so I thought it was a good time to reply and make a reminder so people are not confused on how this club works especially for new members :)


No, you didn't cause a problem. There is no need to feel sorry at all. I just wanted to remind everyone of how the club works. The way MDL is set up alot of the messages can get jumbled and lost so I thought it was a good time to reply and make a reminder so people are not confused on how this club works especially for new members :)

I see