
Not from the drama, but... this was the first thing that popped into my mind-

"Everyday means everyday."

If you know you know-

Seeing all these deep answers compared to my reptilian brain... I'm just going to go inhabit the nearest bin.

LOL I honestly had to skim through some episodes to pick quotes I thought were nice because I don't remember them off the top of my head like that 

"As far as I'm concerned it's perfectly normal." His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta

''I have my regret."
"What regret?"
"At Nevernight, I wasn't by your side."

"What's the name of the song?"
both are from Untamed/Mao Dao Zu Shi

"If we die and were born again, do you think we will find each other?" Until We Meet Again


Not from the drama, but... this was the first thing that popped into my mind-

"Everyday means everyday."

If you know you know-

Seeing all these deep answers compared to my reptilian brain... I'm just going to go inhabit the nearest bin.

made me giggle

Forgot this......

Where there is love, there is pain (cutie pie)


aahhahah I love this, thats THE quote of them all

Hahahahahahaha I see you are cultured 


LOL I honestly had to skim through some episodes to pick quotes I thought were nice because I don't remember them off the top of my head like that 

I only remembered that one quote cause it lives in my head rent free hahahaha


made me giggle

Hahahaha glad it made you giggle

  • To My Star –Want to do it? “Do It”? Do What?......... Jiujitsu?

  • To My Star –Ji Woo, If its too hard for you, I’ll come to you

  • To My Star –I think I like you. I kept wondering when you’d be home. I wanted to call you, and now I’m really happy you’re home. When I am with you I don’t feel anxious. …[JW] Were you a dog in a past life?

  • To My Star - I want to kiss you even when I’m not drunk

  • Light on me –During the time I couldn’t see anything and I was unaware, Noh Shin Woo thought about me. He talked to me. The messages that remained unread and his feelings that weren’t relayed came pouring out to me all at once.
  • Light on me –Then were you thinking about me all this time? [NSW] Yes. Yesterday, today and probably tomorrow. I will continue thinking about you.

  • Like in the movies – I refuse to be a plot device that triggers somebody else’s identity crisis.

  • Like in the movies – you know I hate when people do that, use some sort of euphemism. Gay, homo, pink , queer. Just say it. It’s not an insult it needs no euphemism.

  • Like in the movies – Don’t bring Jesus into this, he’s way to forgiving to be a Capricorn.

  • We Best Love – Yes, I like you but that is none of your business.

  • We Best Love – I’m doomed. I think I’ve fallen for him

  • Bad Buddy – the entire script

Secret  Crush on You - "Let me show you how the "adults" do it"

Not Me - " Freedom is oxygen to your soul"

Love Sick Season 1 - “A best friend is someone who will love you the day you forget to love yourself.”

Love Sick Season 2 - “Tears are easier to understand than words.”

The ones that comes to my mind straight up are both from Theory of Love:

  • "For me, you're not a movie. You are real."
  • "Is this how you've felt? You act like it's all fun but you're hurt deep inside."

these all come from what i would consider has my top 3 bls  + for some u have to know the context to completely get them but

to my star: "why did you have to come into my life and ruin it?"

"if its hard for you i will go to you "

your name engraved herein : "the sea kept rising that day. i had really hoped this would be the end of the world"

"chang jiahan. can you please stop bothering me" 

summer daze (not technically a show yet and this was only in the sub titles for the short film but this really hit for me) "you said that was the best summer of your life. but for me that summer never ended"

but my favourite is again from tms: "i want to kiss you even when im not drunk"

also special mention to the poem scene in love class i only saw it yesterday but ive been thinking about it a lot it might be one of my new favourites

What's meant for you won't go past you.  ~Inn Love

I want to bring a person back to Cloud Recesses. Bring him back and hide him there.  ~The Untamed

  • "To win over someone's heart, you must first give your own" ~ 1000 Stars.
  • "For me you are not a movie, you are real" ~ Theory Of Love.
  • “For 13 years I wait for you. For 13 years, I play Inquiry for you, in hope that I could reach out for you—in hope that I could still talk to you. You never answer me back. All these questions in me left unanswered, all these feelings left unresolved. Why won’t you answer me back? Wei Ying, will you come back?” ~  Lan Wang Ji, The Untamed.

These are some lines that touched me while watching those dramas. 

I can't remember but I will try - 

The Untamed -  (LWJ ) - "Walking on the plank bridge till it is dark does not seem too bad"

The Untamed  - (WWX) - "How can you tell who is right and who is wrong?"

Like in the movies -  (Vlad) - "It needs no euphemism, it is not an insult"

Like in the movies -   (In the end of the ep) - "Love is what makes you dance in joy"

UWMA - (Win)- "In this world, you can be afraid of anything. But you cannot be afraid of me. Especially my feelings for you."

Bad Buddy - (Pat) - "Does making me the wife make you feel superior?"

Kieta hatsukoi - (idk the master) - "The reason why you failed is because you both are scared"

My beautiful man - (Kiyoi) - "You are really *blushes* disgusting *smiles shyly*"

Sematic error - (Jaeyong and Sangwoo convo)

J- "Sangwoo-yah aren't you the type of person who faces the issues?"

S - "You cannot tell me that the solution is love"

J - "If you are not sure then why not try a two-week trial?"

S - "Is this some kind of live streaming service?"

J - "Why, are you afraid to subscribe?"

History 2 right or wrong (Yo yo) - "I hate all of you" // "Did you just hit me?"

History 3 trapped (that red guy who is a gangster but doesn't act like one lol) - "Shorty, you attract me"

ATOTS  - If you believe in yourself that you did the right today, you won't worry tomorrow.

You make me dance - "Why are you so desperate to have people around you?"