Battle of The Writers - episode 4

HAHAHAHAHAHA that was like watching the Titantic 2.0 because this series certainly sank.

Vapidity at its finest.

I have repeatedly voiced my reservations of this series well since I already gave some of my honest thoughts yesterday why stop now.

Fans of this couple may be offended so do not read if you love them.

TutorYim keeps getting these mediocre scripts with these shallow no personality characters. Although I am giving too much credit to the production company failing them because they themselves, I doubt, know how to act outside of these immature and "cute" characters. They are yet another couple that needs to be split apart and go and act outside of BL and each other, and developed their craft as versatile actors instead of being stuck playing these cute and shallow characters. Their chemistry is  not even that strong to distract from the stupidity I just witnessed. I wonder how long it took them to shoot those scenes of them acting like 3 year olds and did they have any self respect or dignity left after shooting those scenes.

This was just absurd. After watching Middleman's Love and now this I do not even like seeing their faces because they forecast second hand embarrassment. I was embarrassed for them watching whatever this episode was. Honestly at this point I do not know which is worse Middleman's Love or this vapid piece of work.

Glad I got that off my chest. I am going to fast forward the rest of this series because the only piece of this mess I like is the potential side couple.

Someone posted this in a comment section lol:

 American Fan:

Battle of the Writers EP 4

I need to get it out, now. 


Done screaming.

It started off ok. I'm admiring Tutor's wardrobe and his figure, specially in long robes. He's just so perfect.  And Yim is so cute in the bed scenes when he gets flustered over Shan (Tutor).  

And then my bubble burst into teeny tiny pieces.

Everyone's hallucinating, including me.  Animated talking mushrooms appear at the dinner table. Tutor & Yim in animal face paint romping around like 2 year olds for almost 5 minutes straight. 

I'm traumatized, for real. I think I've been tricked.  Am I watching the same drama I've been watching since it started? I don't think so. 

And no Mark & Gems scenes. Not one. :-(

I'm going to have to consider whether I can bear to watch another ep. I might need therapy first.

You've got my attention and now I must go watch this with everyone just to weigh in on the ridiculousness hahaha


Ooops, sparkly *....* And pretty men.....pretty men everywhere lol

Lmao ♡

Battle of the Writers Ep4

Let me be honest here, this show is far from being a masterpiece, and I can pinpoint all of its flaws, but-- I actually love it ???

This pretty much matches my own opinion. 

I can't seem to find the plot but I honestly don't care.
TutorYim. That's it. 

Yup. The story and editing (especially the jumping between reality, virtual collaboration and the story-within-the-story) is really confusing, but I don't care: This is manna from heaven* for Tutor/Yim fans.

* sounds nicer and less sordid than "a drug fix":


Basically, I've been saying this since episode 2. I've been so lost. I'm really trying to like this show, but I just don't get it. Maybe it's the editing style, but there's just so much going on.

It's become a mess that's what's going on, imo. 

I wonder how long it took them to shoot those scenes of them acting like 3 year olds and did they have any self respect or dignity left after shooting those scenes.

This. While I was suffering whiplash, that thought crossed my mind too.

You've got my attention and now I must go watch this with everyone just to weigh in on the ridiculousness hahaha

Be my guest!! If you want to go straight to the crime chaos scene try 29 mins in of EP 4.  

This is manna from heaven for Tutor/Yim fans.

I understand what you mean. I really like them a lot but it's not enough for me.

I have to have more  even if they are close to my top favs (and Tutor is my UTL BL pick!!). I know they can do well. I see a lot of potential for the both of them. 

 American Fan:
Everyone's hallucinating, including me.  Animated talking mushrooms appear at the dinner table.

I have talking animals on my "Least Favorites" list on my pf page. I'm going to add talking food as well.

I am getting life changing news tomorrow (academically) apparently and I am not going to be nervous because Gangstas do not show nerves. 

With that being said I need a good BL to binge right now; any recs.

P.S I just watched First Note Of Love and I was very distracted but I got the gist of the episode and it was fine.

 American Fan:

I have talking animals on my "Least Favorites" list on my pf page. I'm going to add talking food as well.

SCREAMING lol they really messed up tonight didn't they?

 American Fan:
It's become a mess

I've noticed that some of the highly anticipated shows for 2024 have not met expectations. It seems that they are not delivering on what was promised in the trailers. I guess it's normal to experience some letdowns, considering I've already viewed over 22 new releases this year. It's inevitable to encounter a few disappointments in the mix.I think that the lower-budget series have been more successful in maintaining a coherent story and captivating the audience compared to the big-budget releases.
I know this might be a controversial topic here, but I'm really impressed with the JBL's coming out this year.

With that being said I need a good BL to binge right now; any recs.

Hmmm, what haven't you seen?? Let me check your PTW list. I'll click on your list real fast since I'm banned from your pf.


SCREAMING lol they really messed up tonight didn't they?

Yeah, not sure I can sleep.

I mean, I'm in mourning now. I had high hopes for this drama, but not sure I can get past this. My review was honestly for real. I'm still reeling from the shock.

I am not going to be nervous because Gangstas do not show nerves. 

 Although I did choke on my drink while reading this, I give you credit for your wit. I hope your news is positive. Currently, I am watching Innocent.  It has a unique concept for a BL drama, you never know  what your going to get out of a drama whose main selling point is DID. 

 American Fan:
I understand what you mean. I really like them a lot but it's not enough for me.

See? Although we have much in common, this is the difference between us: You have high standards. Once my heartfelt feelings* for cuties take over, I don't.

* Sounds more refined than "lustful urges". (It's a guy thing.)

With that being said I need a good BL to binge right now; any recs.

You have a lot of titles I've never heard of, let alone watched.

Angel In The Toilet....really??

My picks:

Breeze of Love

Bon Appetit

Boys Be Brave - I LOVED this one!!

History 2: Right or Wrong

Love Mate

Love Tractor

Oh My Assistant (drama)


See? Although we have much in common, this is the difference between us: You have high standards. Once my heartfelt feelings* for cuties take over, I don't.

* Sounds more refined than "lustful urges". (It's a guy thing.)

Haha, true! 

Does your hubby watch BL's with you?