
Caught a break with some stable connection so let me make this quick and let me apologise for the length of this post as well as if anything here sounds repetitive (if repetitive consider it a reminder lol)

Source: X (Twitter)


Forgive my reaction, I can't keep up!!!!

 American Fan:

I'm just an ep or 2 ahead of you! It's been so long since I've seen KP I don't remember details like that. :-)

Better a little early than late when traveling. With the amount of times travel schedules change, it's good to have a little leeway. 

Kp left an impact 😂 I tend to remember what hit hard.

I finished My Stand-In last night and so many thoughts and feelings are swirling in my head. I'm not good at writing or expressing feelings on "paper", but I can list a few descriptive words.

  • Toxic
  • Dysfunctional
  • Injustice
  • Controlling
  • Possessive
  • Needy
  • Death
  • Soul Reincarnation
  • Second Chances
  • Life Choices
  • Setting Boundaries

And questions that gave me pause for reflection:

Given a second chance at life, would I live my life the same as before

What would it be like to be at my own funeral

How would it feel to see a stranger's face in the mirror and know that it's mine now

How much can people really change, in a healthy way, for good

What is the afterlife like and so many more questions...

I liked the series enough that I felt compelled to watch it as quickly as I could. There were inconsistent areas that I had to ignore though and why I couldn't rate above an 8/10.

I could never write a review! :-)


There were moments I felt a personal connection, such as Joe's mom. She smiled, talked gently, and had a personality  just like my Thai host when I was in Thailand. Also, the funeral location felt familiar, although I'm sure it wasn't the exact place. My host took me to her local temple, which was beautiful. The incense lighting, flowers, monks, sitting on the floor and so on, all bring back nice memories.

I saw another member's photos of Paris posted in the feeds.  I wonder if I should post a few photos of Thailand in my feed?

I finished it My Stand In this morning. It had the same director and screenwriter as kinnporsche, so I wasn't having a psychotic break 😂 it was the same music and feel to it and I'm convinced a few sets LOL

I wrote a review for it if anyone's interested. 

I have now moved back to Korea for some mermaids 😂


I know I would cry at my own funeral, just seeing my own body lying empty. I've had poor mental health these last few years and one night I was having a hard time and I was watching outer body experiences, and one man's experience has always stayed with me. 

He said that he was in the corner of the room and he was watching his body die and the doctors trying to save him and for the first time in his life, he felt true appreciation for his body, flaws and all because it was like leaving a well loved blanket behind. It wasn't perfect but fulfilled it's purpose and he said he's never looked at himself in the mirror the same way again. He learned true love and respect for his body, and I was so touched by this I've always tried to practice that ever since. So if I was witnessed my own body being buried I feel like it would hurt more than burying a loved one.

 American Fan:
I wonder if I should post a few photos of Thailand in my feed?

Emphatically yes!

Oh wow. I didn't actually hit "reply" for the above post about My Stand-In...MDL was down so I just closed everything out. So weird. And unsettling...

But there it is!


Emphatically yes!

Okaaayyy!! Will do this week! 

I wrote a review for it if anyone's interested. 

I read it and it's very good!!



I know I would cry at my own funeral, just seeing my own body lying empty. I've had poor mental health these last few years and one night I was having a hard time and I was watching outer body experiences, and one man's experience has always stayed with me. 

He said that he was in the corner of the room and he was watching his body die and the doctors trying to save him and for the first time in his life, he felt true appreciation for his body, flaws and all because it was like leaving a well loved blanket behind. It wasn't perfect but fulfilled it's purpose and he said he's never looked at himself in the mirror the same way again. He learned true love and respect for his body, and I was so touched by this I've always tried to practice that ever since. So if I was witnessed my own body being buried I feel like it would hurt more than burying a loved one. 

Thank you for sharing this. And the outer body story. I hope there are some dramas that give a peaceful healing feeling for you. There are dramas and stories that I instinctively avoid for my mental health. :-)

I think about death and my own mortality a lot, but not always in a bad way. Yes, it would be a different kind of feeling if I saw my own body lying there compared to a loved one. For sure very surreal. I was trying to put myself in Joe's place during that scene. I thought he was fairly calm given the circumstances. 

I'm def going to find a cheerful fluffy drama to watch next. Kinda like having something sweet after a spicy or bitter meal. :-) Anyone have a recommendation that I haven't seen? haha

Allure of the Siren - Official Pilot

OMG Vampire - 5/10

Love Sea ep 5 - enjoyed it; however I am starting to have a few doubts but let me see how today's episode plays out.

Planning to wrap up We Are today so I can watch the finale Wednesday. I am finding it a chore to watch though which speaks to how much my interest is waning; surprisingly. 

I have sort of avoided Wandee Goodday lol but maybe I will catch up on it today.

Sunset x Vibes - definitely watching the two episodes I missed today. I am very excited about having two episodes to watch instead of 1 so I guess there is some good to me being out of action last week.

Now that We Are and Wandee Goodday are coming to an end and OMG Vampire has finished, I have enough room in my schedule to start Meet You at the Blossom, This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans and Century of Love as well as since My Stand-In has finally finished airing I will get to binge and judging by these comments I will be in for a ride; a toxic one at that. I may just watch season 2 of Call It What You Want after My Stand-In and then just jump right into the Novelist. 

How do I plan to accomplish all of this? I have no idea but this is not my first rodeo and it will definitely not be my last. 

Oh! Sky Valley the Filipino BL starts July 20 so add that to my list. As for the J-BLs I will get to them soon enough perhaps after I have cleared a substantial amount of the ones I still have not watched.

Oh and the Internet connection is stable again so....I am back fully B*tchess (If you found that offensive I sincerely apologise) 

Oh and the Internet connection is stable again so....I am back fully B*tchess (If you found that offensive I sincerely apologise) 

I'm offended. Can you tell?

Anyways, I have to catch up on Love Sea, WG and My Love Mix-Up! 

It's surely a Sunday. I woke up today with no motivation for anything. I don't even want to get dressed. :-(

Totally unrelated, but I wish there was a way to make group messages in the inbox, but no not for spamming.  I suppose that's why we can't though. I prob answered my own question.


I finished it My Stand In this morning. It had the same director and screenwriter as kinnporsche, so I wasn't having a psychotic break 😂 it was the same music and feel to it and I'm convinced a few sets LOL

I wrote a review for it if anyone's interested. 

I have now moved back to Korea for some mermaids 😂

The house that Ming's family lives in, is an several BL shows.


The house that Ming's family lives in, is an several BL shows.

I think I've watched around 4 or 5 Thai BL's in total. Reusing sets doesn't bother me. I get excited when I recognise places in cdramas LOL it was just the music took me back a bit. I wasnt expecting that.

Re: Mew and Tul's relationship reveal interview

For this brief moment I am going to be a bit sappy.

I finally watched the interview in full and the joy seeing them happy is indescribable. Mew and Tul are two actors that hold a special place in my heart. While I was exposed to the BL universe early on in my life I never really started watching series from the genre consistently and obsessively until around when Tul's series "Together With Me" with Max came out. They walked so a lot of BL series today could run. I remember watching them and being amazed at how open they were on screen with the kisses and other intimate scenes because at that time with the series I had watched I was not used to that type of freedom of expression in a BL. "Together With Me" really ignited my passion for the BL genre on a whole new level. Then there was TharnType; I did not watch it while it was airing. I remember holding off on it for so long because at the time there were so many good reviews so I wanted to save it. When I binge watched it I fell in love with BLs all over again. Today there are a lot of arguments in favour of it and a lot that are not in favour however I still love that series and I never will regret watching it because it cemented me even further into my love for the BL genre; then Until We Meet Again rocked my world lol. I am saying all of this because to see Mew and Tul, two actors who starred in BLs I hold close to my heart, be happy and have their own real life love story with each other, brings back all those feelings from those years ago watching them on screen playing these characters and without knowing it, made my entire world light up after school each evening watching them.

Furthermore, I recall all the hate Mew got when he came out and said MewGulf was not real. That is a whole other post but I mention it to say that seeing him now happy for himself and not for other people's own delusions is inspiring to see and I would think especially inspiring for other BL actors who feel trap in their ships. 

All to say that I am very happy to see Mew and Tul happy in their love because I remember all the happiness they brought to my life those years ago. Best wishes to them.

 American Fan:
I'm offended. Can you tell?

Wait, really. Sorry *teary eye emoji*

 American Fan:
It's surely a Sunday. I woke up today with no motivation for anything. I don't even want to get dressed. :-(

I feel you on this. I wish I really could just grow a money tree in my back yard so I could just relax!

OMG we are at our 900th page so we are now heading towards our 1000th page of the club. Any ideas of how to celebrate when we hit our 1000th?

Re: Mew and Tul's relationship reveal interview

For this brief moment I am going to be a bit sappy.

Aw, it was nice to read your thoughts on this. I don't go that far back, but still I know the series you are referring too and have seen most of them too. TharnType had a hold of me for a while. It's really lovely to see Mew & Tul together. 

So on to my watches so far today. But wait - where is everyone? Maybe it's a busy weekend and BL besties haven't had time to drama watch? 

The last few days I've been stuck inside cuz of a high heat wave and bad air quality due to wildfire smoke. In my area A/C is not a given (but TG I have it). Maybe cuz the nights dip down into the upper 50s and that's in the summer. Enough about weather!!

Wandee Goodday EP 11

Ho hum, what can I say? I feel bad that I'm just not into WG. It's not me, it's them. There isn't anything exciting or new happening here.  The focus shifted to the boxing ring, one of my least favorite sports, so this ep got a lot of fast forwarding action. The kisses aren't even exciting. What a shame, there's nothing to spoil here.  The good news: Only one ep left!

Love Sea EP 5

I liked this ep better. A few favorite things:

Mut & Rak's grocery shopping scenes.

Rak coming down to eat late nite, clearly feeling dejected and cried over Mut's dish.

Shopping for Mut's suits and they end up in the dressing room, but before they get kissy & handsy, Mut talks about his feelings regarding being looked down on. Good scene.

Peat looks super good in his silk nightshirt and his hair down. How is anyone so beautiful? And how does he only have 976 hearts on MDL?!?!

I'll wait another time to catch up with My Love Mix-up. I have to spend some quality time with my ult K-pop group!!